Time & the AP misled on Trump's immigration policies. We need strong media, not fumbles like this


HB King
Nov 3, 2012
Heaven, Iowa
Again, for the record, I am independent; I want people (especially our elected officials in DC) to come to the middle, to compromise, and find common sense solutions that truly impact Americans' lives.

I found this column interesting; and guess what? It fuels Trump's #FakeNews claims and it lathers up his base. As you will read, American trust of the news is at such historic lows.


We can't afford news media blunders in the Donald Trump era. Skip the cheap smear tactics.

Daniel Payne, Opinion contributor
Published 11:26 a.m. ET June 25, 2018 | Updated 5:09 p.m. ET June 25, 2018

The heart-wrenching image of a toddler crying as her mother is being patted down by a Border Patrol agent had become a symbol of family separation by the Trump Administration. The father of the child now says the girl was not separated from her mother.

Time magazine and the AP (the discussion follows) misled the public on Donald Trump's immigration policies. We need strong news media in our present moment, not fumbles like this.


Two recent news media fumbles illustrate nicely the present divide between mainstream journalism’s ambitions and its chronically blundering execution. There is a reason that American trust of the news is at such historic lows. There are things journalists can do to rectify this, if we care to.

The first fumble came from Time magazine, which published a cover story examining President Donald Trump’s controversial border separation policy. The photo-shopped cover of that issue features an immigrant toddler bawling as Trump serenely looks down upon her. “Welcome to America,” the caption reads — the obvious implication being that the immigrant girl had been torn from her parents at the behest of Trump’s policy. Indeed, the story itself initially stated that the girl had been “carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents.”

But she wasn’t. It didn’t happen. The heavy insinuation on Time’s cover, along with the explicit account in the story itself, turned out to be false. The girl’s father confirmed that she was never taken from her mother. Time eventually corrected the story, stating that rather than being carted off by border agents, “her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together.”

Time exploited a little girl's tears

It is bad enough that the magazine outright reported on an event that didn’t actually happen. But Time’s cover adds another layer of media malpractice to the whole thing. In effect, the magazine is exploiting the tears of a little girl in order to drive home a political point; it is tricking readers into thinking a photograph is depicting something that objectively it is not.

In other contexts, this tactic would have been roundly condemned. By way of example, several years ago, when pro-life activist David Daleiden used some stock footage of a stillborn baby to illustrate an abortion worker’s claims, the news media had a feeding frenzy over it. The Washington Post, CNN, ThinkProgress and other outlets were quick to point it out. Nobody likes to be fooled.

Not to be outdone, The Associated Press last week published a bombshell report on a civil rights lawsuit brought by numerous immigrant children. They were allegedly held at a detention center in Virginia and subjected to brutal abuse, including being “beaten while handcuffed and locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells.”

The allegations are horrifying. What was surprising, however, was the way the article framed them. In the original report, which has since been amended online, readers had to make it through more than 20 paragraphs before learning that most of the alleged abuse took place under the Obama administration.

Tell the truth. Don't lie. Don't trick.

Not only did the article deeply bury the context of the allegations, it also strongly implied that the abuse was taking place solely under the Trump administration. One paragraph reads: “Many of the children were sent (to the detention facility) after U.S. immigration authorities accused them of belonging to violent gangs, including MS-13. President Donald Trump has repeatedly cited gang activity as justification for his crackdown on illegal immigration.” Such framing makes it seem as if the alleged abuse was a direct consequence of Trump’s rhetoric, when that simply wasn’t the case.

The revised article makes it clear that much of the abuse dates from the Obama era. But the clarification came after the article had already been shared thousands upon thousands of times on social media. When stories like this drop, they spread across the globe within a matter of minutes — no matter if the story itself is misleading or unfair.

