Couple things:
1) I didn't say he was Lambert 2.0, I specifically asked if he was Lambert 2.0, or better. Not talking about styles, talking about AA finishes.
2) Leaders of men. If you haven't watched a few of the Perry interviews, I think you should. There is a ton of telling things in that interview. You can figure from the interview that while a young, cocky college kid, Perry may have respected Tom, but maybe didn't have the warm and fuzzy for him. Fast forward and he thinks he is one of the most influential people in his life. When you reflect and see that someone was pushing you to be a better person at a time when you weren't ready to listen, you gain a lot of respect for the person not just patting you on the head ans saying ata boy. You respect they took the best route, the most caring route and risking a relationship because they really truly cared and wanted you to be better. That to me is a leader of men.
1) I didn't say he was Lambert 2.0, I specifically asked if he was Lambert 2.0, or better. Not talking about styles, talking about AA finishes.
2) Leaders of men. If you haven't watched a few of the Perry interviews, I think you should. There is a ton of telling things in that interview. You can figure from the interview that while a young, cocky college kid, Perry may have respected Tom, but maybe didn't have the warm and fuzzy for him. Fast forward and he thinks he is one of the most influential people in his life. When you reflect and see that someone was pushing you to be a better person at a time when you weren't ready to listen, you gain a lot of respect for the person not just patting you on the head ans saying ata boy. You respect they took the best route, the most caring route and risking a relationship because they really truly cared and wanted you to be better. That to me is a leader of men.