Things more irritating than shopping for footwear with your spouse/SO.


HR King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
How about shopping for footwear for your dog. Mrs. Lucas and I went to Leash on Life today looking for some booties for 19 Pounds of Fury. WIth the deep negatives coming she has a terrible time going outside. She yelps in pain with each step. Mrs. Lucas looked at every style, found one that looked good, then lamented that they didn't have a better color. I snapped and said, "The f**** dog won't care, and she'll be in back. Nobody will see her". As if that mattered.
What do you have HROT and Noles.
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Seems like a good chance to use the nice shoes, wanna **** line. I bet Mrs. Lucas will love it!!
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I can’t imagine a scenario where I would need my spouse w/me to shop for shoes. How have you allowed your life to get a point where that would happen?
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I can honestly say I've never had to go shoe shopping with my wife.

And I can't imagine my wife would ever buy our dog shoes either. Because he's a dog.

The only problem that I ever had regarding shopping with my wife is in the beginning of our marriage we needed a car. I wanted her to go out with me so I could get her opinion on the cars and so if we bought one, one of us could drive it home. She didn't want to go. It was partially due to her anxiety because she was afraid the sales people would start trying to aggressively sell something. She also essentially tells me she doesn't care what car I get. I told her I would do all the talking, but that didn't matter so she just didn't want to go.

So instead I have my mom driving me around. So we go to a bunch of different lots and look at I test drive cars. I was texting my wife telling her about the cars and getting no real response other than "Ok". . . she is never offering an opinion on them. I even got to bring one home on a test drive and she got in it and said she thought it was a bit small but it could work. Later on I pick one that I like, it's bigger than the other one but has some more miles on it. Price is roughly the same. I text her and tell her what I'm getting. Minutes later my phone is ringing and my wife suddenly has an opinion and I have picked the wrong car. (Essentially she thought the small car was the best option)

So I had to back out of it all. But we worked it out because when I got home I essentially told her that backing out of it embarrassed me and that I wanted and value her opinion on these things but I need her to actually come with me and give me her opinion at the time we are looking at the car and not after I decide which one I'm going to get. I basically told her that if she's not going to offer her opinion when we are looking at the car than to not offer her opinion after I decide to buy the car.

And actually it worked out really well after that. We both went out looked at some cars and we ended up getting the small car after all.
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