The news media need to do better than this. Our present political moment needs a strong and professional journalism industry, not one that is interested in cheap, dishonest tactics meant to smear the president. This is particularly crucial when one remembers that Trump himself has signaled a willingness to try and muzzle journalists: On the campaign trail, he expressed a desire to use libel laws to shut up anyone who criticizes him. Journalism that regularly shreds its own credibility — with Trump voters, for one, but also with the larger body politic — is ill-suited to take on that kind of threat.

Be honest. Tell the truth. Don’t lie. Don’t trick. These are rules every journalist should follow. We should not think we have the luxury of slapdash journalism. It is bad for the industry and ultimately bad for the country.

Daniel Payne is an assistant editor at "The College Fix" and blogs at

You can read diverse opinions from our Board of Contributors and other writers on the Opinion front page, on Twitter @usatodayopinion and in our daily Opinion newsletter. To respond to a column, submit a comment to

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Fox News misleads evey hour of every day, but I guess you're good with them doing that.

When I watch them I understand their mission and expect their deliberate deception.

Who said I am ok with ANY news outlet misleading anyone? Why would you say that I am "good with them doing that?"

Why are you making stuff up? Ironically, you say Fox News makes stuff up but it is YOU, when making stuff up, who sound just like Fox News!
That is a spectacular deflection. Nice work.

Ignoring the manipulation right wing propaganda uses on a minute by minute process and then singling this one instance out is most definitely relevant to the topic. In fact, the fact that you are focusing on this photo and not the circumstances that caused the photo in the first place shows that the propaganda has already worked on you. You are ignoring the criminal issue taking place and focusing on some technicality that fits into the Trump administration's goal of getting you to hate media they don't approve of.

Even if that little girl wasn't actually removed from her parents, there are thousands of little girls who have been removed from their parents and are screaming and crying as a result of it. Of course, the Trump administration won't actually let the media in to see the kids so actual photos are unavailable. Removing children from parents would be a war crime if we were at war. Instead, it could open up the Trump administration to charges of crimes against humanity. Don't ever forget that or get distracted from that point.
The news media has made it clear which side they stand on. I totally agree with what you said but TDS runs strong with the left.

They sat on their hands during the Obama Administration's run, and are way overboard on this president.
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Ignoring the manipulation right wing propaganda uses on a minute by minute process and then singling this one instance out is most definitely relevant to the topic. In fact, the fact that you are focusing on this photo and not the circumstances that caused the photo in the first place shows that the propaganda has already worked on you. You are ignoring the criminal issue taking place and focusing on some technicality that fits into the Trump administration's goal of getting you to hate media they don't approve of.

Even if that little girl wasn't actually removed from her parents, there are thousands of little girls who have been removed from their parents and are screaming and crying as a result of it. Of course, the Trump administration won't actually let the media in to see the kids so actual photos are unavailable. Removing children from parents would be a war crime if we were at war. Instead, it could open up the Trump administration to charges of crimes against humanity. Don't ever forget that or get distracted from that point.

And the 2nd example from the OP?
A few things-
My issue of Time said that the little girl had not been taken away from her mother.
The cover is representative, which adults should be able to figure out.
How can anyone complain about something so minor as these Time complaints when Trump lies something like 80% of the time he speaks.
I do find it ironic that the far left on here are OK with the media misleading the public in the 2 cases illustrated in the original post.

Kinda makes a lot of posters on here a bunch of hypocrites, correct?

Are you making the claim that children are not being ripped from their parents? Because that is the issue here. If you are going to deny this is happening, then come right out and say it.
You mean the part where the article claims that Trump was not using gang affiliation to MS13 as justification for his policies even though that's exactly what he has done?

The part about what happened under the Obama administration that was swept under the rug and made to appear as a Trump issue.

But you knew what I meant. You would cut out your tongue before you would criticize Obama.
The part about what happened under the Obama administration that was swept under the rug and made to appear as a Trump issue.

But you knew what I meant. You would cut out your tongue before you would criticize Obama.

