This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

"The United States has said Russia likely launched a counterspace weapon into the same orbit as a U.S. government satellite, an accusation Moscow rejected Wednesday as disinformation.

The latest clash between Moscow and Washington came as the Kremlin kicked off exercises to simulate the use of tactical nuclear weapons in a likely signal to the West against deeper involvement in Ukraine.

In a briefing Tuesday, Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said the U.S. has assessed that Moscow deployed the satellite May 16. “Russia launched a satellite into low Earth orbit that we assess is likely a counterspace weapon, presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low Earth orbit,” he said.

It was launched into the same orbit as a U.S. government satellite, he said, without elaborating on whether the American satellite was in any immediate danger.

The U.S. will be monitoring the situation, Ryder added, but is ready to protect the "space domain."
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"Two U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress aircraft assigned to the 5th Bomb Wing arrived at Royal Air Force Fairford, in the U.K., for a routine bomber task force deployment, Monday.

While deployed, the unit will operate as the 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron under the banner of Bomber Task Force Europe 24-3. Throughout the deployment, U.S. Air Force Airmen and aircraft will integrate with NATO Allies and other international partners to synchronize capabilities and assure security commitments across the U.S. European Command area of responsibility.

The U.S. routinely demonstrates its commitment to NATO Allies and partners through BTF missions. Through these missions, U.S. Air Forces Europe – Air Forces Africa enables dynamic force employment in the European theater, providing strategic predictability and assurance for Allies and partners while contributing to deterrence by introducing greater operational unpredictability for potential adversaries.

BTF 24-3 also falls under Large Scale Global Exercise 2024, an umbrella term used to connect military operations across multiple combatant commands. LSGE24 enables U.S. Joint Forces to train with Allies and partners and improve shared understanding, trust, and interoperability on security challenges across the globe.

Regular and routine deployments of U.S. strategic bombers also provide critical touch points to train and operate alongside our Allies and partners while bolstering a collective response to any global conflict."

For more information, please contact the U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa Public Affairs office at or, after hours, at
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I cannot find it, but I read an interesting article a few weeks ago in the Economist about Emmanuel Macron and his evolution on Ukraine. He and France took a beating at the beginning of the war as France was slow to provide aid, and Macron pushed for diplomacy. That posture has changed radically in the last few months. Macron has talked of putting troops in Ukraine, and certainly has upped the sharpness of his rhetoric.
At the beginning was he naive, or simply exhausting the chances for a negotiated withdrawal by Russia? The article said maybe to the second part, but while under increasing pressure inside France from hardliners, Macron also seems to have matured and recognized the threat Russia poses to Europe. The constant cyber campaigns were used as evidence. We all had a chuckle months ago about an outbreak of bedbugs in Paris ahead of the Olympics. I couldn't find the thread, but I know there was at least one on HORT about it. Turns out the bulk of the traffic was traced back to bots and troll farms inside of Russia, where the story was created and disseminated.

"The United States has said Russia likely launched a counterspace weapon into the same orbit as a U.S. government satellite, an accusation Moscow rejected Wednesday as disinformation.

The latest clash between Moscow and Washington came as the Kremlin kicked off exercises to simulate the use of tactical nuclear weapons in a likely signal to the West against deeper involvement in Ukraine.

In a briefing Tuesday, Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said the U.S. has assessed that Moscow deployed the satellite May 16. “Russia launched a satellite into low Earth orbit that we assess is likely a counterspace weapon, presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low Earth orbit,” he said.

It was launched into the same orbit as a U.S. government satellite, he said, without elaborating on whether the American satellite was in any immediate danger.

The U.S. will be monitoring the situation, Ryder added, but is ready to protect the "space domain."

WTH was "Space Force" doing? I thought this was their freaking JOB!!!

"Two U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress aircraft assigned to the 5th Bomb Wing arrived at Royal Air Force Fairford, in the U.K., for a routine bomber task force deployment, Monday.

