This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Russia still has 7,000 thermonuclear warheads. If they feel threatened NATO is moving east into what they claim as Russia they will use one to halt an advance. Then what?

At that exact moment I predict China will make its move on Taiwan while the U.S. and NATO are in a direct war with Russia. Is the U.S. really ready to fight a two front war? So basically full steam ahead for World War 3.

I have three draft eligible children I better get them out to the gun range again this weekend.
That's why Europe is starting to realize that they have to move on this and end Russia.

Come '25, Trump could be in the Whitehouse, and with Republicans in control of Congress, that means it's likely that the US will switch sides, recognize Russia's ownership of all of Ukraine, and start providing military and aid packages to Moscow. "Putin has been treated very unfair! Corrupt Biden-Zelensky-Burisma Crime Family!"

And China has no need to move on Taiwan until they see whether Trump wins. If he does, "Genius!" Xi just has to offer Trump golf courses and Trump Towers in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, and "promise" to keep allowing export of chips from China (formerly Taiwan) to the US, and Commander-In-Chief Trump will order US forces to stand down and let Japan, UK, Australia, etc. try to help defend that democracy on their own.
They don't really need to send ground troops. Just more boiling the frog.

Send aircraft and manned anti-air weapons. Europe could put 600+ modern warplanes in the skies of Ukraine, and Russian aircraft would disappear from Ukraine and the Black Sea.

Bomb any artillery, mlrs, or offensive actions and anti-air systems.

Then it's just the question of how quickly Russia's refineries, pipelines, port facilities, and tankers can all be hit and knocked out, and there goes 35% of Moscow's GDP, all in a couple months.
Direct conflict between NATO troops and Russian Army in Ukraine sounds like the early days of WW3 to me.

Only if Russia openly attacks the sovereign territory of those NATO countries.

Not really any different than the US's incursions into Afghanistan & Iraq.
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That's why Europe is starting to realize that they have to move on this and end Russia.

Come '25, Trump could be in the Whitehouse, and with Republicans in control of Congress, that means it's likely that the US will switch sides, recognize Russia's ownership of all of Ukraine, and start providing military and aid packages to Moscow. "Putin has been treated very unfair! Corrupt Biden-Zelensky-Burisma Crime Family!"

And China has no need to move on Taiwan until they see whether Trump wins. If he does, "Genius!" Xi just has to offer Trump golf courses and Trump Towers in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, and "promise" to keep allowing export of chips from China (formerly Taiwan) to the US, and Commander-In-Chief Trump will order US forces to stand down and let Japan, UK, Australia, etc. try to help defend that democracy on their own.


The possibility of MAGAs and Trump taking over Congress or the WH is going to lead to more risky postures by Europe.

We could easily change that dynamic, by universally rejecting the MAGA stances that support Putin. But too many posters here and voters are duped by right-wing propaganda which echoes Putin's troll farms
They don't really need to send ground troops. Just more boiling the frog.

Send aircraft and manned anti-air weapons. Europe could put 600+ modern warplanes in the skies of Ukraine, and Russian aircraft would disappear from Ukraine and the Black Sea.

Bomb any artillery, mlrs, or offensive actions and anti-air systems.

Then it's just the question of how quickly Russia's refineries, pipelines, port facilities, and tankers can all be hit and knocked out, and there goes 35% of Moscow's GDP, all in a couple months.


NATO forces could carpet bomb Russian bases in Crimea into oblivion.
Not Russian territory, so not an attack on Russia. Take out that bridge and every rail line at the border for a mile into Ukraine.

Russian forces will run out of supplies in a few weeks.
Since the war has been essentially a stalemate and trench warfare for the last few months maybe the Ukrainians would be wise to give some ground and set the Russians up to over extend themselves and the Ukrainians hit them with a counter offensive. Been done in warfare before...have to break the stalemate. Get them in exposed positions instead of fortifications that they've been building for months. One can hope...

The new Ukrainian commander in chief seems to be more willing to give ground instead of engaging in meat grinder fights like Bahkmut.

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian troops have pulled out of a village in the east of the country, an army spokesman said Monday, as Russian forces display advantages in manpower and ammunition on the battlefield at the start of the war ’s third year.

The latest setback for Kyiv’s soldiers was in the village of Lastochkyne, where they fell back to nearby villages in an attempt to hold the line there, Dmytro Lykhovii, a spokesman for one of the Ukrainian troop groupings, said on national television.

Lastochkyne lies to the west of Avdiivka, a suburb of Donetsk city that the Kremlin‘s forces captured on Feb. 18 after a four-month battle. The outnumbered defenders were overwhelmed by Moscow’s military might, and Ukraine chose to pull out its troops and mount a defense elsewhere.

With Spearker Johnson pissing himself over the MAGAs ousting him the Ukrainians are in a bind. With reports of shell rationing, and small arms ammunition rationing, I don't think there is another choice but to slowly give some ground.
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With Spearker Johnson pissing himself over the MAGAs ousting him the Ukrainians are in a bind. With reports of shell rationing, and small arms ammunition rationing, I don't think there is another choice but to slowly give some ground.

