These Lutherans Get It

Isn't missouri synod, real fire and brimstone like. You're always sinning, etc. I'm asking this seriously as I always thought they were pretty hardcore.

Can depend on the pastor and the church. But LCMS is undoubtedly more conservative than the ELCA. But the WELS is even more conservative than the LCMS. Plus there is even more conservative offshoots of the WELS such as the Church of the Lutheran Confession which broke off from the WELS for tolerating "the errors of the LCMS for too long"

There are also offshoots of the ELCA which broke off after the ELCA decided to start doing homosexual weddings. (North American Lutheran Church) They are more conservative than the ELCA but less conservative than the LCMS.

Lutheranism is kind of a pretty big spectrum.
Then it appears you base religion as strict if it creates any type of rules or structure. You want a religion that is completely open. I have fallen away from the church in the last decade but at the same token, would not be a part of a church that is completely open. I will tell you one of the major dilemmas in my head is the LGBTQ community. I struggle with it. On a biblical basis its fairly clear. However you read other passages where Jesus wanted all his children around him, including tax collectors, prostitutes ect.

You tell me God is infallible, yet will create individuals with female genitalia but has male chromosomes. Yet you will demonize them for which way they want to love, participate in sports ect. To me there is something critically wrong with this discussion when you start getting into some of the science of this. It still seems more likely there is a supreme being that created this, than all of this being created out of nothing. Then you have the dilemma God would have been created out of nothing. Too much for me to contemplate at the moment.
I think God is infalliable, humans have polluted and caused birth defects, hormones in everything.
I think God is infalliable, humans have polluted and caused birth defects, hormones in everything.
If thats the truth, then we doomed those kids to hell . . . what about all the people who do not have Christianity being taught to them. Sucks but they are going to hell to. Pretty nice to think I have been given the golden ticket and I can be happy about that, but everyone else is left behind. Would think God would have a better plan than that.
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Can depend on the pastor and the church. But LCMS is undoubtedly more conservative than the ELCA. But the WELS is even more conservative than the LCMS. Plus there is even more conservative offshoots of the WELS such as the Church of the Lutheran Confession which broke off from the WELS for tolerating "the errors of the LCMS for too long"

There are also offshoots of the ELCA which broke off after the ELCA decided to start doing homosexual weddings. (North American Lutheran Church) They are more conservative than the ELCA but less conservative than the LCMS.

Lutheranism is kind of a pretty big spectrum.

How do you think Martin Luther would have responded to these churches splitting up?
"When people ask why I will vote for Harris/Walz, a very simple answer is that you will not see a swastika flag flying with a Harris/Walz flag.

I think that says enough."
Best answer I've heard. If one candidate is openly supported by all the white supremacy groups I'm voting the opposite.
There are different theories.

One is that Martin Luther was terrified of going to Hell. He would spend hours in the Confessional because he was so scrupulous. That's a fact.

So, the theory goes, he invented "Sola Fide" which means a person goes to Heaven by "faith alone" which no one believed until then. The traditional view was that faith AND works were crucial.

There was also corruption inside the Catholic Church like selling indulgences and he opposed that.

Some corrupt clergy would ask for money and in return, they said the money would help get a relative out of purgatory.
The Bible basically says faith, but faith without works is empty. What I don’t see in the Bible is indulgences, infant baptism, purgatory
The Bible basically says faith, but faith without works is empty. What I don’t see in the Bible is indulgences, infant baptism, purgatory

The Bible also doesn't say to only believe what's in the Bible.

The Church came centuries before the Bible.
The Bible also doesn't say to only believe what's in the Bible.

The Church came centuries before the Bible.
Then they cut out books and passages in a big meeting. Keep women from any power and removed the book of Enoch and Mary who wasn't a hooker

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