Trump is now leading in all 7 swing states.

Why is anybody pinning on their hopes on polls? If polls were dependable Romney would have won and so would Hillary
So you Democrats got a Boner over Snoop Dogg comments. He’s a piece of shit. And you guys love him and his remarks. That figures. Lol.😂😂😂😂😂
O RLY? That POS makes a bigger positive contribution to our society every year than you will in your entire miserable lifetime.
The time trump chartered a plane to fly him to the USA :) there's a whole thread on it.
You make it sound like this was charity. Trump's shuttle plane service was failing and he rented Mandela a plane from that fleet. He charged him 130,000 dollars.
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Same level of immigrants as during Trump, supporting democracy over fascism in Eastern Europe, crime down as well as inflation. You really suck at this.
Please do elaborate on the immigration level - so there haven't been records set in the last 4 years? Have we always had towns, hotels and apartment complexes getting taken over by immigrants? and attractive young girls getting killed while out jogging?

Crime is not down, the FBI adjusted their statistics and are trying to keep it quiet. It's almost like you can't trust the current admin, they repeatedly adjust their figures months and weeks after they report strong data, and the adjustments are always less favorable for their story. They had the largest jobs report adjustment since like 8000 years ago, and have lied about crime...keep it up dems.

And inflation is down? Can you elaborate on down from what - you actually want credit for inflation being down from being at record highs. You cause the problem and then fix the problem and then ask for credit for fixing the problem that you caused, while taking no accountability for causing it.
45th President of the United States

He can control foreign leaders one hour, be playing with grandkids the next hour, be on stage delivering jokes the next hour, be comforting and show compassion to families suffering through tragedies the next...all without a teleprompter. Is he a narcissist...likely. Does he care about people and love the USA...without a doubt. I have serious concerns about whether the Democratic party loves the USA...hence I will be voting for Trump.
You are talking about the USA he committed treason against, right?

That map is starting to look like 1984.

What is up with Minnesota?
You are talking about the USA he committed treason against, right?
Sure, if that's what you want to believe. Is that better or worse than what the dems are doing with our non-border?? Your fellow citizens are dying at the hands of criminal illegal immigrants, and the dems do not care. You vote for them, and think they have your back...good luck with that, I hope a female friend of family member of yours doesn't go for a jog in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Please do elaborate on the immigration level - so there haven't been records set in the last 4 years? Have we always had towns, hotels and apartment complexes getting taken over by immigrants? and attractive young girls getting killed while out jogging?

Crime is not down, the FBI adjusted their statistics and are trying to keep it quiet. It's almost like you can't trust the current admin, they repeatedly adjust their figures months and weeks after they report strong data, and the adjustments are always less favorable for their story. They had the largest jobs report adjustment since like 8000 years ago, and have lied about crime...keep it up dems.

And inflation is down? Can you elaborate on down from what - you actually want credit for inflation being down from being at record highs. You cause the problem and then fix the problem and then ask for credit for fixing the problem that you caused, while taking no accountability for causing it.
Undocumented immigrant level in the US has been essentially hovering between 9-12 M since the 1990s. Molly Tibbetts was murdered by an undocumented immigrant employed by a MAGA POS farmer on Trump’s watch. Why? Republicans have zero basis to complain about immigration after sitting with their thumbs up their asses and killed a good bipartisan bill for Trump to incite dumdums like you so STFU about it. Violent crime is absolutely down and the FBI does retroactive adjustments to rates constantly and has for decades. Unemployment is at historic lows but you stupid fvcks want to deport 10 M workers. How will that turn out for us? Use your brain. Trump wants to add tariffs on all imported goods. What’s going to happen to CPI then? Again, use your brain.

As to inflation, tell me again how anything the current administration did to cause it? You can’t. Elaborate how Trump is going to cause the price of goods and services to drop to 2016 levels. That’s the greatest fairytale I’ve ever heard, and you’re gullible enough to believe it. If you’re actually struggling financially now and Trump manages to win you better buckle up because you’re going to really be fvcked then.
Sure, if that's what you want to believe. Is that better or worse than what the dems are doing with our non-border?? Your fellow citizens are dying at the hands of criminal illegal immigrants, and the dems do not care. You vote for them, and think they have your back...good luck with that, I hope a female friend of family member of yours doesn't go for a jog in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“The border” Chong is NOT the responsibility of Democrats….it is the responsibility of Congress!