This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

"The U.S. Air Force’s F-35A Lightning II stealth fighters are now certified for delivery of B61-12 nuclear gravity bombs—and, in fact, have been since October 12, 2023.

This bombshell—dropped by F-35’s Joint Program Office (JPO)—was reported by Breaking Defense Friday morning. JPO spokesman Russ Goemaere stated that the certification had actually been awarded months earlier and far ahead of schedule.

This means that F-35As will now be considered “dual-capable” platforms useable in both conventional and nuclear warfare—in the latter role carrying up to two B61-12s internally and using its suite of ground-scanning sensors and datalinks to target the bomb more precisely than other B61-delivering aircraft."
Ukraine is upping the pay for soldiers from $2.6k to 5k per month to try and bolster numbers and decrease the draft avoidance.
Ukraine has been able to keep Russian air forces in check.

Set back with this. The US continues to send stripped down military weapons from Abrams to Patriots.

Ukraine to fight this war needs a tech edge. US weapons are harder to use and more expensive.
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Don't give anyone a lecture on corruption Trump/Putin supporter
Never voted for Trump, nice try. I did have to pay an officer a bribe to get through Maidan barricades to get to my apartment. I"ve voted for Reagan, Bush I, Bush II. Not Trump. You honestly have no clue how bad corruption is in Ukraine. Makes Trump look like a choir boy..... Or Biden for that matter.
Never voted for Trump, nice try. I did have to pay an officer a bribe to get through Maidan barricades to get to my apartment. I"ve voted for Reagan, Bush I, Bush II. Not Trump. You honestly have no clue how bad corruption is in Ukraine. Makes Trump look like a choir boy..... Or Biden for that matter.

Their is corruption in every government. You are not saying anything brilliant.
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Their is corruption in every government. You are not saying anything brilliant.
You been there? You don't know what you are talking about. That is the single reason why Ukraine is not in NATO or EU.
Their is corruption in every government. You are not saying anything brilliant.
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You been there? You don't know what you are talking about. That is the single reason why Ukraine is not in NATO or EU.

Nope. Never been there. I'm telling you there is corruption in every government. Most of the U.S. funds are spent on U.S. companies supplying them weapons.

Your argument is week. Go back to Russia.
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Nope. Never been there. I'm telling you there is corruption in every government. Most of the U.S. funds are spent on U.S. companies supplying them weapons.

Your argument is week. Go back to Russia.
I don't disagree about all countries. Ukraine and Russia are in their own league. I'm as Iowan as you are except that I do business in Ukraine, been there and adopted 2 children from there. Been through the court system. I deal with corrupt judges here in my profession in ag (not in Iowa, but Midwest). Our adoption was rife with graft every step of the way. Ukraine wouldn't be in this mess if they'd been as serious about it. You could at least try and learn rather than just listen to US media.

Try reading: Kyiv Post, New Voice of Ukraine, Ukriniform and others. Try actually talking to a Ukrainian be they Ukrainian speaking, Russian or Slurgic. Your just a hot bag of air that doesn't want to believe Biden has flaws. Biden is the best of 2 bad choices. Just don't stay so ignorant.

Most of my work is in the Myrgorod, Poltava, Kremenchuk, and Khoral areas and other smaller villages.
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How much MAGA support for Ukraine could we drum up if we told them we were booting Russia out of Transnistria just to get it renamed to Cisnistria....

Do you even know the history of tmTransnitria? Had you heard of it before the war? Do you know how close it is to Odesa and how many Russian troops are there? What is the GDP compared to Ukraine to Russia to US? What language is spoken in Moldova and Transnitria?

How close is Moldova to the Balkan countries and what are the religiions? Which countries did NATO support in the 90s? What happened there? How does that impact Ukraine and Russia? Who was Stephan Bandera? Who didbtgevSoviets fight in Ukraine in the 50s. Who did US troops fight in Normandy? Why where they there? What happened at v Babyn Yar? Or Khoral at the soccer field or Kremenchuk?

Is it Kyiv or Kiev? Why is that important? What how do I spell the Ukrainian capital. How isbit said in Ukrainian. You likely dont know mostnl of that How do Ukrainians feel when Americans call Ukraine, the Ukraine? Why us that?
You been there? You don't know what you are talking about. That is the single reason why Ukraine is not in NATO or EU.

I have never visited or lived there so I have no first-hand knowledge of how exstensive the corruption is. No matter the level of corruption, Ukraine did not deserve to be invaded and suffer the death and destruction it has endured. I still firmly believe Ukraine deserves our support and that it is in our best interest to do so. What is your opinion?
The AP continues to do excellent reporting on the war. This is an in depth piece about the battle for Avdiivka. Lack of ammunition, lack of fresh troops leading to physical and mental strain, the use of glide bombs by Russia, and the willingness to waste 1000 men a day by the Russians led to the Ukrainian defeat
Nope. Never been there. I'm telling you there is corruption in every government. Most of the U.S. funds are spent on U.S. companies supplying them weapons.

Your argument is week. Go back to Russia.
Didn’t you go on a drunken rant about how you were going to go fight in Ukraine?
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