The reason kremlinmole97 keeps bring up Yemen is equivocation. One of the main propaganda points Putin's troll farms push through social media is that whatever bad thing Russia is doing, the US did it first! So if you go back to the first dozens of pages of this thread, you'll see that kremlinmole97 keeps going back to Yemen again and again to justify Russia's actions in Ukraine. That's what the trollfarms were, and still are, pushing through rightwing and social media postings. It doesn't matter if this, like his repeatedly calling Ukraine's Euromaiden revolution a "Coup" is utterly false both factually and by definintion, the point is to sow doubts and "both sideism" among casual followers of the news through a firehose of falsehoods.
Kremlinmole97 thinks that if he keeps repeatedly dropping in his lies about what the US is doing in Yemen, and what the US did in Ukraine, some readers here will just accept it without question as it is not in the news because we had little to nothing to do with either situation. The Ukrainian and Yemeni people have agency, and Russia, Iran, Syria are far worst actors at undermining democracies and fomenting coups and insurrections around the world than Western democracies are.