For as conservative as I am, I actually agree with the lefties that the voucher programs are bad for the simple reason that the pot of money gets stretched thinner & thinner. Overall, everyone loses.
I’m in favor of a robust, single public system. I would also favor more creative ways (not vouchers or direct funding) to promote school choice (i.e. tax deductions and what not).
The Dems have a few problem talking education:
1. Lowering good standards (testing/safety), increasing bad standards (DEI)
2. Always resist efforts to increase discipline
3. Protection of underperforming administration and faculty (NEA, et al)
4. More money is always the solution. No other creative ideas
Conservatives are all about school choice and privatization but the causation of that stems from the above.
So if I was the POTUS for a day, I would tell both sides to send me a bill that has compromise and innovation as key parts of it. Don’t ask for a dime!
I feel the lowest hanging fruit in all of this and could be implemented quickly and not cost a dime is get the Teachers Unions to back off on discipline. Give more discipline control to faculty and then support them and have their back. Get the damn cell phones out of the classrooms. If we say we support teachers then let’s do something that actually helps them in their day to day.
If you told the average conservative voter that in 5 years you would see less fights at school, less bullying because the teachers can stop it when they see it, less teacher harassment by students, more orderly classrooms with higher performance, and policies limiting cell phones in schools - you would have more of them OK supporting schools. Let the faculty manage the problem kids out to create a better learning environment. This is what conservatives have wanted for decades, long before their issues with DEI. Start there.
Innovation - reign spending in. I see waste all the time with technology spending in K-12. You should see what Chicago PS spends on tech alone - how does it correlate to outcomes??? Want to raise teacher pay, cut some tech spending. Foster a movement toward trades education - that is where our country is dying for more help and will be needed 25-50 years from now. I would support funding to transform buildings and staff to shift certain high schools from a liberal arts orientation to trades. We already do it with certain magnate learning, accelerate it.