While deployed, the unit will operate as the 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron under the banner of Bomber Task Force Europe 24-3. Throughout the deployment, U.S. Air Force Airmen and aircraft will integrate with NATO Allies and other international partners to synchronize capabilities and assure security commitments across the U.S. European Command area of responsibility.

The U.S. routinely demonstrates its commitment to NATO Allies and partners through BTF missions. Through these missions, U.S. Air Forces Europe – Air Forces Africa enables dynamic force employment in the European theater, providing strategic predictability and assurance for Allies and partners while contributing to deterrence by introducing greater operational unpredictability for potential adversaries.

BTF 24-3 also falls under Large Scale Global Exercise 2024, an umbrella term used to connect military operations across multiple combatant commands. LSGE24 enables U.S. Joint Forces to train with Allies and partners and improve shared understanding, trust, and interoperability on security challenges across the globe.

Regular and routine deployments of U.S. strategic bombers also provide critical touch points to train and operate alongside our Allies and partners while bolstering a collective response to any global conflict."

For more information, please contact the U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa Public Affairs office at or, after hours, at

Need to link up the B52s with the Black Sea Love Shack...


They're also asking for additional Ukrainian pilots to be trained on the F-16 in the US, and for expedited delivery of additional air defense resources (noting that Ukraine is asking for at least 7 more Patriot batteries).

Signed by:

Step up. The time is now.
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"Two U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress aircraft assigned to the 5th Bomb Wing arrived at Royal Air Force Fairford, in the U.K., for a routine bomber task force deployment, Monday.

While deployed, the unit will operate as the 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron under the banner of Bomber Task Force Europe 24-3. Throughout the deployment, U.S. Air Force Airmen and aircraft will integrate with NATO Allies and other international partners to synchronize capabilities and assure security commitments across the U.S. European Command area of responsibility.

The U.S. routinely demonstrates its commitment to NATO Allies and partners through BTF missions. Through these missions, U.S. Air Forces Europe – Air Forces Africa enables dynamic force employment in the European theater, providing strategic predictability and assurance for Allies and partners while contributing to deterrence by introducing greater operational unpredictability for potential adversaries.

BTF 24-3 also falls under Large Scale Global Exercise 2024, an umbrella term used to connect military operations across multiple combatant commands. LSGE24 enables U.S. Joint Forces to train with Allies and partners and improve shared understanding, trust, and interoperability on security challenges across the globe.

Regular and routine deployments of U.S. strategic bombers also provide critical touch points to train and operate alongside our Allies and partners while bolstering a collective response to any global conflict."

For more information, please contact the U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa Public Affairs office at or, after hours, at
music videos 80s GIF
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Sweden is boosting its military presence on the strategically important Baltic island of Gotland. They had a significant garrison there during the Cold War, but had they that dwindle to a home guard force. Some troops have been temporarily moved there while a full time garrison is organized and deployed.
More about NATO troops going to Ukraine. I’ve seen support personnel and training staff mentioned, but this mentions combat troops specifically to relieve Ukrainian troops along the border with Belarus.
Beyond that, at what point does NATO discuss a no fly zone, and could they do it without the US? My guess is that something that follows the boundaries of the Dnipro River would be discussed. That way Kyiv and Odessa would be shielded, and logistics and bases for F-16s would be protected.

China sending Russia ‘lethal aid’ for Ukraine war, UK defence secretary says, in split with US​

China is sending “lethal aid” to Russia for use in its war against Ukraine, Britain’s defence secretary, Grant Shapps, has said, in comments that were challenged by Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan.
Shapps used a speech at the London Defence Conference on Wednesday to say: “Today I can reveal that we have evidence that Russia and China are collaborating on combat equipment for use in Ukraine.
As part of his call for Nato to “wake up” and bolster defence spending alliance-wide, he added: “US and British defence intelligence can reveal that lethal aid is now flying from China to Russia and into Ukraine.

