This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...


Good example of training level of Russian forces, even elite.
Captured AK-12 with 1P87 RDS. But the sight mounted backwards.


This reminds me of one of the smartest things I have ever read on Hrot.

"If you are ever considering murder suicide, start with the suicide".
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Hey, I think it was me that said that wasn’t it!?
I don't know. It was in a thread I posted about the guy who walked in on his wife in bed with another woman. I belive the wife was like the president of F1 or some shit.

It appears I misquoted slightly.


HR Legend​

Gold Member
When considering a murder suicide, do the suicide first loser.
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While I think it will be a little slower than you think from here on out, the bigger question remains, "to what end?" Sanctions are not an end in themselves - that's a bit of a western/american mindset. Usually, the point of sanctions is to (i) create popular suffering so as to undermine domestic political support, resulting in regime change, (ii) create popular suffering so as to undermine domestic political support resulting in policy change, or (iii) to erode the capacity to make war (eg, by limiting raw materials, etc.).

My point is that the Russian system is not going to have a problem handling either (i) or (ii), since popular support (or even oligarchical support) is not the underpinning of the regime or policy. That leaves us with (iii), which will occur, but in a command/authoritarian economy, unfortunately slower than we might hope.
I get what you have said several times. However, Russian society has radically changed the last 30’years. Older people and rural people can be more easily swayed. The young with mobility are leaving. People got used to having stuff. As supplies draw down the sanctions will bite harder and deeper.
The democrats probably have a couple that aren't very bright but nobody can touch the bottom feeders of the Republican party in Congress - Greene, Boebert, Cawthorn in particular. Just beyond idiotic. No business whatsoever making decisions for the rest of the American populace.
They aren’t making decisions for us now. They are performance artists. They perform every day and night on far right media and Twitter. They grift endlessly.
The problem is what happens if the GOP takes the House and the nut caucus starts to wield power.
The problem isn't the tanks, the problem is how they are being employed and the (lack of) ground support they receive. Sending tanks into battle by themselves is insane. This is why the US always employs them as part of a Combined Arms element. This doesn't mean there is infantry a few feet or meters away. It means that there is infantry as a lead element or on the flanks...hundreds of meters or a Km away. They support each other.

The Russians has basically sent their tanks in with no support of any kind, either logistical or combat support.
This makes perfect sense when we see video of some of the tank attacks and how close it seems the Ukrainians appear to be. Doesn't look like there's anything preventing closer contact.

Thanks for the explanation.
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Would you hit Vladimir Putin in the back of the head with a wooden Louisville slugger bat like Babe Ruth hitting a grand slam in 1928 if you were guaranteed to get away with it?

Let me start by saying when I was 9 My parents went to buy me a new bat, but instead they took forum advice and went the cheap route. When I got home they were so excited to give me my new used bat, they even wrapped it. I was pumped and ripped it open straight away. Imagine my face when I discovered it was a used PovertyKid Bunter 500. Man I got ridiculed relentlessly all season by my teammates. One day with the game on the line against our rivals the Bettendorf Baseball Hitters, I struck out on a bunt attempt. After the game my teammates said they wanted to talk to me. They didn't do much talking though but instead they all went ahead and beat me with their much cooler bats. The last thing I remember was thinking how cool this one kids RichKid VelocaSlammer 9001 looked, and then everything just faded to black.

My life has pretty much been a mess since then. All of my food is microwaved, my microsoft paints look the same as they did when I was 9, and the cops are constantly aware of my location and telling my friends not to worry. That PovertyKid Bunter 500 ruined my life.

But to answer your question, yes. However, I would use a PovertyKid Bunter 500.