How many have ever watched this show?
Years ago, during Vietnam, my dad said many of the MIA’s were in Russia. They lived in designed communities to grow Russian spies, teaching the kids how to be American.
I listened. I wondered as I got older, that the reason he told me those things was that no one would believe them anyway. (Honestly I don’t know how the intelligence community viewed it at the time, but now I think they felt it was okay, for the reason I stated. They wanted the younger generation to be aware of possibilities).
Just like the military brass felt we should study about National Liberation Fronts. It was so we would be able to recognize it when we were confronted with it.
The sad thing today, and evidence of how far we have shifted to the Hitler and Mussolini forms of facism, shows me why they wanted us to learn about these things, so history would not be repeated.
Yet, here we are today. There is no SDS, no far left wing party doing the things they did in the ‘60’s. No Green Peace blowing up stuff.
Instead we have Christian fascists, following blindly people that would destroy everything this country was founded on. Lemmings that do what the red hats tell them to do.
People that barely know the history of this country. People that don’t understand why we have Episcopal churches instead of Anglican churches. People that disrespect certain churches because they’re inclusive.
This is not what the country was founded on. It’s true, getting destroyed from the inside. It’s a known political ploy by Putin, the way to destroy the US is from the inside.
All are witnessing as we speak. But some seem to really think it’s cool because they can get their white man power back.
That’s all for now.
Years ago, during Vietnam, my dad said many of the MIA’s were in Russia. They lived in designed communities to grow Russian spies, teaching the kids how to be American.
I listened. I wondered as I got older, that the reason he told me those things was that no one would believe them anyway. (Honestly I don’t know how the intelligence community viewed it at the time, but now I think they felt it was okay, for the reason I stated. They wanted the younger generation to be aware of possibilities).
Just like the military brass felt we should study about National Liberation Fronts. It was so we would be able to recognize it when we were confronted with it.
The sad thing today, and evidence of how far we have shifted to the Hitler and Mussolini forms of facism, shows me why they wanted us to learn about these things, so history would not be repeated.
Yet, here we are today. There is no SDS, no far left wing party doing the things they did in the ‘60’s. No Green Peace blowing up stuff.
Instead we have Christian fascists, following blindly people that would destroy everything this country was founded on. Lemmings that do what the red hats tell them to do.
People that barely know the history of this country. People that don’t understand why we have Episcopal churches instead of Anglican churches. People that disrespect certain churches because they’re inclusive.
This is not what the country was founded on. It’s true, getting destroyed from the inside. It’s a known political ploy by Putin, the way to destroy the US is from the inside.
All are witnessing as we speak. But some seem to really think it’s cool because they can get their white man power back.
That’s all for now.