The Brian wave

OMG, yes! That would be sooo funny!!

He’s been involved in plenty of entertaining games over the years. I don’t understand posters that feel the need to kick him on his way out. It’s an asshole suggestion supported by other assholes.
He’s not a good person. You can think I’m an asshole, but fvck Brian.
He’s been involved in plenty of entertaining games over the years. I don’t understand posters that feel the need to kick him on his way out. It’s an asshole suggestion supported by other assholes.
He failed miserably at a job he was never qualified to hold. That’s bad enough, but he was an arrogant douche to his fellow coaches and to the players while being bad at his job.
He failed miserably at a job he was never qualified to hold. That’s bad enough, but he was an arrogant douche to his fellow coaches and to the players while being bad at his job.
He’s not a good person. You can think I’m an asshole, but fvck Brian.

The character and integrity where he was one of two main defendants in a racial discrimination case which the university settled for millions of dollars. Yea. Brian’s character and integrity is just sparkling.

1. So does a sense of humor and humility
2. BF could use some have better character and integrity himself. Guy responds to every critic as if he’s untouchable and never acknowledges mistakes.

Unless you last name is Ferentz (insert rim-shot here)
I meant your integrity and character should matter. Brian is all of the things you say. I'm not sad he's leaving. Why stoop to his level? To make yourself feel better? That's an asshole move in my opinion.
Character and integrity matter.
Unless your last name is Ferentz and you are skirting nepotism policy to hire your unqualified son or having a meltdown in the press box or on the sideline

Some of you candy asses need to lighten up, it was a joke
Ill just bid adieu to Brian when he take his last walk.

I wont try to not laugh if rotten tomatoes are pelted at Brian either.
I meant your integrity and character should matter. Brian is all of the things you say. I'm not sad he's leaving. Why stoop to his level? To make yourself feel better? That's an asshole move in my opinion.
Fair point. I like to play in the mud on occasion, and love dunking on brain however. I’m ok with it.
I looked up nepotism and this does not fit the classic definition. time to move on from it.

besides I had a huge problem with greg davis because of all the stuff I heard about him here in AustinTX. so when he left I welcomed in brian.
1. So does a sense of humor and humility
2. BF could use some have better character and integrity himself. Guy responds to every critic as if he’s untouchable and never acknowledges mistakes.
Brian might be a jerk, but he’s also Kirk’s son and Kirk deserves all of our respect for the way he has represented Iowa and the University over the past 25 years. I see no reason to rub salt into wounds.
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That would be a BS, snarky and immature thing to do. Bf's father had as much to do with situation as Brian did. Unfortunately, half the posters on this site would enjoy it.
JFC How old is Brian he s a Fn adult he deserved what him and his coach brought to this situation. All I need to know about the Ferentz s was said when the coach dissed Duece Hogan. That what a piece of shit would say about their players.