Thanks to Reagan and the Conservatives

If only we were socialist, we could have turned that $50 Trillion in production into $10 Trillion and the top 1% would still have the largest share (by definition).

Then OP would be happy.
Yeah, Reagan greased our skids to a service economy and our economy changed from a manufacturing base to a financing/banking base. Lots of money could be made for the connected and we saw the rise of vulture capitalism. What had normally been good paying jobs in manufacturing and production were largely eliminated. Not our nation's shining moment as a lot of people got tossed to the side. My dad retired from farming in 1978 and he said it was the best move of his life. No regrets, especially with all of the farm collapses in the 80's. Rain on the scarecrow, blood on the plow, as John Mellencamp would say.
Reagan demanded many of these farmers go broke and sell out….the rise of the corporate farm resulted….but the Hawks started winning football games and everyone (Iowans) loved Reagan and let it slide……Reagan’s mini-boom set up Bush’s mini-bust and paved the way for 8 solid years of economic progress under Bill Clinton. Bush Junior came in, cut taxes for the rich, allowed Congress top end oversight of investment banks in in 6 short years damn near bankrupted the nation’s financial system for the benefit of a very few “financiers”……This lead to a “bail-out” and 15 years of “free money” plus another bailout and another rediculous “welfare for the rich” tax cut…..enter Covid….and more “bail-outs”…..and Americans wonder why we are in an inflationary economy today? Look at the past 18 years…….can you see why? (It’s goes MUCH deeper and further than “Bidenomics”…..)
Reagan received a lot of credit for the economy at the time, but the average American wasn't smart enough to see a decade or two later and how it would affect them. Even today Reagan gets little blame for the policies he pushed when he took office.
I really hope you’re not doubting this because it’s crystal clear it’s been the case since he slashed corporate tax rates. CEO pay compared to worker pay growth since 1980. The middle class got effed.
I wasn't aware it was the government's job to decide how much money someone made.
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I remember when Corrupt Reagan promised the moon to Iran if he would NOT release their hostages while Carter was in office, until he was president, this fact came out much later.
Arms for hostages.


Support for the Afghan forces that later became the Taliban.

What a great record by Reagan and the Republicans

We're still paying the price.
They have made damn sure wealthy people made billions more. Keep fighting for them…you’re great at pushing their agenda.
Be honest, the reason you care about what rich people pay in taxes is so you can try and get more of their money for yourself.
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I lived in the UK. I know free healthcare is a farce. Talk to me when you've lived it, until then just spout whatever Rachel Maddow tells you to.
What do you propose to fix our healthcare system? Or do you believe it’s good as is?
Be honest, the reason you care about what rich people pay in taxes is so you can try and get more of their money for yourself.
That's ridiculous, wrong, and a very nasty viewpoint.

I'm not @Tom Paris but my view is that we should pay our bills. Your side pretends to agree, but then cuts taxes for the rich, so we can't pay the bills.

I have no school age kids, but I want US public schools to be world class.

This is America. We should have clean water, air, food....

This is America. We should have world class health care for all, not just the well off.

This is America. Our democracy should work for all of us, not just the plutocrats, oligarchs, corporations, and churches.

This is America and sometimes compromises have to be made. But tax cuts for the rich aren't compromises. They are giveaways. Sometimes they are downright theft.
What do you propose to fix our healthcare system? Or do you believe it’s good as is?
I don't have the answer, but Im 100% certain thats not it.

One thing I was told repeatedly in the UK was how they wished they had access to the level of healthcare we do. Now I will say this was pre-Obamacare (that passed while I lived there), and our wait times have increased since then and insurance companies haven't exactly made it easy to get needed healthcare. We also have more non-citizens requiring healthcare with an inability to pay than ever before, sooo it's gotten a little less efficient here too, although we technically serve more people now than we did then.

We'd probably do ourselves well to roll it back to pre-Obamacare and start fixing from there. But even now, we have it better than they do.

So in relative terms, "it's good as is," even though we know it's not perfect.

Wait, this isn't a healthcare thread.
I remember when Corrupt Reagan promised the moon to Iran if he would NOT release their hostages while Carter was in office, until he was president, this fact came out much later.
Now would Trump telling House republicans in Congress to reject Biden’s offer to endorse the Lankford immigration deal be his “Reagan Moment”? :eek:
Here’s Nancy Pelosi defending her insider trading because she’s better and more deserving than everyone else.

Faulty…..How old is this “story” you are breaking here? Pelosi hasn’t been Speaker for well over a year now… this clip, she still is “the Speaker”? You guys really do live in the past, don’t you?
I don't have the answer, but Im 100% certain thats not it.

One thing I was told repeatedly in the UK was how they wished they had access to the level of healthcare we do. Now I will say this was pre-Obamacare (that passed while I lived there), and our wait times have increased since then and insurance companies haven't exactly made it easy to get needed healthcare. We also have more non-citizens requiring healthcare with an inability to pay than ever before, sooo it's gotten a little less efficient here too, although we technically serve more people now than we did then.

We'd probably do ourselves well to roll it back to pre-Obamacare and start fixing from there. But even now, we have it better than they do.

So in relative terms, "it's good as is," even though we know it's not perfect.

Wait, this isn't a healthcare thread.
To the extant that's true, it's because the Tories have aggressively cut funding to the NHS.

No matter how good a health care system is, if the party in power actively sabotages it, it may not look too good.

That's the GOP playbook over here for a lot of things they bitch about.
Faulty…..How old is this “story” you are breaking here? Pelosi hasn’t been Speaker for well over a year now… this clip, she still is “the Speaker”? You guys really do live in the past, don’t you?
Is Manchin the Speaker? The poster I responded to commented about the greed and desire for money that Manchin has as if he's alone. I know you don't do links, but at the very least you should read posts and follow along so we don't need to explain everything to you.
To the extant that's true, it's because the Tories have aggressively cut funding to the NHS.