I just think if Ukraine is gonna really start making some gains again it has to become a war of maneuver again. Tactical withdrawals might be a way to do that...instead of butting your head against prepared defenses.

A tactical withdrawal is a military maneuver in which a force deliberately retreats from a position or area in order to gain a strategic advantage. Tactical withdrawals are often used to regroup, resupply, or to reposition forces in order to launch a new attack.

These static lines with fortified defenses plays to the Russian's manpower/material advantage.
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I just think if Ukraine is gonna really start making some gains again it has to become a war of maneuver again. Tactical withdrawals might be a way to do that...instead of butting your head against prepared defenses.

A tactical withdrawal is a military maneuver in which a force deliberately retreats from a position or area in order to gain a strategic advantage. Tactical withdrawals are often used to regroup, resupply, or to reposition forces in order to launch a new attack.

These static lines with fortified defenses plays to the Russian's manpower/material advantage.
I am waiting to see if the new "supreme commander" will attempt some new tactics. (If they have the weapons and men to attempt to do so.)
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I am waiting to see if the new "supreme commander" will attempt some new tactics. (If they have the weapons and men to attempt to do so.)
He's already shown a willingness to withdraw instead of standing fast in a meat grinder like the last guy at Bahkmut.

Pulled out of totally destroyed Avdiivka. Smart IMO.
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Long but interesting speculation from Poland on what may come next.

The example of yesterday's conference and Macron's words clearly shows what Russian information activities/propaganda look like.Even before the reports from the conference, the statement was used, not by Macron but by the Prime Minister of Slovakia - because it was populist and in a tone optimal for propaganda activities. On its basis, hundreds of comments were posted about sending soldiers from Poland and NATO "to the front" and "to fight". "Opinion leaders" associated with RUS information centers were also launched. These are the usual accounts, I won't advertise them. Generally, infoops in all its glory. Don't fall for this.And what does it look like in real life?

What was agreed at the conference?Firstly - probably for the first time since 1945 - Europeans basically discussed their own security on the continent and the international order. Of course, I would not draw conclusions about Europe's strategic independence, etc., but changes are clearly visible.Secondly, France is becoming a leader in Europe where Germany does not want it. And I emphasize that the tightening of France's course is nothing new - it began in 2021 as a result of the recognition of Russia's preparations for war. France is a country that has not only tactical nuclear weapons but also a doctrine of de-escalating their use. Unlike Russia.Thirdly, France recognized the very active interference of RUS agencies in social and electoral processes in France. From yellow vests to attempted cyber attacks on elections.

As a result of the above, and then of Russia's bandit and completely unjustified subsequent aggression against Ukraine, there was, firstly, a hardening of France's course towards Russia and, secondly, a search for consolidation of security mechanisms in Europe and replacing the USA in them, which may return to isolationism as a result of changes at the top of power. As a result, the French president emphasized the need to strengthen security to prevent any future Russian attacks on additional countries and indicated countries that may be targeted by Russian expansion: the Baltic Sea and... Poland.Fourth: the essential term is "strategic ambiguity" used by Macron and the statement "Today there is no consensus to send troops in an official and approved way to the site. But in terms of dynamics, nothing can be ruled out".The mere mention of such considerations is an entry into the next level of escalation and is also a violation of a certain taboo about not sending soldiers outside NATO structures and not sending them to Ukraine. Why did Macron consciously use this? This is another element that Russians need to start considering quite seriously. The signals for RUS in recent quarters are clear:- Europe will, to some extent, replace the US in supporting Ukraine in terms of ammunition and SpW- Finland and Sweden in NATO- maintaining economic aid for the AU allowing the war to continue- breaking a certain taboo and openly considering sending the army to Ukraine.

Personally, I think that this is showing the Russians that prolonging the conflict and a war of attrition will not bring Russia success, and I also suspect that "red lines" have probably been established, the crossing of which by the Russians will result in an avalanche of escalation of Western aid.This means that Russia may open another strategic direction (if it gathers the forces to do so), but in return it may expect a no-fly zone over, for example, western Ukraine. Or it may reach the Dnieper, but this will result in sending, for example, a military contingent. Etc. Of course, this is deliberately unstated publicly as part of the "strategic ambiguity" that the Russians must now begin to factor into their calculations. Who understand only the language of strength - they perceive consensuality as weakness.

France is currently not consensual with Russia, for two years it has been speaking in an understandable language in the Kremlin, Poland and the UK as well.Does this mean that we are going to have a war? Well, Russian expansionism is a fact, territorial or political claims to the Baltic states are a matter of time. The Russians do not lack the will to do so, but they lack the opportunity because of the losses they suffer in Ukraine and what a political and strategic nightmare this war is for them. As long as Ukraine wins this war politically, Russia cannot reach the Baltic Sea. This is what is at stake.

