The Case Against (Most) Books


HR Legend
Feb 20, 2022
Saint Louis, Mo
Interesting piece. I've had the same thought about books.
My experience in political science is that what will often happen is that an academic will get a paper published in a major journal. Then it becomes easy to sell a book to a publisher in which you just present the results of that paper and add a bunch of useless words. Something like this is the norm, not the exception. From talking to economists, I gather that they’re pretty negative on books, and this is one of the many ways they’re more sensible than other academics.

The issue here is opportunity cost. Let’s say you want to learn about why people form the political opinions they hold. You might read a 300-page book. Or, for the same amount of time and effort, you might read two chapters of that book that are 20 pages each, plus 15 different articles that are 15 pages each, plus say 5 Wikipedia articles that are the equivalent of another 35 pages. Something like the latter is usually the better path. And most academic articles are, to be frank, full of filler too, so you’re probably better off skipping the intro and conclusion of many of them. Substacks and Tweets are actually efficient methods of transferring information because you cut out so much of the useless fluff people include when they’re trying to build a CV.

It’s not that nothing can be learned from reading the 300-page book. It’s just that reading the book is a large commitment, and puts you at the mercy of one author, who probably took way too long to make his points for reasons of ego and career interest.
I just can't do audiobooks. My mind will space out and then the next thing I know I have no idea what they're talking about anymore. Same problem with podcasts

I am the exact opposite. I can't sit and read a book or a long article as my mind starts to wonder and before I know it I have quit reading all together or can't recall what I just read.

I should also add the caveat that I listen to audiobooks when driving and from work and any other times I am driving by myself. It just seems to make the trips go by way faster, I enjoy a good story, and I also like a lot of historical stuff so learn quite a bit too. I honestly have hardly listened to music or radio in the car for probably the last 5 years or so.

I am one that I can't "multitask my senses" if you work, I can't have a radio on in the background, studying in school, it had to be in a quiet room....I can only focus on one thing at a time really.
Let's see them bewbies.
breast boobies GIF
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Yes, that what we need - more people reading random internet post and fewer reading books. Brilliant