This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

"Ukrainian troops very recently seen moving from a liberated area and moving to new combat zones "

This a BFD! Pskov is on the border with Lithuania. Either the Ukrainians got saboteurs hundreds of miles into Belorussian territory, or the home grown kind of saboteurs were at work.
Correction. Pskov is near Estonia, and is in Russia. That’s a really BFD.
Two Ka-52 attack helicopters were destroyed on a Russian airfield in Pskov region’s Ostrov district, as reported by the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence. Ostrov is a Russian town close to the Latvian border. It’s more than 600 kilometers (or 370 miles) removed from Russia’s border with Ukraine.

“A powerful explosion went off at the Veretye military airbase (Pskov region, Ostrov-5) the night before October 31,” says the Ukrainian GUR. Its statement does not credit the Ukrainian side for the incident, and does not explain what caused the explosion.

Earlier, the blast was reported by the Telegram channels Baza and VChK-OGPU. Both of them wrote that the helicopters were stationed for repairs. “The blast was so powerful that pieces of the fuselage were scattered 200 meters around,” Baza wrote. It isn’t clear whether anyone was injured in the incident.

The Russian Defense Ministry does not yet comment on the explosion. When queried by journalists, the Western Military District’s press service promised to reply once the “details” are clarified.
Serious question: In this case, does 1,2 M2 = 1,2 M1? Just trying to get ranking methods figured out.
Same result in this case. My M2 ranked the first girl hottest, so she got the 1, like you would hand out a ribbon for first place. M1 would have drafted the first girl number 1 overall, like taking lebron #1 in the NBA draft. So a ranking versus a draft by place in line, is how I think of it.
Same result in this case. My M2 ranked the first girl hottest, so she got the 1, like you would hand out a ribbon for first place. M1 would have drafted the first girl number 1 overall, like taking lebron #1 in the NBA draft. So a ranking versus a draft by place in line, is how I think of it.
Got it, I think. M2 seems to be the natural way most people rank rather than moving sequentially left to right assigning a rank to each in order.


Got it, I think. M2 seems to be the natural way most people rank rather than moving sequentially left to right assigning a rank to each in order.


Oh, on second glance you are M1. M2 would go down the line from left to right, assigning a ribbon/rank. So if the first girl of ten was least attractive you start with a 10. Under M1, if the last girl on the right was the hottest, you would start with a 1. So you would be drafting under M1, by place in line. Which makes you a psycho, as it is most natural to hand out to ribbons 1 through 10 as you go down the line.
Oh, on second glance you are M1. M2 would go down the line from left to right, assigning a ribbon/rank. So if the first girl of ten was least attractive you start with a 10. Under M1, if the last girl on the right was the hottest, you would start with a 1. So you would be drafting under M1, by place in line. Which makes you a psycho, as it is most natural to hand out to ribbons 1 through 10 as you go down the line.
In review I'm also M1. Makes more sense to rank them. After all, it's a rank'em, not a draft'em.

Now, does anyone know where I can get a collie?
AP story about Wagner trying to recruit US trained Afghanis to go to Ukraine.
They said the Russians want to attract thousands of the former elite Afghan commandos into a “foreign legion” with offers of steady, $1,500-a-month payments and promises of safe havens for themselves and their families so they can avoid deportation home to what many assume would be death at the hands of the Taliban.

“They don’t want to go fight — but they have no choice,” said one of the generals, Abdul Raof Arghandiwal, adding that the dozen or so commandos in Iran with whom he has texted fear deportation most. “They ask me, ‘Give me a solution. What should we do? If we go back to Afghanistan, the Taliban will kill us.’”