Oh, the policy that Obama tried to stop but Republicans made sure would keep happening. That part? The part Republicans now want to pretend that all of this was Obama's idea in the first place and Trump is just "continuing the policy"? That part? Yeah, you've been fooled by the propaganda for that hook, line, and sinker as well.
Who said I am ok with ANY news outlet misleading anyone? Why would you say that I am "good with them doing that?"

Why are you making stuff up? Ironically, you say Fox News makes stuff up but it is YOU, when making stuff up, who sound just like Fox News!

With the exception of Shep Smith, Fox News main mission is to mislead.

I'm just pointing out the truth.
Are you making the claim that children are not being ripped from their parents? Because that is the issue here. If you are going to deny this is happening, then come right out and say it.

Children are not being ripped from their parents....
Fox News misleads evey hour of every day, but I guess you're good with them doing that.

When I watch them I understand their mission and expect their deliberate deception.
And I've seen many misstatements on CNN breaking news over the past year too, so OK
I majored in journalism and started out in the newspaper business (90s). I loved the media ... CNN, LA Times, USA Today ... I was fascinated with the media and appreciated everything about the industry.

Today? I despise pretty much every media outlet. Articles are now written to fit the author's narrative. Now, we don't quote sources ... Instead, articles are filled with: "...says a source close to the situation."

CNN, Fox ... even local news ... it's all about grabbing our attention ... click bate ... Scandalous headlines ...

As someone who started out in the media with a passion to make a career of it ... I shake my head at now what is considered "reporting." It's at all-time low and will only get worse.

Sadly, TMZ is probably more reputable than most news sources.
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Yes, they indeed are.
And despite several Trump administration officials indicating that was the "new policy", you still seem to deny it.

It's over,.. as in no longer happening,... so no, they are not....
It's over

No, it is not "over" for those still separated, or for the trauma already caused (and lingering problems from) for small children.

There's no "mulligan" here, and it's "all better now". We are STILL spending BILLIONS incarcerating people because we cannot process them fast enough. Without due process.
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No deflection, just the truth.

Yet it still doesn't address the topic. And you're not going to get me to defend Fox News. I don't watch it.

Are you saying all news outlets should abide by Fox News standards? I thought the AP was better than that...sort of.
Oh, the policy that Obama tried to stop but Republicans made sure would keep happening. That part? The part Republicans now want to pretend that all of this was Obama's idea in the first place and Trump is just "continuing the policy"? That part? Yeah, you've been fooled by the propaganda for that hook, line, and sinker as well.

The abuse was happening under the Obama administration, yet congress is responsible? What a cop out. As I said, you wouldn't criticize Obama if your life depended on it.
The abuse was happening under the Obama administration

No, it was not. A former administration official was quoted as stating EXACTLY this. He said "I cannot guarantee it 'never' happened, but it was NOT our policy, EVER". A Trumpanzee lied on one of the pundit shows (CNN) and the CNN pundit had to play the tape to prove her wrong. That vid is posted here somewhere.
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No, it was not. A former administration official was quoted as stating EXACTLY this. He said "I cannot guarantee it 'never' happened, but it was NOT our policy, EVER". A Trumpanzee lied on one of the pundit shows (CNN) and the CNN pundit had to play the tape to prove her wrong. That vid is posted here somewhere.


Multiple detainees as young as 14 said guards stripped them of their clothes and strapped them to chairs with bags placed over their heads. The incidents described in the lawsuit occurred from 2015 to 2018, during both the Obama and Trump administrations.
No, it is not "over" for those still separated, or for the trauma already caused (and lingering problems from) for small children.

There's no "mulligan" here, and it's "all better now". We are STILL spending BILLIONS incarcerating people because we cannot process them fast enough. Without due process.

The comment was,... "We are ripping children from their parents arms",... No we aren't,... the "ripping", if it occurred, is over, as in we aren't doing it anymore.... Yes, we are spending billions on the border, we have always spent billions on the border and we will continue to spend billions on the border,... get used to it.
The comment was,... "We are ripping children from their parents arms",... No we aren't,... the "ripping", if it occurred, is over....
You can keep saying it, but it's not "over" for the majority of them.

