This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

The slow killer drone attack on Sevastapol-anyone else get a kick out of how much video there is? It was daytime and people were out and about. The drone appears to be flying slow and low.
There are even some recordings (sound only so far that I know of) of the Russians trying to hit it with small arms.
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Belarus is under sanctions too so I hope this is not a way for Russia to get around theirs.

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I realize it's kind of morbid, but I like watching Russian soldiers die.
I felt bad initial month of war, especially hearing reports of how the supposedly were conscripts thinking they were really just training or liberating an oppressed society. And then the images of looting came as they began to leave the north front. And then the horrors of war crimes north of Kyiv came out and at that point I really am comfortable watching them die. I doubt I will ever view Russians the same after this. The bulk of their soldiers and leaders and yes citizens have been weighed, measured and found wanting.
The slow killer drone attack on Sevastapol-anyone else get a kick out of how much video there is? It was daytime and people were out and about. The drone appears to be flying slow and low.
There are even some recordings (sound only so far that I know of) of the Russians trying to hit it with small arms.
I assume the building was a softer target than the port, but I would love it if the Ukrainians caught that Russian KIlo class sub out in the open while loading up missiles.