Trump fires Comey

I agree with this. And not just Russia but all foreign governments and look at all the politicians and their business dealings including the Clintons and their accepting donations to their foundation.

Put all the cards on the table

I hope you would include investigating all of Trumps business dealings. His son spoke of maybe hundreds of millions of dollars borrowed from Russians for building golf courses. Release the taxes and open the books.
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Maybe he was, it doesn't change what he said. Comey was supposed to testify in two days on this. Now he won't. Yup, nothing to see here!
Senator Warner says the invitation to testify still stands. I wonder if this might mean he keeps his testimony in committee rather than public? Because, if so, hooooboy.
Senator Warner says the invitation to testify still stands. I wonder if this might mean he keeps his testimony in committee rather than public? Because, if so, hooooboy.

I hope Comey takes him up on the offer, although I don't think Comey would go public with it in fear of jeopardizing the investigation.

I think Comey deeply regrets how he screwed up during the campaign (based on what he has said since then and his actions) and now fully understands what he contributed to unleashing. So, he was taking the Trump/Russia campaign investigation seriously and tried to restore the public faith in the agency. The investigation got to a point where it had backed Trump into a corner. For Trump to make this kind of move is an act of desperation. Even Trump's advisors had to realize how bad the optics on this was and evidently they still thought it was the best course of action. So, this was the best of the possible options for the Trump administration (not that we should have faith that anyone in this administration will make the wisest decision).
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I hope Comey takes him up on the offer, although I don't think Comey would go public with it in fear of jeopardizing the investigation.

I think Comey deeply regrets how he screwed up during the campaign (based on what he has said since then and his actions) and now fully understands what he contributed to unleashing. So, he was taking the Trump/Russia campaign investigation seriously and tried to restore the public faith in the agency. The investigation got to a point where it had backed Trump into a corner. For Trump to make this kind of move is an act of desperation. Even Trump's advisors had to realize how bad the optics on this was and evidently they still thought it was the best course of action. So, this was the best of the possible options for the Trump administration (not that we should have faith that anyone in this administration will make the wisest decision).
I agree, especially because Comey can say significantly more in committee than in a public hearing - perhaps with some caveats due to the change in his employment status. If Graham wanted Trump's financial records re: Russian interests after Clapper and Yates's public testimony, just imagine what could come out of a private session with Comey.
I don't disagree there. When they let Hillary and Huma skate, I figured out its who you are when it comes to breaking the law.
I didn't vote for that crook! My feelings on Hillary and her having broken the law are well known on this board. She should have been charged in the email case.
There are two real Possibilities as I see it here:

1. Trump Russia has some fire under the smoke (fire outside of Flynn).

2. The other week when Comey testified he said something to the effect that it made him "mildly nauseous" that he may have influenced/tipped the scales the outcome of the election.

I think #1 and #2 both gets one fired in Trumpland. #1 because Comey was getting close potentially, #2 because well Trump has thin skin and that statements essentially says Trump couldn't have won w/o Comey's actions.
IMO, you have hit the nail on the head.

I am not sure this suggests anything to me. In fact if that accounting of Trumps actions is true "why doesn't this go away" to me that is the actions of a person who at the very least believes they did nothing wrong. If you know you colluded with Russia I would think the expectation of the person would be that it wouldn't just go away.
I agree, especially because Comey can say significantly more in committee than in a public hearing - perhaps with some caveats due to the change in his employment status. If Graham wanted Trump's financial records re: Russian interests after Clapper and Yates's public testimony, just imagine what could come out of a private session with Comey.
I am not sure this suggests anything to me. In fact if that accounting of Trumps actions is true "why doesn't this go away" to me that is the actions of a person who at the very least believes they did nothing wrong. If you know you colluded with Russia I would think the expectation of the person would be that it wouldn't just go away.
Except we are talking about a mentally ill djt. And also you would be wrong. Guilty people try to act innocent always. His tweets will be used in court against him.
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I am not sure this suggests anything to me. In fact if that accounting of Trumps actions is true "why doesn't this go away" to me that is the actions of a person who at the very least believes they did nothing wrong. If you know you colluded with Russia I would think the expectation of the person would be that it wouldn't just go away.

Has Trump ever admitted wrong doing? Doesn't he usually just write a big check.
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I hope you would include investigating all of Trumps business dealings. His son spoke of maybe hundreds of millions of dollars borrowed from Russians for building golf courses. Release the taxes and open the books.
You can't seriously believe any of that would be on his personal returns
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Except we are talking about a mentally ill djt. And also you would be wrong. Guilty people try to act innocent always. His tweets will be used in court against him.

