The Aaron Rodgers era in NY.

Just asking, but he kind of rolled over to a seated positioned and you could see a glum expression on his face. But, he didn't seem to be in pain. Did it hurt? I figured it would be excruciating. I think I've seen other guys tear one playing football and they doubled over in pain.

initially a sort of dull pain. Depends on the severity of the rupture.
That must suck to give up draft picks and a bunch of money for a QB that you think is going to finally make you winners to have him tear his achilles on the first drive of the season.
Bet this bar owner was shitting bricks when they FG doinked in. He might get cleaned out the rest of the season though.
As a Packer fan I was more than ready to move on from Rodgers. Great regular season qb, but in the playoffs he just doesn’t have ‘it’. Grateful for the 2010 season, but that was a lifetime ago. Plus, I know more than a couple people who have been around him in a social setting, every single one says he’s a complete tool. Best of luck to him, but GB is coming out of this smelling like roses.
Retrospectively, seeing him run out there with the flag is somehow both hilarious and cringe-inducing.

It’s just so fitting that he fell down in pain with a season-ending injury before their first punt.

Jets got the W without him, also hilarious.

His injury injures Green Bay, also hilarious.
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As a Packer fan I was more than ready to move on from Rodgers. Great regular season qb, but in the playoffs he just doesn’t have ‘it’. Grateful for the 2010 season, but that was a lifetime ago. Plus, I know more than a couple people who have been around him in a social setting, every single one says he’s a complete tool. Best of luck to him, but GB is coming out of this smelling like roses.
Actually, he just screwed you one more time. This costs Green Bay a first round pick.
  • Wow
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Prepare to be disappointed my friend. I think we got something in Love
I think the formula is more easing new QBs into the NFL over a few years. The Packers and Patriots were the only teams to take that approach and it worked out better than just taking a flyer on a top 5 pick and starting them immediately.
Not sure what sex has to do with whether you believe the earth is flat or not, but ok.
Oh, It's just to separate myself from retards who think sex is "fluid." Of course the earf is spherical and of course sex is binary. Do you not believe these facts, runpunkassnole?

But, ok.
  • Haha
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It’s HotelAlphaWhiskey dude that gets drunk and goes on anti-trans rants a 3 in the morning. I’d ignore.
Of course you would, sweaty. You think gender, "the innermost sense of self," is something more than New Age hippy shit. You're a ****ing simpleton, mate. You're the type of bloke who watches Oprah and thinks "The Secret" is brilliant. "Just speak it into existence!"

You drink out of a saucer.
You ever look into your Johnnsy Hopkins homeboy, John Money?
Get comfortable, Raj, a,k.a. @GOHOX69. Summon @Urohawk, sweaty.

During his professional life, Money was respected as an expert on sexual behavior, especially known for his views that gender was learned rather than innate. However, it was later revealed that his most famous case of David Reimer, born Bruce Reimer, was fundamentally flawed.[42] In 1966, a botched circumcision left eight-month-old Reimer without a penis. Money persuaded the baby's parents that sex reassignment surgery would be in Reimer's best interest. At the age of 22 months, Reimer underwent an orchiectomy, in which his testicles were surgically removed. He was reassigned to be raised as female and his name changed from Bruce to Brenda. Money further recommended hormone treatment, to which the parents agreed. Money then recommended a surgical procedure to create an artificial vagina, which the parents refused. Money published a number of papers reporting the reassignment as successful. David Reimer was raised under the "optimum gender rearing model" which was the common model for sex and gender socialization/medicalization for intersex youth. The model was heavily criticized for being sexist, and for assigning an arbitrary gender binary.[43]

According to John Colapinto's biography of David Reimer, starting when Reimer and his twin Brian were six years old, Money showed the brothers pornography and forced the two to rehearse sexual acts. Money would order David to get down on all fours and Brian was forced to "come up behind [him] and place his crotch against [his] buttocks". Money also forced Reimer, in another sexual position, to have his "legs spread" with Brian on top. On "at least one occasion" Money took a photograph of the two children performing these acts.[44]

When either child resisted Money, Money would get angry. Both Reimer and Brian recall that Money was mild-mannered around their parents, but ill-tempered when alone with them. Money also forced the two children to strip for "genital inspections"; when they resisted inspecting each other's genitals, Money got very aggressive. Reimer says, "He told me to take my clothes off, and I just did not do it. I just stood there. And he screamed, 'Now!' Louder than that. I thought he was going to give me a whupping. So I took my clothes off and stood there shaking."[44]

Money's rationale for his treatment of the children was his belief that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" "at thrusting movements and copulation" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity".[10][11]

Both Reimer and Brian were traumatized by the "therapy",[44][45] with Brian speaking about it "only with the greatest emotional turmoil", and David unwilling to speak about the details publicly.[44] At 14 years old and in extreme psychological agony, David Reimer was finally told the truth by his parents. He chose to begin calling himself David, and he underwent surgical procedures to revert the female bodily modifications.[46]

Despite the pain and turmoil of the brothers, for decades, Money reported on Reimer's progress as the "John/Joan case", describing apparently successful female gender development and using this case to support the feasibility of sex reassignment and surgical reconstruction even in non-intersex cases.[47]

By the time this deception was discovered, the idea of a purely socially constructed gender identity and infant Intersex medical interventions had become the accepted medical and sociological standard.[47]

