The Pitt on Max


HB Heisman
Sep 3, 2007
The newest medical drama. Supposedly sued by the estate of Michael Crichton for being too similar to ER. I never watched ER so I can't compare but it seemed very realistic. They kind of steal from 24 in that it's in real time but I really liked the first 2 episodes. I think it'll become appointment viewing in our house

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I watched episode 1 last night. It very much depicts what life in an urban ER is like. Way more craziness in a short period of time then reality in Iowa but all the stuff that they showed in episode 1 happens.

It also very much accurately shows the boarding situation that exists. Too few beds, too few nurses. Administration that doesnt seem to care enough to fix the problems the ER has.

If you've ever wondered why you wait to be seen in an ER so long, you should be required to watch the show. Always people way sicker than you think you are. Generally. That is why the burnout is so bad. Same problems, different day. Never ending.
I watched episode 1 last night. It very much depicts what life in an urban ER is like. Way more craziness in a short period of time then reality in Iowa but all the stuff that they showed in episode 1 happens.

It also very much accurately shows the boarding situation that exists. Too few beds, too few nurses. Administration that doesnt seem to care enough to fix the problems the ER has.

If you've ever wondered why you wait to be seen in an ER so long, you should be required to watch the show. Always people way sicker than you think you are. Generally. That is why the burnout is so bad. Same problems, different day. Never ending.
That's what my wife (no pics) had said. She has worked as an ER nurse. Said the nursing home dumps are are real things and very much happen.

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