The good old Covid lies

JFC you’re pathetic. I’m not making anything up. Therefor you’re making up stuff about me. You keep saying I didn’t work in science yet you’re not willing to make a wager on that fact. You might not be poor but you’re a pathetic loser with a junior high mentality.
"Work in science" hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Lolololol. I can use logical thinking to arrive at my conclusion based on your posting style.

But here. I'll bet you $4.20 you can't show you worked in pharmaceuticals. Should be easy. All you'll need to to is post a photo of a work badge with your handle underneath. Feel free to cover up your name. And certainly cover up your face. No one wants to see that. Use a free image hosting site.
If you make it a worth while bet I’d gladly do it.
I don’t make much money but $4.20 to find my old badge and try and figure out how to get an image on here doesn’t seem to make it worth it.
Maybe you can’t get your little butt buddy Mclovin to pony up some money as well
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I'm not a "lier" (amazing spelling) or a homophobe, I just don't want to meet you. You literally asked to meet me so I could give you money. That's not a lie. You want to meet me, and it's super weird. You clearly don't take rejection well. Hopefully you can work on that, it's not a flattering look for you.

Anyways, once again, I wish you the best of luck finding a man(or anyone else!) to give you money.
Are you making fun of gay people? Don’t you support them?
If you aren’t managing multiple handles. You and all those goofy cartoon type profile pic handles seem to be in a liberal cult together. Liking each others posts all the time and ganging up on posters.
But I thought the MAGA’s were the cult members?
Are you making fun of gay people? Don’t you support them?
If you aren’t managing multiple handles. You and all those goofy cartoon type profile pic handles seem to be in a liberal cult together. Liking each others posts all the time and ganging up on posters.
But I thought the MAGA’s were the cult members?
If you make it a worth while bet I’d gladly do it.
I don’t make much money but $4.20 to find my old badge and try and figure out how to get an image on here doesn’t seem to make it worth it.
Maybe you can’t get your little butt buddy Mclovin to pony up some money as well
Once again, if you remove the handles on both of these back to back posts, you'd think it was the same poster. Also, I'm sorry Woody but I do not want to meet you. I know that's what's coming.
^^Clearly bitter that I wouldn't meet him IRL
Why would I want to meet you in real life? I’m not gay.
If you make it a worth while bet I’d gladly do it.
I don’t make much money but $4.20 to find my old badge and try and figure out how to get an image on here doesn’t seem to make it worth it.
Maybe you can’t get your little butt buddy Mclovin to pony up some money as well
So you're a liar (notice the spelling). I offered you the bet you crave, yet you still can't produce. Because you're full of shizza.
Considering how easy it is for him to say I’m making up stuff, I have no doubt he is the one making up stuff. I highly doubt he’s even a doctor.
You can message me if you'd like my credentials. Mine are readily available. Unlike yours.

Were you the one who booked the hotels for the sales reps? Or the one who cleaned out the mouse cages?
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I’ve been right all along. And you don’t say it’s 109% effective, when it is not.
Lies like that cost the government and big pharma a lot of credibility, and made things worse.
And the vaccine also didn’t help anybody… Did I get that right?
I suggest you buy no big pharma products. They a’int credible, Amirite?
So you're a liar (notice the spelling). I offered you the bet you crave, yet you still can't produce. Because you're full of shizza.
Ooo I spelled liar, lier earlier. I guess I’m not as familiar with it as you are as you constantly lie so I messed up.
That’s not a bet.
A big shot doctor like you should be able to place more than a $4.20 bet.
You can message me if you'd like my credentials. Mine are readily available. Unlike yours.

Were you the one who booked the hotels for the sales reps? Or the one who cleaned out the mouse cages?
Well what hospital are you currently a doctor at? Depending where you work maybe we’d have some familiarity with people or places.
Ooo I spelled liar, lier earlier. I guess I’m not as familiar with it as you are as you constantly lie so I messed up.
That’s not a bet.
A big shot doctor like you should be able to place more than a $4.20 bet.
You don't get wealthy making bets with Internet strangers. That's a free pro tip.
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Well what hospital are you currently a doctor at? Depending where you work maybe we’d have some familiarity with people or places.
Refer to my first paragraph you quoted. Reading is hard.

