This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

But comparing it to what Russia is doing to a peaceful Ukraine ruled by a non dictator who had not killed 500k plus people already himself is just asinine.
What did the neocon say about 500k dead Iraqi kids over Saddam’s non-existent WMD programs?

“Worth it.”

The neocons think no differently than Putin or Saddam. Everyone on the planet is fodder.

And insinuating the US military directly killed 1,000,000 people in Iraq (without mentioning the vast majority of deaths were secular strikes) as if they were akin to the Russian child raping / genocide commuting troops / highrise middle striking Russians is just ridiculous.
Is this the part where you try and wrap a terrible policy in the flag and hide behind the public support of the troops?
Stupid sanctions killed the vast majority in Iraq. The same way the Saudi blockade of Yemen has pushed the death toll of their invasion into six figures.
Do you think a mother holding a dead child prefers a missile strike or starvation as proximate cause? Are you pursuing a worthy distinction here?

You won’t catch me making that type of asinine backwards defense of Russia you have been doing 1000 plus pages.
What you’re caught up in is conflating motive with moral justification.
In politics and history they rarely overlap.
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For context, a city of 87,000 would be the fourth largest city in Iowa.

The Russian economy is taking a beating that's about as bad as their military defeats.
5-9% decline in GDP and 22% inflation. Couldn't happen to a bigger bunch of dicks.

Collapsing economy…epic ass kicking of its military…thousands of nukes.

Nothing to worry about 😉
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It seems as if the Russians are pulling their regulars across the Dnipro, and leaving the conscripts in Kherson to do the dying. The hope being they can reconstitute over the Winter and hold together in the Spring to keep the Ukrainians from punching through.
Some great strategy, Vlad.
Drunk? No training? Both?
It's weird, maybe many of them are happening while they're still sleeping or something?

I notice this in some of the tank videos, too. There will be a guy on the outside of the tank, he sees something drop from the sky into it and then he --- just stands there? Until it blows up?

So weird.

I mean, I have no training - and sometimes I'm drunk - but if I was in an active war zone and something fell on me from the sky, I'd at least TRY to get up and run!
Why do the soldiers just sit there after the munition drops in?

They have no idea it's dropped from a remote drone; maybe they try to cover it w/ something, because they think if they jump out of the hidey-hole, "whoever who threw it" is standing there with a guns ready to blow their heads off.

And, they may not even know it's a munition at first, if they hadn't heard any enemy activity.

While I doubt the Russian military is as well trained, you often hear stories of US Marines who will jump on/cover a live munition to save their comrades in the same foxhole. But that's always another possibility.
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It's weird, maybe many of them are happening while they're still sleeping or something?

I notice this in some of the tank videos, too. There will be a guy on the outside of the tank, he sees something drop from the sky into it and then he --- just stands there? Until it blows up?

So weird.

I mean, I have no training - and sometimes I'm drunk - but if I was in an active war zone and something fell on me from the sky, I'd at least TRY to get up and run!

If these are the recent conscripts from the far East, they've never seen a drone, and have no clue where something random dropped from....
Here we go again:) Putin must be joy riding with his girlfriend.

"At #Moscou the Leningradskoye highway was completely blocked Traffic policemen prohibit pedestrians from entering the roadway, there is not a single car on the highway. "

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Sorry, it's behind a paywall, but I read an interesting story in The Economist this morning, Life After Putin. It suggests that sanctions are now taking a hard bite, and that the elites are getting wobbly in their support for Putin and are looking for a status quo replacement. The economy is teetering, and the flight of young, educated men is troubling. It quotes an elite as saying, "There is a lot of sweating and angry talk in Moscow restaurants and kitchens. Everyone has realized that Putin has blundered and is losing". The article states that the mobilization is an admittance that the war was a blunder, and the elites feel that Putin has broken their agreement. He keeps power, and they lead cushy lives. In short, the war is starting to impact them.
The article also mentions the recent public hardline statements by Prigozhin and Kadyrov may also signal a weakening in support for Putin. When other men speak out so forcefully it is a signal that they think the boss may be getting wobbly.
Sorry, it's behind a paywall, but I read an interesting story in The Economist this morning, Life After Putin. It suggests that sanctions are now taking a hard bite, and that the elites are getting wobbly in their support for Putin and are looking for a status quo replacement. The economy is teetering, and the flight of young, educated men is troubling. It quotes an elite as saying, "There is a lot of sweating and angry talk in Moscow restaurants and kitchens. Everyone has realized that Putin has blundered and is losing". The article states that the mobilization is an admittance that the war was a blunder, and the elites feel that Putin has broken their agreement. He keeps power, and they lead cushy lives. In short, the war is starting to impact them.
The article also mentions the recent public hardline statements by Prigozhin and Kadyrov may also signal a weakening in support for Putin. When other men speak out so forcefully it is a signal that they think the boss may be getting wobbly.
Lot of experts said in the spring if things ever got to Putin doing a mobilization it would be the end of him. They could have withdrawn at anytime and declared a fake victory. He. Just. Could. Not. Do. It.
Russian Troll factory in Ghana. Believe it or not. Wild.

Working with researchers from Clemson University, CNN has found a Russian troll operation targeting American voters and, for the first time, we have confronted the people on the ground behind it -- and it's not where you might expect. With help from Facebook and Twitter, who had already been investigating some of these accounts and who corroborated our findings - this is a never-before seen look at how Russia is once again trying to influence America's democracy. CNN's Clarissa Ward reports.
Maybe they're praying for it to all end and assume the munition is a gift from heaven.

What would be utterly hysterical, is if the Ukrainians have been regularly dropping those "airline bottles" of vodka from drones, with notes "from Putin" in Russian-held territory. Getting them used to finding those, and watching/seeing small drones delivering them to them.

Then, when they hear one they poke their heads out thinking "MORE VODKA FROM PUTIN!!!!"

When the drone drops an actual munition, they're busy trying to figure out if it's a "bonus pack" of vodkas..... and then it blows up.
What would be utterly hysterical, is if the Ukrainians have been regularly dropping those "airline bottles" of vodka from drones, with notes "from Putin" in Russian-held territory. Getting them used to finding those, and watching/seeing small drones delivering them to them.

Then, when they hear one they poke their heads out thinking "MORE VODKA FROM PUTIN!!!!"

When the drone drops an actual munition, they're busy trying to figure out if it's a "bonus pack" of vodkas..... and then it blows up.
Or just start poisoning the vodka...
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What would be utterly hysterical, is if the Ukrainians have been regularly dropping those "airline bottles" of vodka from drones, with notes "from Putin" in Russian-held territory. Getting them used to finding those, and watching/seeing small drones delivering them to them.

Then, when they hear one they poke their heads out thinking "MORE VODKA FROM PUTIN!!!!"

When the drone drops an actual munition, they're busy trying to figure out if it's a "bonus pack" of vodkas..... and then it blows up.
Very Wile E. Coyote. I like it.