David Reimer's case came to international attention in 1997 when he told his story to Milton Diamond, an academic sexologist, who persuaded Reimer to allow him to report the outcome in order to dissuade physicians from treating other infants similarly.[48] Soon after, Reimer went public with his story, and John Colapinto published a widely disseminated and influential account in Rolling Stone magazine in December 1997.[49] This was later expanded into The New York Times bestselling biography As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl (2000),[50] in which Colapinto described how—contrary to Money's reports—when living as Brenda, Reimer did not identify as a girl. He was ostracized and bullied by peers (who dubbed him "cavewoman"),[51][52] and neither frilly dresses[53][54] nor female hormones made him feel female.[10]

In July 2002, Brian was found dead from an overdose of antidepressants. In May 2004, David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun at the age of 38. According to his mother, "he had recently become depressed after losing his job and separating from his wife."[55]

Money argued that media response to Diamond's exposé was due to right-wing media bias and "the antifeminist movement." He said his detractors believed "masculinity and femininity are built into the genes so women should get back to the mattress and the kitchen".[56] However, intersex activists also criticized Money, stating that the unreported failure had led to the surgical reassignment of thousands of infants as a matter of policy.[57] Privately, Money was mortified by the case, colleagues said, and as a rule did not discuss it.[58]

Researcher Mary Anne Case wrote that Money made "fraudulently deceptive claims about the malleability of gender in certain patients who had involuntarily undergone sex reassignment surgery" and that this fueled the anti-gender movement.[59]
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Retrospectively, seeing him run out there with the flag is somehow both hilarious and cringe-inducing.

It’s just so fitting that he fell down in pain with a season-ending injury before their first punt.

Jets got the W without him, also hilarious.

His injury injures Green Bay, also hilarious.

Just asking, but he kind of rolled over to a seated positioned and you could see a glum expression on his face. But, he didn't seem to be in pain. Did it hurt? I figured it would be excruciating. I think I've seen other guys tear one playing football and they doubled over in pain.

I ruptured mine playing basketball last year. Surprisingly, it was not really painful. There was an immediate flash of pain that went away very quickly, but even the flash just kinda felt like someone kicked me in the back of the leg.
It is a very strange feeling. It feels like your foot is just dangling there and you cannot move it.
He’s back folks! Gone is the eeeeuuoldph account.
Oh, this is a blessing. More r/NBA takes from notorious gambler, 5CardSTUD(fourteen)!

Can't wait for the I-preordered-NBA2K24-on-XBoxOne knowledge to drop, son!

Oh, this is a blessing. More r/NBA takes from notorious gambler, 5CardSTUD(fourteen)!

Can't wait for the I-preordered-NBA2K24-on-XBoxOne knowledge to drop, son!

It makes sense you get your basketball takes from Reddit. Probably comedy takes too. Stick with this screen name, pussy. Now back you go to crying about gender.
silver lining for Jet's I suppose...

The Jets owe the Packers a 2024 second-round draft pick.
Aaron Rodgers would have had to play 65 percent of New York’s 2023 snaps for Green Bay to receive a first rounder from the Jets. Rodgers managed four snaps before tearing his Achilles in Week 1 against the Bills. It’s certainly a question whether Rodgers will ever play another NFL snap.
Saw this today. Will be interesting to see what he decides to do next year. I'd guess he probably comes back and plays. He has no wife or kids, pretty much lives for football so I'm not sure what else he'd do. You have to rehab anyway just to go through a normal life.

How much guaranteed money does Aaron Rodgers have for 2023?​

Rodgers' contract gave him $75 million fully guaranteed, which includes his salary and signing bonus for 2023 and 2024.

So, even with the season-ending injury, nothing changed with Rodgers' contract for this season and the next. The four-time MVP, who turns 40 in December, will be under contract for the Jets in 2024 unless he decides to retire.

What is Aaron Rodgers' career earnings?​

Since being draft in the first round by the Packers in 2005, Rodgers has made $342,496,898 in NFL contracts -- including his $36,888,888 in 2023 from the Jets (per Spotrac).

That's the highest figure in NFL history, just ahead of Tom Brady ($332,962,392), Matthew Stafford ($328,306,037) and Matt Ryan ($303,713,631).
Ehhhhhdolph is 5cardSTUD(fourteen!) father.
Wahhhh, gender! Gender! You used to be funny, & it was fun watching you piss people off. Now you’re just a whiny bitch who changes screen names every 5 weeks. Not sure why, probably too much of a puss to stand by your past arguments.

“I’m gonna argue about gender at 3:00am & look up hip words on Reddit like troon because I’m so cool! Gender!”
Wahhhh, gender! Gender! You used to be funny, & it was fun watching you piss people off. Now you’re just a whiny bitch who changes screen names every 5 weeks. Not sure why, probably too much of a puss to stand by your past arguments.

“I’m gonna argue about gender at 3:00am & look up hip words on Reddit like troon because I’m so cool! Gender!”
Awwww, 5cardSTUD(fourteen!), do you remember ten years ago when "gEnDeR" was sex and not "the innermost sense of one's self?"

Did you ever so much as play at the Fieldhouse, homie? You seem like the dweeb whose entire basketball experience is online, playing 2K and looking at a framed DwYane Wade jersey.
  • Haha
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Played at the Fieldhouse many times while at Iowa, & a few tourneys were held there while growing up.

Lol at the idea of you playing bball. You’d be too focused on what gender certain people were & have to sit out so you could “study them.” You’d be the perv jerkin it on those bleachers between the courts, all while thinking about…gender!
  • Wow
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