This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

I believe this is now quadrupling down. Double down was pulling out of North Ukraine and saying they would have all of East Ukraine by Mayday Parade (solid band from Tallahassee sidebar). Triple down was resetting goals in East Ukraine for September 15th. And here we are on cusp of Autumn calling up 300k untrained troops with their supplies dwindling and entire country finally realizing they are losing badly. Putin is done. He is like a gambler who got down 20k and went to credit cards then college funds then 401k trying to get that 20k back.
Interesting moves by Putin, definitely not going well for him in Ukraine…I am hopeful that Biden and NATO make it very clear that use of nuclear weapons on the European continent would be considered an act of war against all NATO members.

This dangerous rhetoric needs to stop…and the bully isn’t going to shut up unless they understand clearly that one of the older brothers would join the fight…
A few pages ago there were comments about how the Ukrainians would not yield to brutal Russian attacks on their cities. Putin is going to follow the same pattern he used against Grozny and Aleppo. Hopefully the Ukrainians have enough firepower of their own, because Putin’s go to move is to obliterate civilian infrastructure. He is particularly fond of destroying schools and hospitals.
A few pages ago there were comments about how the Ukrainians would not yield to brutal Russian attacks on their cities. Putin is going to follow the same pattern he used against Grozny and Aleppo. Hopefully the Ukrainians have enough firepower of their own, because Putin’s go to move is to obliterate civilian infrastructure. He is particularly fond of destroying schools and hospitals.
I believe Ukraine is WAY too powerful now to allow another Mariupol to happen.

It’s been said by many experts early on after it became clear Russia was massively struggling and overestimated their forces, that if Putler did a mobilization, he would be done for and pretty fast. I think these experts might be right too, seeing how long it took for him to do. So hopefully they are right.
Nukes or no nukes?

This escalation is more than just bizarre. It’s suicidal. If the nuclear arsenal is in the same abysmal condition as the rest of the Russian military, who knows what might happen?

What might happen is this:

  • Instant coalescence of the Western military to a war footing. Military production goes to war levels.
  • NATO enters Ukraine. A real war means the gloves come off.
  • Belarus falls over because Russia can’t support it militarily.
  • Republics cut links with Moscow to avoid becoming nuclear targets and for aesthetic reasons.
  • China can absolve itself of any responsibility for support to Russia with ease. (Xi Jinping wasn’t exactly effervescent with praise in the recent meeting with Putin.)
  • Russian troops mutiny all over Russia. (As it is, a lot of them have refused to fight in Ukraine. This may well be the last straw.) There aren’t enough FSB, Chechens, or Wagner Group to fight them.
As for “ continuing nuclear blackmail” as described by Putin and nobody else – Why bother? Russia’s military is collapsing quite well already. No need to even mention the subject on the Western side and nobody has.

Nuclear war

Russia supposedly has 5000+ nukes. There is a new post-Soviet generation of nukes, but it’s unclear how many of these are operational. The older nukes may not be functional, simply because they’re so old and maintenance is so expensive… Or should I say lucrative? Like the tanks and everything else that fell to bits in days? Russia also hasn’t had much time to build many, if any, of the newer weapons.

If you assume 20 to 50% of these nukes are deliverable, the threat is much reduced, but still likely to cause a global catastrophe. That’s one of the reasons China may also not be too keen on Russia starting a nuclear war.

The nuclear card is the only playable card for Russia, but it’s a weak, one-time-only card. Russia could be decimated by the UK and France alone, never mind the US arsenal.

The logic is seriously flawed. Any nuclear action will bring an immediate response. The relatively small highly populated areas of western Russia could be annihilated easily.

Putin has said he’s not bluffing. Let’s be clear about this. Nor is anyone else. There can be only one response to any use of nuclear weapons. The Russian people know that, too.

This is a desperate move by someone playing a losing game. As I’ve mentioned before, don’t be too surprised if at least one of those Russian nukes is aimed straight at the Kremlin.

It can happen.


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Nukes or no nukes?

This escalation is more than just bizarre. It’s suicidal. If the nuclear arsenal is in the same abysmal condition as the rest of the Russian military, who knows what might happen?

What might happen is this:

  • Instant coalescence of the Western military to a war footing. Military production goes to war levels.
  • NATO enters Ukraine. A real war means the gloves come off.
  • Belarus falls over because Russia can’t support it militarily.
  • Republics cut links with Moscow to avoid becoming nuclear targets and for aesthetic reasons.
  • China can absolve itself of any responsibility for support to Russia with ease. (Xi Jinping wasn’t exactly effervescent with praise in the recent meeting with Putin.)
  • Russian troops mutiny all over Russia. (As it is, a lot of them have refused to fight in Ukraine. This may well be the last straw.) There aren’t enough FSB, Chechens, or Wagner Group to fight them.
As for “ continuing nuclear blackmail” as described by Putin and nobody else – Why bother? Russia’s military is collapsing quite well already. No need to even mention the subject on the Western side and nobody has.

Nuclear war

Russia supposedly has 5000+ nukes. There is a new post-Soviet generation of nukes, but it’s unclear how many of these are operational. The older nukes may not be functional, simply because they’re so old and maintenance is so expensive… Or should I say lucrative? Like the tanks and everything else that fell to bits in days? Russia also hasn’t had much time to build many, if any, of the newer weapons.

If you assume 20 to 50% of these nukes are deliverable, the threat is much reduced, but still likely to cause a global catastrophe. That’s one of the reasons China may also not be too keen on Russia starting a nuclear war.

The nuclear card is the only playable card for Russia, but it’s a weak, one-time-only card. Russia could be decimated by the UK and France alone, never mind the US arsenal.

The logic is seriously flawed. Any nuclear action will bring an immediate response. The relatively small highly populated areas of western Russia could be annihilated easily.

Putin has said he’s not bluffing. Let’s be clear about this. Nor is anyone else. There can be only one response to any use of nuclear weapons. The Russian people know that, too.

This is a desperate move by someone playing a losing game. As I’ve mentioned before, don’t be too surprised if at least one of those Russian nukes is aimed straight at the Kremlin.

It can happen.


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Even if only 10% of Russia's nukes are operational/functional, that is still 500 nuclear warheads.
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Least surprising Russian story of war crimes ever.

Yeah, this makes zero sense. As I said, a really weird take. Allies provide increased forces, increased force capabilities, increased intelligence, increased force projection, increased access, increased logistics and I could go on and on and on. All of those things make US forces more effective and, therefore, strengthened.

No, bro.

The Ukrainian military is NOT any stronger because of allies like the US and Western Europe providing them assets and intel.

In fact, w/o that "alliance", I think Ukraine would have won this war months ago - hands down!!!

Works in the same way here.....just NO WAY the US is stronger with collaboration/assistance from allies...

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