No matter how good a health care system is, if the party in power actively sabotages it, it may not look too good.

That's the GOP playbook over here for a lot of things they bitch about.
That's false. My experience was from 2009-10, and their system was lauded by Dems as wonderful (and is to this day). Meanwhile those who actually lived it had a VERY different story. Don't let your politics fool you. Political talking points and reality are very different things.

BTW they DO have good healthcare available in the private hospitals the wealthy use. When I was there people like me in sr. Mgt positions had good doctors and hospitals to go to, it was our employees who were screwed, and they had real jobs as marketers, call center managers , PR assistants, data analysts and accounts payable managers. These weren't fast food workers who had these issues.
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That's ridiculous, wrong, and a very nasty viewpoint.

I'm not @Tom Paris but my view is that we should pay our bills. Your side pretends to agree, but then cuts taxes for the rich, so we can't pay the bills.

I have no school age kids, but I want US public schools to be world class.

This is America. We should have clean water, air, food....

This is America. We should have world class health care for all, not just the well off.

This is America. Our democracy should work for all of us, not just the plutocrats, oligarchs, corporations, and churches.

This is America and sometimes compromises have to be made. But tax cuts for the rich aren't compromises. They are giveaways. Sometimes they are downright theft.
You say the U.S. should pay our bill's, I agree, however the left will never allow that. All they do is find new ways and things to spend our tax dollars on then complain about tax cuts. Student loan give-away, housing, food, and healthcare for illegal immigrants, etc. Tax cuts are the only way to starve the insatiable appetite for goverment spending. I would support leaving tax rates alone to balance our budget but only if the government slashed spending first.
  • Haha
Reactions: Tom Paris
Be honest, the reason you care about what rich people pay in taxes is so you can try and get more of their money for yourself.
Good God you’re obtuse. I wonder how I could pull off what you’re suggesting. You go through life being wrong constantly and don’t even realize it.
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That's ridiculous, wrong, and a very nasty viewpoint.

I'm not @Tom Paris but my view is that we should pay our bills. Your side pretends to agree, but then cuts taxes for the rich, so we can't pay the bills.

I have no school age kids, but I want US public schools to be world class.

This is America. We should have clean water, air, food....

This is America. We should have world class health care for all, not just the well off.

This is America. Our democracy should work for all of us, not just the plutocrats, oligarchs, corporations, and churches.

This is America and sometimes compromises have to be made. But tax cuts for the rich aren't compromises. They are giveaways. Sometimes they are downright theft.
He thinks it’s funny…because he’s a pawn. A dupe.
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I don't have the answer, but Im 100% certain thats not it.

One thing I was told repeatedly in the UK was how they wished they had access to the level of healthcare we do. Now I will say this was pre-Obamacare (that passed while I lived there), and our wait times have increased since then and insurance companies haven't exactly made it easy to get needed healthcare. We also have more non-citizens requiring healthcare with an inability to pay than ever before, sooo it's gotten a little less efficient here too, although we technically serve more people now than we did then.

We'd probably do ourselves well to roll it back to pre-Obamacare and start fixing from there. But even now, we have it better than they do.

So in relative terms, "it's good as is," even though we know it's not perfect.

Wait, this isn't a healthcare thread.
They don’t waour “system”. They don’t want to leave the hospital and get a bill for a few thousand or more.
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You say the U.S. should pay our bill's, I agree, however the left will never allow that. All they do is find new ways and things to spend our tax dollars on then complain about tax cuts. Student loan give-away, housing, food, and healthcare for illegal immigrants, etc. Tax cuts are the only way to starve the insatiable appetite for goverment spending. I would support leaving tax rates alone to balance our budget but only if the government slashed spending first.
Yet you’re ok with bailing out Wall St. , and giving handouts to the wealthy. You’re not for helping the middle class and poor. Again, the rich love how you think.
That's false. My experience was from 2009-10, and their system was lauded by Dems as wonderful (and is to this day). Meanwhile those who actually lived it had a VERY different story. Don't let your politics fool you. Political talking points and reality are very different things.

BTW they DO have good healthcare available in the private hospitals the wealthy use. When I was there people like me in sr. Mgt positions had good doctors and hospitals to go to, it was our employees who were screwed, and they had real jobs as marketers, call center managers , PR assistants, data analysts and accounts payable managers. These weren't fast food workers who had these issues.
You’re full of crap, like usual.

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Reagan demanded many of these farmers go broke and sell out….the rise of the corporate farm resulted….but the Hawks started winning football games and everyone (Iowans) loved Reagan and let it slide……Reagan’s mini-boom set up Bush’s mini-bust and paved the way for 8 solid years of economic progress under Bill Clinton. Bush Junior came in, cut taxes for the rich, allowed Congress top end oversight of investment banks in in 6 short years damn near bankrupted the nation’s financial system for the benefit of a very few “financiers”……This lead to a “bail-out” and 15 years of “free money” plus another bailout and another rediculous “welfare for the rich” tax cut…..enter Covid….and more “bail-outs”…..and Americans wonder why we are in an inflationary economy today? Look at the past 18 years…….can you see why? (It’s goes MUCH deeper and further than “Bidenomics”…..)
You should write a book.
You’re full of crap, like usual.

Of course he's full of crap. They may have to wait longer and sure it may not be as "good" but I would be willing to wait a little longer for non emergent care if I didn't have to go into ****ing debt just to show up at the hospital. No system is going to be perfect but ours is atrocious.
You’re full of crap, like usual.

Yeah we should all live in 800 square foot flats so we can wait in line for universal health care...
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