I've met multiple posters here in real life. I'm as real as they come.

And comparing deaths to minor medical issues is pretty disingenuous...
Not when the shots were touted as safe and effective. The long list of possible side effects up to including death were known long before they were acknowledged.
Not when the shots were touted as safe and effective. The long list of possible side effects up to including death were known long before they were acknowledged.

The list of side effects from actual Covid is far far longer, and far more likely.
There is no debate on the relative safety of the vaccines; it is well-established by the data, and why scientists and physicians recommend updates as new variants arise.

No different than how flu vaccines work.
Ooo I spelled liar, lier earlier. I guess I’m not as familiar with it as you are as you constantly lie so I messed up.
That’s not a bet.
A big shot doctor like you should be able to place more than a $4.20 bet.
Consider me interested…I’m in. Put a 6x scalar on it for me.
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Not when the shots were touted as safe and effective. The long list of possible side effects up to including death were known long before they were acknowledged.

They were (and remain) safe and effective. Getting a sore arm or some itching aren't a big deal (I know you try to make it seem like a big deal based on your prior post). Death from COVID was a far greater risk in unvaccinated individuals. But you've lied about that for years, so I doubt this post will change anything.
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They were (and remain) safe and effective. Getting a sore arm or some itching aren't a big deal (I know you try to make it seem like a big deal based on your prior post). Death from COVID was a far greater risk in unvaccinated individuals. But you've lied about that for years, so I doubt this post will change anything.
People died from both.
People died from both.
Maybe a handful died. I'll give it to you. Despite the data saying otherwise. But let's say they did....In what group had far higher deaths? Which group had higher mortality rates, vaccinated or unvaccinated? Be honest.
Maybe a handful died. I'll give it to you. Despite the data saying otherwise. But let's say they did....In what group had far higher deaths? Which group had higher mortality rates, vaccinated or unvaccinated? Be honest.

The data describe a pretty compelling story:

Vaccination Rates By County, based on voting


Covid Deaths Rates by County, based on voting demographics


Least-vaccinated = Highest Covid Deaths rates
Do you actually read what you write? I said I don't believe your claim about working in pharmaceuticals. Now you bring up cults.

I'm concerned about you.



Here how about a mug that I have from the place where I manufactured drugs.
I’ve also included a photo of the hardcore dem that I worked with that had his amazing bio chem degree that we had to babysit at work. The photo of him is when he passed out on the floor because of his drug and alcohol use that our HR department failed to do anything about. That was the last day I saw him.
As you can see, he is wearing some non shedding scrubs which we had to wear just to be in our work environment.
I was inside our room wearing the appropriate attire. Don’t worry my phone was inside a zip lock bag.
I’m sure you’ll still say I was a janitor but I don’t believe environmental services even came to our building.
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Here how about a mug that I have from the place where I manufactured drugs.
I’ve also included a photo of the hardcore dem that I worked with that had his amazing bio chem degree that we had to babysit at work. The photo of him is when he passed out on the floor because of his drug and alcohol use that our HR department failed to do anything about. That was the last day I saw him.
As you can see, he is wearing some non shedding scrubs which we had to wear just to be in our work environment.
I was inside our room wearing the appropriate attire. Don’t worry my phone was inside a zip lock bag.
I’m sure you’ll still say I was a janitor but I don’t believe environmental services even came to our building.
Amazing link
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So, he was a manufacturing tech.
Yeah I made non sterile drugs. Played around with some pretty intense drugs that would easily kill a person.
You don’t think I had any idea what goes into making a drug or the research that goes into it?
You know we still put our drugs through testing and even did a lot of the research for the products we made or attempted to make. One of those projects was making fetanyal patches from scratch. No one did the research before it was given to us.
Seems to me that I might have a bit of drug knowledge.
But I’m sure you view it the same as the janitor.
I don’t make up that I’m a doctor or Mclovin who probably just sits at a desk ordering some products.
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