But these actions appear to be something that were not meant to be done in a public manner or made public. I get the tweet as he is throwing that out for everyone to see but the statement above seems to be a more private account. Now maybe they wanted this "how Trump is acting" to be made public..I can't really keep up with this soap opera.
Justify it all you want, the timing of this is going to pissed off a lot of people.
The "timing" of it would be an issue to some portion of the deluded left if it occurred at anytime during Trump's term. You can easily predict the reactions to anything he says or does
There definitely was a personal component to all of this. Trump fired Comey via the media while Comey was in LA. It's no accident his long time hit man Keith Schiller did the deed.
What exactly is Schiller's position in the White House? It seems like the former bodyguard has risen pretty far pretty fast.
All those on the Left saying its a mistake... do you recall just a few short months ago?

Democrats were adamant. They wanted FBI Director James Comey out. Period.

Let’s name some names — and with doubtless thanks to Mr. Google more can be found. Bold print supplied for the names below.

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, September 2016.

Headline in the Daily Beast:

Harry Reid: Comey Should Resign

In the wake of a “soul-crushing” report on Russia’s meddling in the presidential election, Sen. Harry Reid has called for FBI Director James Comey to resign for allegedly withholding information on President-elect Donald Trump’s ties to Russia. Reid, who was a fierce opponent of Comey’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, which many believe cost her the election, told MSNBC on Saturday that he believes the FBI knew all along that Russia was helping Trump and deliberately did nothing about it. “This is not fake news. Intelligence officials are hiding connections to the Russian government. There is no question,” Reid said. “Comey knew and deliberately kept this info a secret,” he said. Asked whether he believes Comey should step down over the matter, Reid replied, “Of course, yes.”

Senate Democratic Whip Charles Schumer, November, 2016.

Headline in the Hill:

“I’ve lost confidence in FBI director”

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is joining a growing chorus of criticism over FBI Director James Comey’s decision to alert lawmakers to new emails potentially linked to the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s private server.

“I do not have confidence in him any longer,” Schumer — who is poised to be the Senate’s top Democrat in 2017 — told Bloomberg on Wednesday.

CBS News, January 2017:

Democrats stormed out of a briefing on Russian hacking — furious with one of the briefers, Comey.

“The FBI director has no credibility,” said Rep. Maxine Waters of California.

“My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken,” said Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia.

Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN), November 2016, writing in the Hill:

For the sake of the FBI, Comey should resign

As a nearly ten-year veteran of the House Judiciary Committee — the committee responsible for oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Justice — and Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, earlier this week I called on FBI Director James Comey to resign his position after his recent communication with members of Congress regarding the bureau’s review of emails potentially related to Hillary Clinton‘s personal email server.

Let’s stop here on this busy night — but before we do let’s go back to the ever dependable Maxine Waters. Here is the link to her official congressional website. And here is the headline from a little over a month and a half ago on March 21, 2017:

Rep. Waters: FBI Director Comey Advanced Russia’s Misinformation Campaign

And don’t forget this from theWall Street Journal.

Headline in January of 2017:

James Comey’s Best Service: The new AG should ask the director to resign for the good of the FBI.

Mr. Comey has a long history of apparently political decisions, a point we underscored when President Obama nominated him for the FBI job in 2013. That includes his prosecution of Frank Quattrone, a post-Enron exercise for which the investment banker was ultimately vindicated, as well as Mr. Comey’s appointment of his close friend Patrick Fitzgerald to pursue the unpopular political targets of Scooter Libby, Karl Rove and Dick Cheney even after he knew that none of them had leaked the name of a CIA analyst to the media.

Liberals didn’t mind these prosecutorial excesses because they didn’t like Mr. Comey’s targets. Only when he turned on one of their own did they figure out, too late, the way the FBI director operates. Because both parties dislike him does not make Mr. Comey an honest arbiter who is above politics. His actions reveal that he is willing to violate Justice Department procedure and standards for his own political purposes.…

The best service Mr. Comey can render his country now is to resign. Failing that, Jeff Sessions should invite him for a meeting after he is confirmed as Attorney General and ask him to resign. If Mr. Comey declines, Donald Trump can and should fire him in the best interests of the nation’s most important law enforcement agency.”

To sum up: Democrats from Harry Reid to Chuck Schumer and all through the rest wanted Comey out. Gone. Resigned if not tarred and feathered. Tonight they got their wish from a president who rightly concluded the FBI director had lost the confidence of both Republicans and Democrats and the media.
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(in heavy Russian accent)

"Do you mind? Lighting-gh iss no good in dis room. We replace bulbs in lamps with spay-cial Russian light bulbs - much better color and light from them. Here are extras, you can put into special secret conference security rooms. Plain light bulbs - nothing to worry about-ah"
Yep - they had to replace all the Mooslim light bulbs that were put in the past 8 years.