>2000 were separated. "Allegedly", they've reunited around 500, IF you believe their claims.


Also, paying $170 a day w/o ramping up our judicial systems to deport people is about as ineffective and costly as you can make a policy.

Fences/walls don't do shit, because they just make bigger ladders. Walls are 1000 A.D. technology, and never worked for the Chinese, either. Spend your money on drone tech, to scan over many many miles of territory, for a fraction of the cost. Spend your money TRAINING border patrol in how to deal with people and process them for asylum when they ask.

Google the numbers if you have to, but we are most assuredly NOT dealing with a 'border crisis'.
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Again, for the record, I am independent; I want people (especially our elected officials in DC) to come to the middle, to compromise, and find common sense solutions that truly impact Americans' lives.

I found this column interesting; and guess what? It fuels Trump's #FakeNews claims and it lathers up his base. As you will read, American trust of the news is at such historic lows.


We can't afford news media blunders in the Donald Trump era. Skip the cheap smear tactics.

Daniel Payne, Opinion contributor
Published 11:26 a.m. ET June 25, 2018 | Updated 5:09 p.m. ET June 25, 2018

The heart-wrenching image of a toddler crying as her mother is being patted down by a Border Patrol agent had become a symbol of family separation by the Trump Administration. The father of the child now says the girl was not separated from her mother.

Time magazine and the AP (the discussion follows) misled the public on Donald Trump's immigration policies. We need strong news media in our present moment, not fumbles like this.


Two recent news media fumbles illustrate nicely the present divide between mainstream journalism’s ambitions and its chronically blundering execution. There is a reason that American trust of the news is at such historic lows. There are things journalists can do to rectify this, if we care to.

The first fumble came from Time magazine, which published a cover story examining President Donald Trump’s controversial border separation policy. The photo-shopped cover of that issue features an immigrant toddler bawling as Trump serenely looks down upon her. “Welcome to America,” the caption reads — the obvious implication being that the immigrant girl had been torn from her parents at the behest of Trump’s policy. Indeed, the story itself initially stated that the girl had been “carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents.”

But she wasn’t. It didn’t happen. The heavy insinuation on Time’s cover, along with the explicit account in the story itself, turned out to be false. The girl’s father confirmed that she was never taken from her mother. Time eventually corrected the story, stating that rather than being carted off by border agents, “her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together.”

Time exploited a little girl's tears

It is bad enough that the magazine outright reported on an event that didn’t actually happen. But Time’s cover adds another layer of media malpractice to the whole thing. In effect, the magazine is exploiting the tears of a little girl in order to drive home a political point; it is tricking readers into thinking a photograph is depicting something that objectively it is not.

In other contexts, this tactic would have been roundly condemned. By way of example, several years ago, when pro-life activist David Daleiden used some stock footage of a stillborn baby to illustrate an abortion worker’s claims, the news media had a feeding frenzy over it. The Washington Post, CNN, ThinkProgress and other outlets were quick to point it out. Nobody likes to be fooled.

Not to be outdone, The Associated Press last week published a bombshell report on a civil rights lawsuit brought by numerous immigrant children. They were allegedly held at a detention center in Virginia and subjected to brutal abuse, including being “beaten while handcuffed and locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells.”

The allegations are horrifying. What was surprising, however, was the way the article framed them. In the original report, which has since been amended online, readers had to make it through more than 20 paragraphs before learning that most of the alleged abuse took place under the Obama administration.

Tell the truth. Don't lie. Don't trick.

Not only did the article deeply bury the context of the allegations, it also strongly implied that the abuse was taking place solely under the Trump administration. One paragraph reads: “Many of the children were sent (to the detention facility) after U.S. immigration authorities accused them of belonging to violent gangs, including MS-13. President Donald Trump has repeatedly cited gang activity as justification for his crackdown on illegal immigration.” Such framing makes it seem as if the alleged abuse was a direct consequence of Trump’s rhetoric, when that simply wasn’t the case.

