The guy smoked by the attempted assassin

Why would a “media source” find it necessary to report his wife refused to accept a condolence call from the Prez? WTF does that accomplish? The wife has an excuse for her rude behavior but she needs to redress this issue too. Bad move by her, sorry.
It really is none of my business (or anyone else’s) that the woman “refused” a call from the Prez…Just another example of how folks have allowed themselves to be divided/tribalized.
You’re not required to feel sad, or empathy for some rando who loses their life.

You don’t need to go out of your way to say they deserved it.

JMO. Keep being edgy though.
You must have missed my previous post, I was wishing the victims family be treated better than the way he wanted the families of dead palestinians and Ukrainians treated.

And there is nothing edgy about calling Trump rallies vile. That’s common sense.
After watching the clip, post #51, ( upper left frame ) I'm wondering how the guy with the head fatal head shot was so far out of the direct line of fire at Trump. I thought the injured and fatality would be beyond the podium and to the right side of the stage ( as viewing ) from the camera. Maybe the shooter was being hit as he squeezed off the fatal shot on the fireman. Just seems so far off target to me...
^^^^from the Secret Service thread....
Do we know where he was at rally? In the stands behind? Or?
So I thought the fireman was 30 - 40 feet to the upper left of a straight line shot from the roof to Trump. You or me wouldn't miss that bad with open sights...
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Someone died.

That's horrible.

But calling the dead guy a hero is subjective. I have only heard local authorities say he shielded his family, but I doubt they really know for sure.

It sounds more like wishful thinking and a way to say something nice about him when it actually sounds like he's just another White Nationalist.
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I genuinely don’t see it that way.

I think the so-called fringes of both parties have grown substantially and many people have become more and more radicalized.

America is in deep-shit trouble.
Sure, point out the Leftist plans to deport US citizens for thought crimes. The self proclaimed middle of the road guys like you and @binsfeldcyhawk2 have this amazing need to create equivalencies. Just call out the bad when you see it. No need to climb up on a cross.
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In a way, the dead guy is a lesser version of Ashley Babbitt.
Season 4 Wow GIF by The Office
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Someone died.

That's horrible.

But calling the dead guy a hero is subjective. I have only heard local authorities say he shielded his family, but I doubt they really know for sure.

It sounds more like wishful thinking and a way to say something nice about him when it actually sounds like he's just another White Nationalist.
Just curious what your opinion of George Floyd is?
How is that a relevant comparison?

Not being a smartass, truly want to know.
Wasn’t George Floyd considered a martyr for the left? If not, or the right isn’t propping up this dude shot and killed at the Trump circle jerk as a martyr, then it’s not a relevant comparison.