Track Wrestling


Scout Team
Aug 17, 2013
They showed Gilman getting all the points in the finals until a minute after it ended. Thought Gilman won 6-0, until they reversed to his opponent. When I looked back at my computer, I could've believe it. Hard to believe they would be that incompetent during a match of that much importance.
They showed Gilman getting all the points in the finals until a minute after it ended. Thought Gilman won 6-0, until they reversed to his opponent. When I looked back at my computer, I could've believe it. Hard to believe they would be that incompetent during a match of that much importance.

That does seem to happen way too often. You'd think for a tournament like Worlds, they'd have it figured out. Should have just paid to watch the stream though! =)
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They showed Gilman getting all the points in the finals until a minute after it ended. Thought Gilman won 6-0, until they reversed to his opponent. When I looked back at my computer, I could've believe it. Hard to believe they would be that incompetent during a match of that much importance.
Unless it was a track employee doing the scoring or the software reversing the score, I would probably not label the thread trackwrestling. Likely user error. Garbage in, garbage out. Happens a lot at age level tournaments when table workers have the assigned colors of the competitors different than what the officials have and/or how they are assigned in the tournament software.
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They showed Gilman getting all the points in the finals until a minute after it ended. Thought Gilman won 6-0, until they reversed to his opponent. When I looked back at my computer, I could've believe it. Hard to believe they would be that incompetent during a match of that much importance.

That does seem to happen way too often. You'd think for a tournament like Worlds, they'd have it figured out. Should have just payed to watch the stream though! =)

well worth the 9.99
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well worth the 9.99

I hit the $9.99 option. They had the pop up window that asked if I was confirming a payment of $9.99.

The next day my wife asked what I paid $59.99 for in trackwrestling. Now I have one more thing on my list of things to do in Monday.

Thanks, Track
Took me a week to sign up. Never did get It done on phone, filled out everything, kept getting invalid email error message. Did this 20 times, I was hot. Lol This was using my gmail account I've had for 7 years. Finally got it done on a desktop
Can't imagine how much money it cost them, even more unbelievable is they obviously were not even aware of the problem as my sign up attempts were over a period of five days.
Samsung Galaxy S8 on Verizon.
Their service has always had a clunky interface, but the stream worked great once I was through the registration process. Well worth the $9.99.
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Their service has always had a clunky interface, but the stream worked great once I was through the registration process. Well worth the $9.99.
Agree. Not a fan of the user interface/experience, but don't have any complaints about being able to watch the wrestling which is what I paid for.
Unless it was a track employee doing the scoring or the software reversing the score, I would probably not label the thread trackwrestling. Likely user error. Garbage in, garbage out. Happens a lot at age level tournaments when table workers have the assigned colors of the competitors different than what the officials have and/or how they are assigned in the tournament software.

PBS.... is spot on w use of trackwrestling. It's just a program (tool) that people/tournaments pay to use.
I found I couldn't get to watch with Safari for some reason, but with Chrome, it worked fine. Streaming was flawless.
As a Flo Pro subscriber I was skeptical about paying for the Track service, but was so glad I did. Had zero streaming issues and that is all that matters to me. Competition between Flo and Track can only be a good thing and I would be happy to pay for both if the streams are perfect.