True or False: The polls are wrong and Kamala is going to win in a landslide

I stand corrected. Reagan won 44 states (and Carter 6) in 1980.

49 out of 50 in 1984. Wow!
I assume many of you guys were around long enough to remember those two elections. I was, but honestly, I'd sort of forgotten just how crappy everything felt coming out of the 70s until I recently re-watched Miracle. The opening montage really captured the feel.
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The problem with this board is that if a person doesn't agree 100% with the D's or the R's on every issue you get a label.

I have been saying for a LONG time that:

* Trump is unfit for the office.

* The Republicans are idiots for not nominating someone who could potentially be President for the next 8 years.
I don’t agree it has to be 100% in agreement one way or the other. I really thought you were MAGA. My mistake.
If Trump flips Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada then he only has to win one of NC, PA, WI, or MI to win the electoral college. So obviously Harris needs to hold Arizona or Nevada.
This. The more I research this the more I think Nevada is actually the key state. Let's assume Trump wins back GA and retains NC. Let's give Harris WI, MI , and PA to retain the blue wall. At that point, whoever wins Nevada wins the election.
This. The more I research this the more I think Nevada is actually the key state. Let's assume Trump wins back GA and retains NC. Let's give Harris WI, MI , and PA to retain the blue wall. At that point, whoever wins Nevada wins the election.

Huh? Give Harris MI, WI and PA and the remaining toss-ups to Trump (NC, GA, NV, AZ) and that gets Harris to exactly 270, does it not?
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Absolutely not 48 is his absolute ceiling. But his ground game is the worst in modern history so he probably won't hit that. Harris routinely goes over 50. Pretty hard to win elections when your opponent goes over 50.
OK Huey you should start your own newservice.
Demincrats looking down on and dismissing average Americans yet again. They are the smartest people in the room.

It isn't going to go well for Kamala
It will go much better than you think. Then you should consider getting lost.
Even CNN is discussing a Trump popular vote victory as a real possibility right now. Biden was plus 9 nationally at this point in 2020.

Obviously CNN is trying to incite post election riots by inculcating a sense of inevitability in Trump supporters.
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