“And this is new intelligence which leads me to be able to declassify and reveal this fact today. I think it’s quite significant.”
Shapps did not provide evidence to support his assertion. But he said there had been a 64% increase growth in trade between the countries since the start of the Ukraine and “they are covering each other’s back”.

“It’s time for the world to wake up. And that means translating this moment to concrete plans and capabilities. And that starts with laying the foundations for an alliance-wide increase in spending on our collective deterrent,” he said.
Sullivan appeared to take issue with some of Shapps’s comments. He said the possibility that China might “provide weapons directly – lethal assistance – to Russia” had been a concern earlier, but that “we have not seen that to date”.
The US did however have a “concern about what China’s doing to fuel Russia’s war machine, not giving weapons directly, but providing inputs to Russia’s defence industrial base”, he added.
China and Russia’s strategic partnership has grown closer since the invasion of Ukraine, and US officials say Beijing continues to supply Moscow with key components it needs for its war machine. Its purchase of Russian oil and gas has helped boost the Russian economy.

However, the US believes Beijing has stopped short of directly providing weapons to Russia, which has turned to heavily sanctioned North Korea and Iran to replenish its arms supply.
Chinese president Xi Jinping welcomed Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to Beijing earlier this month, where the two leaders put on a strong show of unity. Xi said in a statement following talks with Putin that they agreed on the need for a “political solution” to resolve the war.
Last month, Julianne Smith, the US ambassador to Nato, told Politico that China was continuing to sell related supplies such as drone technology and gunpowder ingredients to Russia. “The PRC [People’s Republic of China] cannot claim to be entirely neutral in this case, they are in fact picking a side.

“If they were not providing some of these components, or this materiel support, Russia would be in a very different situation and would have trouble pursuing some of these acts of aggression.”
The Chinese embassy in London did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Shapps’s remarks.

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And other one bites the dust. These guys better get together and make their move before they are all taken out.
(I think they are sick of Putin.)

By Reuters
May 23, 20242:58 AM CDTUpdated 2 hours ago

MOSCOW, May 23 (Reuters) - Russia has detained the deputy head of the army's general staff, Lieutenant-General Vadim Shamarin, on suspicion of large-scale bribe-taking, Russian media reported on Thursday.
It is the fourth arrest of a high-ranking defence figure in the space of a month, starting on April 23 when Deputy Defence Minister Timur Ivanov was placed in pre-trial detention for suspected bribe-taking.
Since then, Lieutenant-General Yuri Kuznetsov, head of personnel at the defence ministry, and Major-General Ivan Popov, former commander of Russia's 58th army, have also been arrested.

‘Everything is burning’: Battles rage outside Kharkiv as Ukraine tries to hold back Russian advance​

Lyptsi, UkraineCNN —
There are some towns that Ukraine can just never afford to lose, and Lyptsi is one of them.

But the grip the nation keeps is tenuous: The streets are aflame from an airstrike moments earlier when we race in, under the cover of darkness. Night affords them the only respite from drone assault; the hours before we arrive have seen the town hit eight times.

Yet the soldiers of the 13th Khartiia National Guard have to endure, as the stakes here are huge. Russia’s relentless onslaught has a key goal: If they take Lyptsi, then they can position artillery within range of Ukraine’s second city, Kharkiv, 20 minutes down the road.

Down in a bunker, Oleksandr, a commander, looks at one of his many drone feeds. “You saw yourself how everything is burning. It is like that every night.”

His men were among the first to tackle Russia’s new advance into Kharkiv region nearly two weeks ago. He says they are fighting trained professional soldiers.

“We can see it from their equipment and tactics,” he says. “They’re not sending just anyone into the assaults.”

His stare lengthens when asked about what fortifications were in place before the surprise Russian attack. “Nothing was prepared here. Nothing. Just nothing. All the positions are being built by the hands of infantry.”