To put it more brutally: it is better to fight a war to defend the Baltics in Ukraine than in the Baltics.Of course, someone may write that the weakness of the land forces of the European NATO armies means that Macorn's threats are empty. Well, no. Wars are won in the space, cyber, air, sea and finally land domains. And in the first four European countries - even without the USA - are a power compared to Russia, a dwarf. The threat to send a European air component with 80-120 multi-role combat aircraft to Ukraine would mean the beginning of the end for Russia of its dreams of reaching the Dnieper. And they know it very well. Macron did not express "empty threats" - Europe has a huge advantage over Russia in at least four domains. It is a matter of political will and consensus to use it.Therefore, Russia will focus on information/propaganda activities to scare, for example, Poles with such a vision. Additionally, hybrid activities will probably be intensified.PS. NATO countries have been sending officers and policemen to Ukraine for a long time. Firstly, specialists from the UK and France who protected the embassies of these countries even before the outbreak of the war. Of course, subordinating e.g. GIGN gives a loophole because these are not SZ. Secondly, in Ukraine already in 2022, there were, for example, 98 Polish policemen - sappers who helped demine the area around Kiev and beyond.Most difficult operations - including direct deliveries and evacuation of captured equipment - are organized via PMC."

Dave Hummel

The Pale Blue Dot
Imaged by Voyager II

By: Carl Sagan

"We succeeded in taking that picture [from deep space], and, if you look at it, you see a dot.

That's here. That's home. That's us.

On it, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever lived, lived out their lives. The aggregate of all our joys and sufferings, thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilizations, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every hopeful child, every mother and father, every inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of the dot on scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner of the dot. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.

Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.

Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity -- in all this vastness -- there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

It is up to us.

It's been said that astronomy is a humbling, and I might add, a character building experience. To my mind, there is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world.

To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly and compassionately with one another and to preserve and cherish that pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."
Wars are won in the space, cyber, air, sea and finally land domains.
The author forgets the most important domain: political.
Wars are ultimately tests of will.

"War is never a technical problem only, and if in pursuing technical solutions you neglect the psychological and the political, then the best technical solutions will be worthless." - Hermann Balck

And in the first four European countries - even without the USA - are a power compared to Russia, a dwarf. The threat to send a European air component with 80-120 multi-role combat aircraft to Ukraine would mean the beginning of the end for Russia of its dreams of reaching the Dnieper. And they know it very well. Macron did not express "empty threats" - Europe has a huge advantage over Russia in at least four domains. It is a matter of political will and consensus to use it.
Show me Europe's political will to bleed for Ukraine.
We can see Russia's.

This is what Obama meant when he said that Russia has escalatory dominance over Ukraine.
Your answer today ripping Biden was very disappointing. He's the only reason we've done anything to help Ukraine.
Biden put the neocons in charge of his foreign policy, and the consequence in evidence is that Ukraine is getting wrecked.

Put that simple fact in your pipe and smoke it.
Further evidence all you can do is parrot tweets.

It’s not possible for you to discuss events, and what Merkel warned would be considered by Russia a declaration of war.

You can’t possibly face the fact this old man you idolize ****ed up, just like when he voted for the war that sent you to Iraq and resulted in the murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Quit putting your faith in the warmongers.
Your answer today ripping Biden was very disappointing. He's the only reason we've done anything to help Ukraine.
Only compared to Obama or trump. The US has by far the most to give and we are giving token amounts or none of the good stuff. Meanwhile whole Ukrainian cities are being destroyed and a generation of her men killed and maimed.

PS-I posted this awhile ago. Ukraine is begging for artillery shells-why are we sending these?

"But there’s an important exception. There are potentially four million 155-millimeter dual-purpose improved cluster munitions in storage in the United States. M483A1 and M864 DPICM rounds respectively scatter 88 or 72 grenade-size submunitions, each of which can kill or maim a soldier.

All of these shells are obvious candidates for the “excess” label. The U.S. Army years ago determined that these DPICMs—produced in large quantities between the 1970s and 1990s—are unreliable and unsafe, as any particular submunition has up to a 14-percent chance of being a dud.

The Army around 2017 declared a requirement for a new cluster shell with a one-percent dud rate. “Rounds now in the U.S. stockpile do not meet the Office of the Secretary of Defense's goal,” wrote Peter Burke, then the service’s top ammunition manager.

That orphaned, according to a 2004 report, 402 million DPICM submunitions. Do the math. That’s as many as 4.6 million 155-millimeter shells.

The Biden administration managed to ship to Ukraine, under authorities that don’t fall under the EDA law, an undisclosed number of DPICMs—tens of thousands, perhaps—before aid ran out and Republicans blocked additional money.

The White House’s main practice, for the first two years of Russia’s wider war on Ukraine, has been to give to Ukraine weapons from U.S. stockpiles—and then immediately to replace the donated materiel with newly-produced weapons.

In that sense, almost nothing Biden has given to Ukraine actually has been free. It has cost the Ukrainians a portion of the $75 billion in financial aid the U.S. Congress approved for Ukraine before Republicans gained their majority.
If Biden abandoned this practice, he could designate all the DPICM shells remaining in U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps warehouses as excess—and donate them to Ukraine without needing a single dollar to replace them.

All four million or so remaining rounds should be available. Enough for years of intensive combat."

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