Trump and Project 2025 are attacking the Department of Education

Dems are NoT the ones resisting more discipline in the class room. It’s parents who resist… and courts that find for them. But to say “Democrats” is just flat -out careless and stupid. Throw flames much?
It’s absolutely true.
Hey shit for brains, Trumps ACTUAL agenda is on his website and formally called Agenda 47. You people are ridiculous. This whole thread is full of unhinged libtards.

Oh Jesus…you believe Donald Trump. Another rapist felon supporter is calling others shit for brains. If the Great Experiment dies it’s because of nitwits like you.
How much time ya got? The foreword is all bullshit. Like almost all of it. It’s filled with lies that anyone with logic and common sense can see through.
You provided no details. That was all hyperbole. Typical leftist response.
Oh Jesus…you believe Donald Trump. Another rapist felon supporter is calling others shit for brains. If the Great Experiment dies it’s because of nitwits like you.
Um, it's literally on his website numb nuts. You can keep supporting your oatmeal brain, pedophile criminal. We've all seen the results of his wonderful "experiment".

Trump and Project 2025 are attacking the Department of Education. How might they reshape US schools?

The rightwing manifesto proposes hobbling it, but the ex-president wants to abolish the department completely

Donald Trump wants to shut down the US Department of Education, saying at recent rallies that it should be disbanded to “move everything back to the states where it belongs”.

The idea of dismantling the education department has become increasingly mainstream, though it’s nearly as old as the department itself, which was created by Congress as a cabinet-level agency in 1979. Trump made similar promises on the 2016 campaign trail to either cut or hobble the department.

Eliminating it would require Congress to act, which could be an impossible feat, though several of Trump and his allies’ policy goals on education could be accomplished through presidential actions.

Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation’s rightwing manifesto for a potential incoming Trump administration, lays out how dismantling the federal education department would work, leaving behind, if anything, a husk focused solely as a “statistics-gathering agency that disseminates information to the states”, writes Lindsey Burke, the author of the education chapter and leader of Heritage’s education policy center.

The department’s elimination is one of many goals contained in the extensive conservative playbook that will inform a second Trump term. Project 2025 calls for privatizing education and driving out any programs related to LGBTQ+ youth or diversity.

“This playbook actually goes into detail that we’ve never seen before,” said Weadé James, senior director for K-12 policy at the Center for American Progress. It would have profound implications on civil rights, school funding and students’ progress – not to mention on the fate of public schools, she said.
The striking part about all of this, too, is the Department of Education is actually the smallest of any cabinet-level agency. There are only a little over 4,000 employees within the department,” James said. “So we need to be talking about investing in the department, expanding the capacity of the department to do the work that it is designed to do.”

more here

You provided no details. That was all hyperbole. Typical leftist response.
Lol. I don’t like that they don’t want to address climate change. Their stance on birth control and abortion. Education. Lowering taxes again on corporations. Taking away gay marriage rights. Putting only loyalist into the government workforce. That’s a start. It’s a racist, only for white wealthy men’s plan. I literally watched one of these guys talking about pulling back more rights of women. They’re already second class in your party’s eyes and agenda.

Sometimes I don’t feel like giving details to people who don’t really give a shit. That’s why I didn’t give you 20 things. What I typed above is just a start of what I hate about that group.
Is trump trustworthy?
Yep. All you have to do is stop believing the media who just lied to you for 3 years about Dementia Joe being fit for office and now they are bailing on him because he's going to lose and they will lose their power.

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