Outside, the night is shaken by more blasts. “Three weeks ago the civilians were living a peaceful life here. Rebuilding, everything was all right,” he says. “And now most of the houses are ruined.”

As we leave, a loud drone buzzes overhead, close by. Our escort does not flinch or run. I ask if the drone is friendly. “How the f*** should I know?” he replies, tugging on a cigarette.

All around the city of Kharkiv, home to an estimated million civilians, Ukrainian forces are trying to hold back a persistent Russian assault from multiple angles. Over a week reporting in the villages around the city, CNN saw Ukrainian units holding their positions at great peril and risk, and sometimes using aged and scant artillery to fend off a much better equipped Russian force, able to thwart their most basic maneuvers with huge numbers of drones.

At one position closer to the Russian border, the 92nd Assault Brigade showed CNN a Russian artillery gun, captured in the first days of the war, from which they are now firing French mortar shells. The gun was partially hidden by a wire net, aimed at providing some protection from an attack drone. Yet above, an unidentified scout drone began to hover, forcing the unit to run into a bunker.

Another unit is forced to use a Soviet artillery gun made in the 1940s. Hidden in dense foliage, its metal is rusty in parts, limiting how often it can be fired. Artun, their commander, uses newer Polish shells, but now only fires 10 a day, when in the autumn it was 100.

Drones are “a big problem,” Artun says. “I have shrapnel in me as a keepsake,” he adds, referring to the remnants of a Russian Lancet drone still in his hand and stomach, which the surgeons could not remove. “But there are certain actions that can save you from drones.”

One of them springs into life: an alert from a $30 frequency scanner on his webbing. It has picked up the approach of another Orlan drone, sending Artun into the bunker. He looks out into the sky above, and sees it pass overhead. He commands a diverse unit, epitomizing the manpower challenges Ukraine is facing in its third year of war. Some, like him, are wounded infantrymen, put on the guns further back from the front. Others are older, while one of his team is on his first day in artillery.

For nearly two years, Kharkiv thought the threat from its neighbour had passed. A lightning Russian retreat in late 2022 left Kharkiv region peaceful and the launchpad for Ukrainian attacks across the border into Russia proper. Attacks persisted in the distance however, keeping the city’s residents awake through violently loud nights, now amplified by the threat of Russian artillery edging closer. Flares, anti-aircraft fire, and blasts regularly punctuate the enforced blackout, as Russian drones, rockets and airstrikes hit targets in the dark.

On Wednesday, city officials reported an attack on a gas station, which left four people in hospital. On Sunday, two missiles struck a lakeside resort in Cherkaska Lozova, outside the city — a horrifying attack on a civilian target which also used a “double-tap” tactic, in which a second missile hit 10 minutes after the first, injuring first responders.

A few hours after Sunday’s blasts, rescue workers clambered over the ruins of a waterside terrace, retrieving two bodies from the seven who died in the attack. One was a woman, seven months pregnant. Another was only found later, their body fragments in the wreckage. As police combed the eviscerated terrace on the lake for evidence, another air alert sounded, causing half the workers to flee for cover, and some to carry on, almost oblivious.

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US challenges Shapps’ claim China is sending ‘lethal aid’ to Russia​

Joe Biden’s administration has challenged a claim by the British defence secretary, Grant Shapps, that China is sending “lethal aid” to Russia for use in its war in Ukraine.

Speaking on Wednesday, Shapps cited “new intelligence” that suggested Beijing was giving Moscow deadly “combat equipment” for the first time. On Thursday, the Ministry of Defence in London said it would not give further details.

Previously, China has been accused by Washington of providing critical components used by Russia’s military after its 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine. These include microelectronics that have been fitted in tanks, missiles and other weapons.

Shapps’ comments at the London Defence Conference went further. “Today I can reveal that we have evidence that Russia and China are collaborating on combat equipment for use in Ukraine,” he said.

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