This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Nobody even disputes the call is a fact, except I guess you, because it doesn’t fit your preferred narrative.

An American diplomat got in trouble for saying something, well, undiplomatic.

Victoria Nuland, a top State Department official, thought she was having a private phone conversation. She was speaking about developments in Ukraine with the U.S. ambassador to that country, Geoffrey Pyatt. And she was speaking bluntly, even using a not-so-choice word about America's European allies.

It turned out their conversation was being recorded. The White House and the State Department suspect Russia is behind the episode.
Vicotria Nuland's entire family is in the Russian/Ukraine "expert" business. Her husband is Robert Kagan.. senior fellow at the Brookings Institute a major Washington think tank (you've posted articles from them before). He is a leading advocate of interventionism per wikipedia. Victoria herself is way too influential and a neocon. Her knwoledge is mostly academic and not enough based on real life and near as I can tell biased to the extent it is. She worked as national security advisor under Dick Cheney. Robert's brother is Frederick Kagan, another Russia expert who is often wrong. He said Russia would not invade and then he said the war would be over in a few weeks.
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You’re wrong.
Here’s the regional map showing vote distribution in the 2010 election.
You assert, without evidence, that this is false?

I bet there was voter fraud.

Have Rudy check and get back to us.
"to support the offensive on Kherson, a newly formed brigade of the Ukrainian army was sent to the region!!"

Very nice. So many of the Ukrainians have been slogging it out from the start, but they are now able to fold in fresh units trained by Western nations, equipped with new or refurbished gear. The Russians are scraping the underside of the bottom of the barrel.
Duly elected president the US decided to overthrow because they didn’t like the result of the 2010 election.

Ukraine Says ’No’ to NATO​

by Kathleen Holzwart Sprehe, Research Associate, Pew Global Attitudes Project

Ukraine’s new governing coalition recently announced its intention to pass a law against joining military alliances, which will fulfill Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s campaign promise to prevent Ukraine from becoming a member in NATO. The new president’s opponents in parliament argue that this new strategy may result in pushing Ukraine back into the Russian “sphere of influence” and out of the European fold.
However, Yanukovych’s move to ban Ukraine from joining NATO is not without a base of public support. A September 2009 survey by the Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project, found that half of Ukrainians (51%) opposed their country’s admission to NATO, while only 28% favored such a step. Moreover, given the opposition to membership, it is not surprising that about half of Ukrainians (51%) gave NATO an unfavorable rating.

Views of membership in NATO vary by ethnicity and region. Ethnic Russians (74%) were far more likely to oppose admission to NATO than ethnic Ukrainians (46%). In terms of regional groupings, respondents living in the East (72%) and South (60%) — where the percentage of Russians tends to be higher than elsewhere in the country — were more likely to oppose joining NATO than were those living in the Central region (51%). And in the West a majority (59%) favored their country becoming part of NATO.
And you, of course, are so functionally retarded you don't understand the difference between the EU and NATO.

And you continually go back to 2010, while ignoring that Putin's invasions and interference starting in 2014 completely eliminated and feelings of favorability held by those in east and south Ukraine. That's beyond the basic fact that having favorable relations with a country is completely diffetent from wanting them to invade and rule over you. Putin's a clumsy fool that destroyed any favorable feelings towards Russia in Ukraine.
Marco wants to be president, and has repeatedly shown he has feet of clay. If the herd moves, he'll get to the head of the stampede.
If you had clay feet, you wouldn't be able to w/ much agility at all... even if you wanted to.
Damn, this thread is awesome. I should spend more time here because politics are at a minimum.
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Honest question, no snark. Are the Ukrainians going to be able to factor in the Russian deserters killed by Putin's enforcers?
Good point. Not likely. Nor will they be able to account for some that die long deaths after being removed from battle.

At this rate, they will be at our combined deaths for Korean and Vietnam war in December and exceed all deaths in wars for US post WWII if they don’t give up by Feb 24th 2023. Think about that for a second. All the pain and loss to American families over 78 years compressed into one year and with a country 43 percent the population. For the dumbest of reasons.
Good point. Not likely. Nor will they be able to account for some that die long deaths after being removed from battle.

At this rate, they will be at our combined deaths for Korean and Vietnam war in December and exceed all deaths in wars for US post WWII if they don’t give up by Feb 24th 2023. Think about that for a second. All the pain and loss to American families over 78 years compressed into one year and with a country 43 percent the population. For the dumbest of reasons.
If the peasants only knew the truth. City folks there are likely in “unwilling to face the facts” mode, tho they have to know at least at a certain level what is happening.
I bet there was voter fraud.
You would lose the bet.


9 February 2010

By Philip P. Pan

International monitors on Monday described Ukraine's presidential election as free and fair, putting pressure on Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko to concede defeat despite a tight vote count and charges of irregularities.

EU endorses Ukraine election result

BRUSSELS, 8. FEB 2010, 17:39
EU foreign relations chief Catherine Ashton has congratulated Ukraine on holding free and fair presidential elections, in remarks that will make it harder for the losing side to contest the result.
"The generally calm atmosphere in which the elections were conducted, the open campaign in the media and the fact that the electorate were provided with a genuine choice represent important achievements in Ukraine's democratic development," Ms Ashton said on Monday (8 February).
you don't understand the difference between the EU and NATO.
The rejection of NATO precipitated the coup by the U.S.
The EU was willing to play the long, slow game to entice Ukraine from Russia’s orbit, the neocons were not, hence, “**** the EU” from Nuland when discussing next steps in the coup

And you continually go back to 2010,

Yes, that’s when a vote recognized as free and fair by international observers elected a president who reflected the public’s view of joining NATO. This ran counter to neocon dreams expressed since 2008 to incorporate Ukraine into NATO.

while ignoring that Putin's invasions and interference starting in 2014 completely eliminated and feelings of favorability held by those in east and south Ukraine.
You ignore that it is more than just Putin’s invasion. As our former ambassador to Russia and current CIA Director told Washington, there are factions in that territory that would rebel against NATO ascension by Ukraine. And then the Russians would have to decide whether to support or abandon them - a choice in the cable he says they don’t want to face.
The neocons went with the coup, essentially daring Putin to do something about it, which he did.
Ignoring that gets us to the conflict in 2014 that arose in response to the coup against the elected government.
I used to wonder if the neocons in the Obama admin made that move (the coup) thinking Putin would just sit on his hands. Given the conduct when they returned to the White House and immediately started pushing NATO ascension, I think war is what they really wanted, and the goal of their policy conduct has been to get him to fire the first shot.
You look at it that way and every step taken makes more sense.
Mission Accomplished.

That's beyond the basic fact that having favorable relations with a country is completely diffetent from wanting them to invade and rule over you. Putin's a clumsy fool that destroyed any favorable feelings towards Russia in Ukraine.
Completely agree on that, I just don’t overlook how people would respond to a coup.
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"Deduction or trap? Riddles about Russian strategy for Kherson: Recently there has been increasing speculation that Russia could evacuate the conquered city in the face of advancing Ukrainian troops or FLOOD it."

I'm not fully understanding why Russia would flood the area. It would flood areas they currently claim and would affect operation of the North Crimean Canal that serves Crimea.
They'd be self destroying parts of Kherson that they supposedly want to hold while reducing water supply to Crimea.
Blowing the dam seems like an admission of defeat and eminent withdrawal. That would signal the end of Crimean occupation.

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