Didn’t mean to suggest that at all, just a fact. She had zero other P5 offers. She is also very slight. But she looks tough. She plays with swag, which our team always needs. And NGL, we need girls of color on our team. I’m tired of seeing complaints on twitter from SEC fans having to turn the brightness down on their screens when they watch Iowa play lmao. Diversity certainly helps the recruiting cause in WBB.
Czinano was also in the exact same boat FYI — just a 3 star player, Iowa her only P5 offer. Martin and Marshall didn’t get any exceptionally notable offers either, I don’t think. Mostly Big East / mid majors. Really for lots of our players, Iowa was the top school offering them.
There’s some variance tho. Warnock, McCabe Affolter had offers from the likes of UNL, Michigan State, Illinois, Wisconsin etc (Affolter had lots of offers from all over the place actually), but no one like Maryland, Ohio State, Lousville, Texas, UCLA, Duke etc (someone correct me if I’m wrong tho, I could have missed something). Davis chose us over Michigan State. Stuelke had interest from Maryland actually but she committed way early so I think her offers were very low in total. Feuerbach txfrd from ISU obviously and I’m unsure of her other offers, but I think she committed early as well since her parents both went there. I would guess she would have garnered one of the more impressive lists.
Anyway, all to say, Bluder has a way with finding and developing diamonds in the rough, especially by leaning into their unique strengths. So I look forward to KJE joining. She and Hannah seem to have a connection, based on social media. But I don’t think she will have quality minutes her freshman year — I’d be surprised if she sees time on the floor at all since we will again have Davis as a reliable backup.