Trump about to gut the VA Healthcare system

The Department of Veterans Affairs is exempting more than 300,000 health care positions from a governmentwide hiring freeze.

VA doctors, nurses, pharmacists and medical officers are among the dozens of occupations excluded from the hiring freeze.

Well, my favorite poster seemed to exclude that small detail.....weird.
Yeah we got attacked so much and purple heart issued overseas on sight by Battalion Commander first thing I did when I got back was getting enrolled and reviewed.

well, I'm happy you did. There are far too many that were/are stubborn, that should go down for a full checkup and get some care.

I've talked a lot of VNAM vets into going down. Same with Gulf War 1 Vets. The thing I am most proud about my previous legal career is helping Vets/Active Duty/family members. If I didn't the answer for them, I sure as shit knew where to go for answers.
So back to the topic.

2- It is long ago time to end telework. Period. All federal employees have been told that they need to report for in person work hereafter.
Maybe for people making electric cars and taking customer service calls. It is absolutely integral for providing mental health services to vets.
Maybe for people making electric cars and taking customer service calls. It is absolutely integral for providing mental health services to vets.
Ive responded to that. The patients are the ones that are remote. This doesnt call for patients to be in person. I havent been provided with any actual facts that convinces me that this will affect patient visits. If the VA wants its docs to do their virtual visits with patients, from a VA office, Id have zero issue with that.

Can a doc provide some types of care remotely? Sure. 100% But that same type of virtual care can be provided from a VA office if the VA wants to force that issue. As of now, I am taking a wait and see approach to these things. Many on here are convinced, because of ideology, that this is 'gutting' the VA. Not convinced yet. If it seems that vets are being shortchanged in a significant way, I'll be against those changes. Vets are owed this promise.
So your “disability” is your delusions? Try more booze, loser!
He’s an ignorant douche. But if he’s really a disabled veteran give him a break here. Not that veterans don’t game that system and it doesn’t need serious reform. I say this as a combat disabled veteran who has never and will never accept VA disability.
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More attacks and BS. All you are and have. A true MAGA Warrior.
But not you, you’re the perfect little truthful gentleman all the time! 🤡 Makes me puke to know you’re getting compensated same as guys who came back in pieces and all you do with your life is sit online and run shit all day from one platform to another while they are struggling to take care of their families!
But not you, you’re the perfect little truthful gentleman all the time! 🤡 Makes me puke to know you’re getting compensated same as guys who came back in pieces and all you do with your life is sit online and run shit all day from one platform to another while they are struggling to take care of their families!
You are on here literally all day breaking endless board rules over and over again. You aren't worthy of any further response.
He’s an ignorant douche. But if he’s really a disabled veteran give him a break here. Not that veterans don’t game that system and it doesn’t need serious reform. I say this as a combat disabled veteran who has never and will never accept VA disability.
What branch? Do you believe one word out that idiot’s mouth?
What branch? Do you believe one word out that idiot’s mouth?
USMC Desert Shield / Storm.

Doesn’t matter what I believe. The weather has been crappy in Florida and I need to stop posting here. I just couldn’t resist these last several days after being called racist, a Nazi as nauseam for the last four years by ignorant douches.
USMC Desert Shield / Storm.

Doesn’t matter what I believe. The weather has been crappy in Florida and I need to stop posting here. I just couldn’t resist these last several days after being called racist, a Nazi as nauseam for the last four years by ignorant douches.
Semper Fi!

Know what you mean, but their madness is addicting. After this week I’ll drop out until the midterms or when special wins occur since there will be many!
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That seems pretty counter intuitive.
I didn’t take the forgivable payroll loan either.

That’s me, I don’t judge others that take VA disability or took the PPP.

One needs serious reform, the other was implemented way too quickly and is still causing issues.

I guess one of the douches on here thinks I agree with everything Trump has ever done.

I didn’t take the forgivable payroll loan either.

That’s me, I don’t judge others that take VA disability or took the PPP.

One needs serious reform, the other was implemented way too quickly and is still causing issues.

I guess one of the douches on here thinks I agree with everything Trump has ever done.

Did you sustain injuries in combat?
Did you sustain injuries in combat?
I did. Not something I’m going to go into great detail on here about. They award a lot of combat action ribbons. Not all recipients are created equally. Essentially is you’re in theatre you get a CAR. I was actually shot at.

Doesn’t mean others aren’t entitled to disability, just making things as clear as I can for you.
I did. Not something I’m going to go into great detail on here about. They award a lot of combat action ribbons. Not all recipients are created equally. Essentially is you’re in theatre you get a CAR. I was actually shot at.

Doesn’t mean others aren’t entitled to disability, just making things as clear as I can for you.
That's fair...just hadn't heard injured vets not take advantage of their earned benefit(s) before. Sorry you went through all need to explain yourself further to a bunch of anonymous strangers.
Cat Confuse GIF by Rizal Althur
I don't understand how a hiring freeze for any position is ok? If there is a need for services that Vets needs, then fill those positions. Why is Trump dicking around with them?

The implication is that some of the created positions simply may not be necessary,.. If government spending is an issue, and it is, the new administration has a responsibility to ensure that the dollars are being used wisely...
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I don't need to do any reading on that topic. I know what the two are and use the terms separately, advisedly.

A liberal is someone with whom I have philosophical disagreements regarding policy yet understands we are all Americans and love this country equally. We both want the best for Americans and could have an interesting debate over beers at the local pub. I have lots of IRL liberal friends.

A leftist is someone that puts left leaning thought and philosophy above all else including community and country, involves calling people divisive names, requires one to be a general impolite a-hole and in turn creates an individual lacking in character or any hint of redeeming humility.

I think I got this. Thanks.
LOL, not even close. A simple google search could help.

The first article I found, you must be the "average Tucker Carlson tangent"

While it’s clear that these policies are not right-leaning ideas, can they really be called “left”? For far too many Americans, “left” and “liberal” are one and the same, but it is becoming increasingly important to draw a distinction between these two concepts, as they are much more different than one might think. According to the average Tucker Carlson tangent, the more disagreeable an idea is, the more leftist it is.
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LOL, not even close. A simple google search could help.

The first article I found, you must be the "average Tucker Carlson tangent"

While it’s clear that these policies are not right-leaning ideas, can they really be called “left”? For far too many Americans, “left” and “liberal” are one and the same, but it is becoming increasingly important to draw a distinction between these two concepts, as they are much more different than one might think. According to the average Tucker Carlson tangent, the more disagreeable an idea is, the more leftist it is.
I'm not even a Tucker fan. So, no. But I don't disagree with the sentiment.
So sorry to see Bonespurs crap all over the services for our brave veterans. For their service and sacrifices, they deserve all the services they can get. Does Bonespurs the Draft Dodger still think our brave vets are "losers and suckers "? So disgraceful. Especially given his shameful draft dodging of any military service to our country.
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A third of veterans who support Harris say that her policies would not change things much either way for them. Only 11% of Trump supporters say the same about their candidate.
To be fair, they were right! His policies are changing things for them.

Such a shame...Bonespurs not only calls our brave deceased vets 'losers and suckers ', but now he actually treats the living ones like that.