The revised article makes it clear that much of the abuse dates from the Obama era. But the clarification came after the article had already been shared thousands upon thousands of times on social media. When stories like this drop, they spread across the globe within a matter of minutes — no matter if the story itself is misleading or unfair.

The news media need to do better than this. Our present political moment needs a strong and professional journalism industry, not one that is interested in cheap, dishonest tactics meant to smear the president. This is particularly crucial when one remembers that Trump himself has signaled a willingness to try and muzzle journalists: On the campaign trail, he expressed a desire to use libel laws to shut up anyone who criticizes him. Journalism that regularly shreds its own credibility — with Trump voters, for one, but also with the larger body politic — is ill-suited to take on that kind of threat.

Be honest. Tell the truth. Don’t lie. Don’t trick. These are rules every journalist should follow. We should not think we have the luxury of slapdash journalism. It is bad for the industry and ultimately bad for the country.

Daniel Payne is an assistant editor at "The College Fix" and blogs at

You can read diverse opinions from our Board of Contributors and other writers on the Opinion front page, on Twitter @usatodayopinion and in our daily Opinion newsletter. To respond to a column, submit a comment to


Protip: a photo is not "misleading on policies"

The policies were correctly called out. Trump backed down on HIS policies. So, let's take a step back if we're "calling out" one photo implied to be a separation, which may not have been, when separations WERE the NEW POLICY, and WERE explicitly endorsed by several of his Cabinet.
You can keep saying it, but it's not "over" for the majority of them.

>2000 were separated. "Allegedly", they've reunited around 500, IF you believe their claims.


Also, paying $170 a day w/o ramping up our judicial systems to deport people is about as ineffective and costly as you can make a policy.

Fences/walls don't do shit, because they just make bigger ladders. Walls are 1000 A.D. technology, and never worked for the Chinese, either. Spend your money on drone tech, to scan over many many miles of territory, for a fraction of the cost. Spend your money TRAINING border patrol in how to deal with people and process them for asylum when they ask.

Google the numbers if you have to, but we are most assuredly NOT dealing with a 'border crisis'.

No more ripping going on.....
The abuse was happening under the Obama administration, yet congress is responsible? What a cop out. As I said, you wouldn't criticize Obama if your life depended on it.

Not exactly Congress. For the record, this is now the 3rd time I've had to debunk the right wing propaganda. It's not a cop out, it's what happened. Fox News is making you dumber.

I'm sick of looking up the links so I'll just post this thread again. Maybe you'll actually read it this time.
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The comment was,... "We are ripping children from their parents arms",... No we aren't,... the "ripping", if it occurred, is over, as in we aren't doing it anymore.... Yes, we are spending billions on the border, we have always spent billions on the border and we will continue to spend billions on the border,... get used to it.

If your argument has boiled down to the semantics of words someone used because you want to take a metaphor as something literal, then you really need to step out of the conversation. CHILDREN ARE BEING TAKEN FROM THEIR PARENTS. Stop trying to pretend this isn't happening (oh, sorry, didn't happen). Stop trying to blame Obama. This is all on you and your boys in government. Own it.
  • Like
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Again, for the record, I am independent; I want people (especially our elected officials in DC) to come to the middle, to compromise, and find common sense solutions that truly impact Americans' lives.

I found this column interesting; and guess what? It fuels Trump's #FakeNews claims and it lathers up his base. As you will read, American trust of the news is at such historic lows.


We can't afford news media blunders in the Donald Trump era. Skip the cheap smear tactics.

Daniel Payne, Opinion contributor
Published 11:26 a.m. ET June 25, 2018 | Updated 5:09 p.m. ET June 25, 2018

The heart-wrenching image of a toddler crying as her mother is being patted down by a Border Patrol agent had become a symbol of family separation by the Trump Administration. The father of the child now says the girl was not separated from her mother.

