Teamsters Union Will NOT Endorse Harris

hardly cause for her concern. "the unions" are not the industrial unions they once were. Most of "the unions" are government employees, teachers, and to a lesser degree, entertainers. they're not going anywhere.
That's a 23 point swing from blue to red in the largest union in the country. This is huge. I can guarantee Kamala and co are not pleased with this swing.
FWIW, the dynamic where the rank and file members of a given union support a candidate that is not a Dem is something that I have seen over the past 8 years or so too. If I had to guess, the union that I am most familiar with would have numbers of Trump supporters just about what the Teamsters are showing above, FWIW.

Now then...the union leadership is still officially on "Team Blue" and donations and such flow accordingly. But on individual level, there is A LOT of support for non-Dems.
hardly cause for her concern. "the unions" are not the industrial unions they once were. Most of "the unions" are government employees, teachers, and to a lesser degree, entertainers. they're not going anywhere.
Napkin math so bare with me:

58% want Trump

California, Hawaii, and Nevada ( don't love that one) all immediatly filled they were with Kamala. That, again napkin, says something like 80+ % of EVERY other union member, is voting Red.

The dems were going to win Cali and Hawaii no matter.
FWIW, the dynamic where the rank and file members of a given union support a candidate that is not a Dem is something that I have seen over the past 8 years or so too. If I had to guess, the union that I am most familiar with would have numbers of Trump supporters just about what the Teamsters are showing above, FWIW.

Now then...the union leadership is still officially on "Team Blue" and donations and such flow accordingly. But on individual level, there is A LOT of support for non-Dems.
which is hilarious considering Republicans have long been anti-union.
which is hilarious considering Republicans have long been anti-union.
Predominantly, what I have heard multiple people (union, non-Dems) comment on is that they despise the giveaway programs that reward the people that choose not to work...while they are doing the work AND being taxed to support the various programs.

Whereas there is reason for union members to be wary of Rep's...there is ALSO reason for union members to be wary of Dem's...particularly policies that reward non-work and/or are otherwise nutty.
Predominantly, what I have heard multiple people (union, non-Dems) comment on is that they despise the giveaway programs that reward the people that choose not to work...while they are doing the work AND being taxed to support the various programs.

Whereas there is reason for union members to be wary of Rep's...there is ALSO reason for union members to be wary of Dem's...particularly policies that reward non-work and/or are otherwise nutty.
Dems have been the ones to pass and support policies that many of these people love. Social security, Medicare/Medicaid, ACA and several others.

I know why many of them really love Trump (because I've had real life convos with several of these types) and when you get down to it, many of these people (and most aren't going to like me for this but it's true) cannot manage their finances or personal lives. So, they want someone to blame and someone to be their crusader for their perceived grievances.

Don't get me wrong. Occasionally, they have a legitimate gripe. And yes, Democrats spend too much (so do Rs btw). But what it ultimately comes down to is Trump plays the victim just like some of them do.
Oh really? Scott Walker literally tried to break the backs of the unions in Wisconsin. He must have been a Democrat.

That's wonderful. I'm referring to the politics of the people actually in unions. What's your impression of the political scene in your union lodge?
That's wonderful. I'm referring to the politics of the people actually in unions. What's your impression of the political scene in your union lodge?
That wasn't what your response to me was. I don't think you are understanding what I am saying.

I am aware that many card carrying union members are now Rs. What I'm saying is the Republican party, historically and now, does not support unions and mostly wants them gone. These union Trumpers are literally voting against their own interests.
That wasn't what your response to me was. I don't think you are understanding what I am saying.

I am aware that many card carrying union members are now Rs. What I'm saying is the Republican party, historically and now, does not support unions and mostly wants them gone. These union Trumpers are literally voting against their own interests.
(Which is pretty typical off most folks who vote fro Trump! Shortsighted and sorry, just flat stupid politically.) Republicans love them that “trickle down” and Dems still try to raise the tide and lift all the boats.)

Internal teamsters poll shows 58% favor trump while only 31% favor Kamala. Republican party becoming the party of the working man. When was the last time the teamsters didn't endorse a Democrat for president?

Kamala has all of the other meaningful unions, and plenty of teamsters will vote for her., so you really thought you had one here didn't you? A win would be if they endorsed trump, and they did not. Big fail there mister.
Napkin math so bare with me:

58% want Trump

California, Hawaii, and Nevada ( don't love that one) all immediatly filled they were with Kamala. That, again napkin, says something like 80+ % of EVERY other union member, is voting Red.

The dems were going to win Cali and Hawaii no matter.

Projection lol
That wasn't what your response to me was. I don't think you are understanding what I am saying.

I am aware that many card carrying union members are now Rs. What I'm saying is the Republican party, historically and now, does not support unions and mostly wants them gone. These union Trumpers are literally voting against their own interests.

I know what you meant. I thought I'd shed some light on what it's like on the grassroots union political stage. I work with plenty of liberals and plenty of conservatives and with a lot of people who either don't give a shit about politics or fall somewhere in between blue and red. It has always been this way. What's different now is that rift between right and left is so hot, that political conversation has been strongly discouraged at work. It leads to arguments, hurt feelings and wasted time. This hasn't ever happened before. The Teamsters transition surprises me, honestly.
Dems have been the ones to pass and support policies that many of these people love. Social security, Medicare/Medicaid, ACA and several others.

I know why many of them really love Trump (because I've had real life convos with several of these types) and when you get down to it, many of these people (and most aren't going to like me for this but it's true) cannot manage their finances or personal lives. So, they want someone to blame and someone to be their crusader for their perceived grievances.

Don't get me wrong. Occasionally, they have a legitimate gripe. And yes, Democrats spend too much (so do Rs btw). But what it ultimately comes down to is Trump plays the victim just like some of them do.
Could be. ^^ I just don't see/hear that in the ones that I know well. While there is definitely some unevenness in how guys manage their personal finances, pretty much every guy works hard for their money and they think others should do so too.
I'm going to go out in a limb and guess msnbc just compared thia to Donald working with the mob.

This. Also interesting, though not surprising, to see lefties mock these people the second the majority dissents for the first time. Cult mentality.
They are literally voting to slice their own throats if they vote Republican. It really makes one question their intelligence.

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