Sweet Corn, Inflation! And Iowa.....


HB King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
Jeeebus keeeerist, it must be a slow news day! Did you know the price of sweet corn is going up! Fertilizer, fuel and associated costs and I’ll be damned....the price is increasing!
No way let’s have have some damned is phuquin’ SWEET cORN! Corn on the cob! Something we eat in Iowa for about 6 weeks a year, if we eat it at all! Hellsbells, half of Iowans can’t eat the stuff because they have no teeth or their colons reject it.....and don’t get cocky you have the same issues! Yet the local news keeps running this “inflation” story like it has some major economic impact on the state.....Get a clue guys, it does NOT!
Iowans are foolish enough to keep buying the stuff regardless of the price...hellsbells, they will buy anything...they voted for Trump twice! I doubt anyone in Iowa is gonna starve to death because they didn’t get their portion of sweet corn this summer. It just is no big deal....perhaps a pimple on the ass of an elephant but not much more. In case you haven’t noticed, the price of shit has been going up for several decades! Finally let me suggest...if the price is “too high” buy something else!
I do wish Soybean an outstanding year of sales!
How's ring bologna and Dutch letters prices?
It makes no difference..l
IntVeld’s is worth any price, but always pay “the local price” ;) ...I don’t buy “letters”...the best bang for your buck are the almond bankets (more almond paste)....only one bakery sells bankets....Insider’s hint: the best bankets can be bought at Tulip Time from the local church auxiliaries.
God and Jesus smile upon Pella because they love almond paste, too!

My educated guess on ringed bologna prices would be $5-5.50/ ring.
Sounds like Joel's diverticulitis is flaring up.
I have had several good months now....This SPRING I started eating more almonds and pistachios ( doctor’s suggestion),’s been a Godsend for my rather temperamental colon. But corn is a nasty vegetable for me to digest and I shy away from it. I have devoured several bags of popcorn in the past 3-4 months without anything extreme or unusual. But, it is “higher grade” ( cleaner, less husks) popcorn..that might mKe a difference. There might come a day in a week or so where I will try one ear of corn...but we shall see.
I have had several good months now....This SPRING I started eating more almonds and pistachios ( doctor’s suggestion),’s been a Godsend for my rather temperamental colon. But corn is a nasty vegetable for me to digest and I shy away from it. I have devoured several bags of popcorn in the past 3-4 months without anything extreme or unusual. But, it is “higher grade” ( cleaner, less husks) popcorn..that might mKe a difference. There might come a day in a week or so where I will try one ear of corn...but we shall see.
Haven't eaten sweet corn in 12 years. Took me about 5 attacks to learn.
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Inflation has no economic impact!

Don't forget the best part:

"The Guardian's findings are in line with recent US commerce department data that shows corporate profits rose 35% during the last year and are at their highest level since 1950. Inflation, meanwhile, rose to 8.5% year over year in March.Apr 27, 2022"

Yeah, but you keep pretending that 8.5% inflation is due to anything more than pure corporate greed. It's not like us taxpayers just gave them a permanent 25% tax cut 5 years ago....oh wait.
How's ring bologna and Dutch letters
Jeeebus keeeerist, it must be a slow news day! Did you know the price of sweet corn is going up! Fertilizer, fuel and associated costs and I’ll be damned....the price is increasing!
No way let’s have have some damned is phuquin’ SWEET cORN! Corn on the cob! Something we eat in Iowa for about 6 weeks a year, if we eat it at all! Hellsbells, half of Iowans can’t eat the stuff because they have no teeth or their colons reject it.....and don’t get cocky you have the same issues! Yet the local news keeps running this “inflation” story like it has some major economic impact on the state.....Get a clue guys, it does NOT!
Iowans are foolish enough to keep buying the stuff regardless of the price...hellsbells, they will buy anything...they voted for Trump twice! I doubt anyone in Iowa is gonna starve to death because they didn’t get their portion of sweet corn this summer. It just is no big deal....perhaps a pimple on the ass of an elephant but not much more. In case you haven’t noticed, the price of shit has been going up for several decades! Finally let me suggest...if the price is “too high” buy something else!
I do wish Soybean an outstanding year of sales!
Give me sweet corn or give me death!
Jeeebus keeeerist, it must be a slow news day! Did you know the price of sweet corn is going up! Fertilizer, fuel and associated costs and I’ll be damned....the price is increasing!
No way let’s have have some damned is phuquin’ SWEET cORN! Corn on the cob! Something we eat in Iowa for about 6 weeks a year, if we eat it at all! Hellsbells, half of Iowans can’t eat the stuff because they have no teeth or their colons reject it.....and don’t get cocky you have the same issues! Yet the local news keeps running this “inflation” story like it has some major economic impact on the state.....Get a clue guys, it does NOT!
Iowans are foolish enough to keep buying the stuff regardless of the price...hellsbells, they will buy anything...they voted for Trump twice! I doubt anyone in Iowa is gonna starve to death because they didn’t get their portion of sweet corn this summer. It just is no big deal....perhaps a pimple on the ass of an elephant but not much more. In case you haven’t noticed, the price of shit has been going up for several decades! Finally let me suggest...if the price is “too high” buy something else!
I do wish Soybean an outstanding year of sales!
Honestly, I would rather eat cabbage and sauerkraut! I dearly love them but my colon says, “Go will pay tomorrow!”
Sometimes though, a brat gets the sauerkraut! And tomorrow, I suffer in silence.
like... big farts? or huge mud pie dumps?
I drove over to Lake Panorama the other day...the corn and bean fields along #44 look outstanding! Can’t ever remember seeing Iowa countryside looking better. There is a certain beauty to Iowa that is unique.
I agree, I travel a fair amount and I enjoy the views of forests, desert, mountains and beaches but there is something about the rolling fields of corn that really stand out.