Trump Goes Into Hiding Amid Intensifying Scrutiny Over Resurfaced Rape Allegations, Campaign Fraud, and Project 2025

Thinks he’s “in the basement?”

I'm guessing his opponents implosion is much more likely to motivate his silence than more unsubstantiated negative headlines. Just a guess though, maybe he really is running in fear
He’s trying to think of more crazy crap Project 2025 can add to his manifesto…like taking away voting rights for women and minorities, making women cover their face in public, and having Adderall at every meal.
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I’m sure you’ll have an evidence packed follow up to this laying out exactly how it was a “fail.” I know how much you love to make a compelling argument citing plenty of reputable sources.

Unlike you and that shitshow of a source you linked. Holy shit. I never seen a dot that far left on the arrow before.


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source

Overall, we rate The Daily Boulder Left Biased and Questionable based on a lack of transparency, poor sourcing, promotion of propaganda, and failed fact checks. (M. Huitsing 7/9/2021)

Analysis / Bias

In review, The Daily Boulder presents news with a left-wing bias through story selection that always favors the left. Quotations rather than hyperlinks generally source articles. Editorially, The Daily Boulder has a strong left-leaning bias with frequent use of strong emotional loaded words that favor the left and denigrate the right such as this “MAGA Rioter Whines He’s a ‘Political Prisoner,’ Blames Trump For His Legal Troublesand “Trump’s Wild Theory Of How He’ll Be Reinstated As President Baffles NYT Reporter.”

The Daily Boulder uses mainstream media outlets such as CNN and The Spectator either by quoting or hyperlinking the source. Another example is “Close Friend Of Trump Charged After Grabbing Woman By The ‘P—-‘: Report.” In this article, they use the Times-Tribune as its source and properly hyperlink. However, the title is sensationalized as the original source title is “Scranton dentist charged with groping patient.” The original article does not mention what parts were groped. In general, the Daily Boulder promotes a far-left perspective and sometimes is not factual.

Unlike you and that shitshow of a source you linked. Holy shit. I never seen a dot that far left on the arrow before.


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source

Overall, we rate The Daily Boulder Left Biased and Questionable based on a lack of transparency, poor sourcing, promotion of propaganda, and failed fact checks. (M. Huitsing 7/9/2021)

Analysis / Bias

In review, The Daily Boulder presents news with a left-wing bias through story selection that always favors the left. Quotations rather than hyperlinks generally source articles. Editorially, The Daily Boulder has a strong left-leaning bias with frequent use of strong emotional loaded words that favor the left and denigrate the right such as this “MAGA Rioter Whines He’s a ‘Political Prisoner,’ Blames Trump For His Legal Troublesand “Trump’s Wild Theory Of How He’ll Be Reinstated As President Baffles NYT Reporter.”

The Daily Boulder uses mainstream media outlets such as CNN and The Spectator either by quoting or hyperlinking the source. Another example is “Close Friend Of Trump Charged After Grabbing Woman By The ‘P—-‘: Report.” In this article, they use the Times-Tribune as its source and properly hyperlink. However, the title is sensationalized as the original source title is “Scranton dentist charged with groping patient.” The original article does not mention what parts were groped. In general, the Daily Boulder promotes a far-left perspective and sometimes is not factual.

All the supposed fact checking sites are simply media extensions of dem activists. Hell, just look at the attribution sources for any google search. Its a who's who of liberal ideology.
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Thinks he’s “in the basement?”

DJT hides from nothing, if anything he is sitting back watching the Democratic Party implode.
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DJT hides from nothing, if anything he is sitting back watching the Democratic Party implode.
Imagine supporting Biden and claiming the other candidate is hiding...omg. DJT generously extended an immediate chance for Joe to debate again to rehabilitate his 'one off' disaster but strangely Joe didn't accept.
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His call in to the Hannity was more of the debate. The Hannity showed the videos of JB not knowing what planet he's on.
It would be nice if Trump came out of hiding and took the focus off the President 😂

I don’t think Donny can stay quiet much longer. Discipline has never been his thing…
He’s getting itchy being out of the spotlight.
But, given that he’s 78 and in poor physical shape perhaps Trump should submit to a check up administered by a doctor not named Ronny Jackson and agree to release the results.
Covid almost killed Trump and he’s 70-100 lbs overweight. Time for an honest discussion about his health.
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Thinks he’s “in the basement?”

He’s getting itchy being out of the spotlight.
But, given that he’s 78 and in poor physical shape perhaps Trump should submit to a check up administered by a doctor not named Ronny Jackson and agree to release the results.
Covid almost killed Trump and he’s 70-100 lbs overweight. Time for an honest discussion about his health.
Totally agree. Both the candidates need some serious medical and cognitive scrutiny.

Maybe we could get some decent replacements.
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Trump has gone into hiding? Hahahahahahahaha. The biggest narcissist of all time? The guy who's picture is next to the word 'bloviate' in the dictionary?

I swear the Dems are the most creative bunch in the world. Who comes up with this BS? Harry Sisson?

We should all wish for Trump to go into hiding and never come out. We all should be grateful, but especially Dems.
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Drinky, drinky? You just lost my vote for Ms. Congeniality
Haven’t had a drop of alcohol since 2011. And I don’t care what you think. You live on a self made high horse.

Btw, Tom came at me first. He can’t help himself.
Trump has gone into hiding? Hahahahahahahaha. The biggest narcissist of all time? The guy who's picture is next to the word 'bloviate' in the dictionary?

I swear the Dems are the most creative bunch in the world. Who comes up with this BS? Harry Sisson?

We should all wish for Trump to go into hiding and never come out. We all should be grateful, but especially Dems.
It's weird you flip out over this.
So for once I've got to partially agree with some of what the Trump bootlickers are pointing out in this thread. Trump dialing it back for a couple days was actually impressive knowing how much he craves attention. The Dems had a tough week or so and it's smart to let it stay in the headlines. He'll get back into it soon enough and start to grab the headlines.

I do wish the whole plane sitting next to the ruskies was getting more attention. It's an ugly, ugly thing.

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