Explain to me what a constant IV drip of all things Trump accomplishes in your life, Chis? I didn't say ignore him, but geebus, there are several of you guys who literally post NOTHING but political stuff; mostly Trump related.
I've recommended to you for years to find balance (as have many many other posters). Occasionally, we get a good thread going on here about non-political stuff, but it's hard to get anything positive going on here. Negativity thrives. Take these two threads for example:
"I hate you if" went 3 pages:
I hate you if
On any given day here in NoFla the majority of vehicles around me in traffic are pickups or SUV’s. The rest are semis driven by men who may or may not be good drivers. SUV’s and pickups are almost like a defense mechanism. I wouldn’t feel safe in a Corolla. But that’s just me.iowa.forums.rivals.com
"I love you if" went 6 posts:
I love you if
I'm walking up with one item and you (with 15+ items) turns and says, "You can go ahead in front of me." I'm approaching an intersection with my right blinker on and you, who is going straight, moves over to the left lane so I can turn right unimpeded. You stop with enough distance for me to...iowa.forums.rivals.com
The threads on bragging about your daughters and sons went 1 page each.
The media is correct in that negativity sells.
Thank you Carl Rove.