Time magazine and the AP (the discussion follows) misled the public on Donald Trump's immigration policies. We need strong news media in our present moment, not fumbles like this.


Two recent news media fumbles illustrate nicely the present divide between mainstream journalism’s ambitions and its chronically blundering execution. There is a reason that American trust of the news is at such historic lows. There are things journalists can do to rectify this, if we care to.

The first fumble came from Time magazine, which published a cover story examining President Donald Trump’s controversial border separation policy. The photo-shopped cover of that issue features an immigrant toddler bawling as Trump serenely looks down upon her. “Welcome to America,” the caption reads — the obvious implication being that the immigrant girl had been torn from her parents at the behest of Trump’s policy. Indeed, the story itself initially stated that the girl had been “carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents.”

But she wasn’t. It didn’t happen. The heavy insinuation on Time’s cover, along with the explicit account in the story itself, turned out to be false. The girl’s father confirmed that she was never taken from her mother. Time eventually corrected the story, stating that rather than being carted off by border agents, “her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together.”

Time exploited a little girl's tears

It is bad enough that the magazine outright reported on an event that didn’t actually happen. But Time’s cover adds another layer of media malpractice to the whole thing. In effect, the magazine is exploiting the tears of a little girl in order to drive home a political point; it is tricking readers into thinking a photograph is depicting something that objectively it is not.

In other contexts, this tactic would have been roundly condemned. By way of example, several years ago, when pro-life activist David Daleiden used some stock footage of a stillborn baby to illustrate an abortion worker’s claims, the news media had a feeding frenzy over it. The Washington Post, CNN, ThinkProgress and other outlets were quick to point it out. Nobody likes to be fooled.

Not to be outdone, The Associated Press last week published a bombshell report on a civil rights lawsuit brought by numerous immigrant children. They were allegedly held at a detention center in Virginia and subjected to brutal abuse, including being “beaten while handcuffed and locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells.”

The allegations are horrifying. What was surprising, however, was the way the article framed them. In the original report, which has since been amended online, readers had to make it through more than 20 paragraphs before learning that most of the alleged abuse took place under the Obama administration.

Tell the truth. Don't lie. Don't trick.

Not only did the article deeply bury the context of the allegations, it also strongly implied that the abuse was taking place solely under the Trump administration. One paragraph reads: “Many of the children were sent (to the detention facility) after U.S. immigration authorities accused them of belonging to violent gangs, including MS-13. President Donald Trump has repeatedly cited gang activity as justification for his crackdown on illegal immigration.” Such framing makes it seem as if the alleged abuse was a direct consequence of Trump’s rhetoric, when that simply wasn’t the case.

The revised article makes it clear that much of the abuse dates from the Obama era. But the clarification came after the article had already been shared thousands upon thousands of times on social media. When stories like this drop, they spread across the globe within a matter of minutes — no matter if the story itself is misleading or unfair.

The news media need to do better than this. Our present political moment needs a strong and professional journalism industry, not one that is interested in cheap, dishonest tactics meant to smear the president. This is particularly crucial when one remembers that Trump himself has signaled a willingness to try and muzzle journalists: On the campaign trail, he expressed a desire to use libel laws to shut up anyone who criticizes him. Journalism that regularly shreds its own credibility — with Trump voters, for one, but also with the larger body politic — is ill-suited to take on that kind of threat.

Be honest. Tell the truth. Don’t lie. Don’t trick. These are rules every journalist should follow. We should not think we have the luxury of slapdash journalism. It is bad for the industry and ultimately bad for the country.

Daniel Payne is an assistant editor at "The College Fix" and blogs at

You can read diverse opinions from our Board of Contributors and other writers on the Opinion front page, on Twitter @usatodayopinion and in our daily Opinion newsletter. To respond to a column, submit a comment to
