Trump ordering women what to wear in the administration.

Most of the libs on here come from jobs that didn't require any dress code. If they have jobs that is.

Today I wore sweat pants and a old T-shirt that says Lake Titicaca. I'm quite pleased at the amount of money my employer drops into my account. I don't know if I qualify as a "Lib". I had soup for lunch yesterday.

I'm not sure what that all means, but hopefully it screws up your talking point.
Today I wore sweat pants and a old T-shirt that says Lake Titicaca. I'm quite pleased at the amount of money my employer drops into my account. I don't know if I qualify as a "Lib". I had soup for lunch yesterday.

I'm not sure what that all means, but hopefully it screws up your talking point.
I wish you hadn't screwed up your baseball career and didn't have to resort to trolling people on HROT.
Well, don't cry about welfare when those people don't have any money and its not just flipping burgers where folks don't get paid enough to live.
Then maybe you and your liberal ilk should stop doing everything you can to take jobs away from the private sector that offer better pay and better benefits?

Welfare if needed is fine with me, welfare that is abused, not so much.
Now this is how a woman should dress at the White House.

Define professional looking attire - no a tuxedo shirt doesn't count.

I was on Iowa's campus this past fall - it hasn't changed that much from back in the day.

To your note though - each business is different (much like your departments you elude to). Whether it be a nurse that must wear certain color scrubs, to a police officer that needs to wear a certain uniform and have hair a certain way, to the military that requires their men and women to be a certain look as well. You must dress as your boss expects your gender to dress.
Could be since I'm on the west side I see a different set of people.

I think the point is not a dress code per se, but rather the manner in which Trump apparently stated it. If true, it comes across as being more than a little bit sexist. "Dress like a woman" implies something completely different than how he apparently wants males to dress (" sharply dressed").

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I have no problem with having a dress code as long as it's for everyone and not just women. I think the problem is using the phrase "dress like women." I believe things like this are what constantly get Trump criticized. He just seems to have a poor and unprofessional way of communicating with people.

My company has a strict dress code and the terms we use are business casual and business professional. Had he used these terms and rolled out his policy to everyone without sounding like a jerk, this would probably be a non-issue.
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That is humorous. Trump: "I hate Muslims because they're different than us. What is with the burkas, anyway?" Then requires American women to wear dresses as if it's 1950s. Given all of the other terrifying things he does, though this is all but meaningless. He could club a seal tomorrow and drown a baby in a bathtub and I'd say, "Well, at least he didn't invade Iran because he was couldn't handle being insulted in a Tweet."
Fool, please. I'd guarantee more libs than cons on HROT wear a suit to work.

Although you may have a point, I'm sure more cons on here wear a name tag, I guess that is a dress code.
Doubt it, the cons aren't the ones asking for free #$#$ every ten seconds.

This is HROT. You know it's 95% white dudes from 28-60 years old.

You hate big cities, so let's drop them from this equation. In most of this country the Dems are wealthy office dwellers and the cons are working the dirty blue collar jobs.
This is HROT. You know it's 95% white dudes from 28-60 years old.

You hate big cities, so let's drop them from this equation. In most of this country the Dems are wealthy office dwellers and the cons are working the dirty blue collar jobs.
So the Dems are the 1% that hold everyone down?
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Could be since I'm on the west side I see a different set of people.

I think the point is not a dress code per se, but rather the manner in which Trump apparently stated it. If true, it comes across as being more than a little bit sexist. "Dress like a woman" implies something completely different than how he apparently wants males to dress (" sharply dressed").


Something the USA has to get used to now.
Then maybe you and your liberal ilk should stop doing everything you can to take jobs away from the private sector that offer better pay and better benefits?

Welfare if needed is fine with me, welfare that is abused, not so much.
Last I looked liberals added a ton of jobs under the Obama admin. Under Bush, not so much.

Something the USA has to get used to now.
My best guess is that this a bit like the game "telephone" and has gotten a bit lost in translation.

I have no doubt that Trump demands a certain manner of dress. But I kind of think rather than a formal proclamation and edict, his staffers know what to expect and it just gets passed on to newcomers perhaps in an informal method like "Mr. Trump likes women to dress like women, and men to dress sharply."
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Not mentioned here is the fact that Sean Spicer was in the doghouse after wearing an ill-fitting (and kind of cheap looking) grey pinstriped suit for one of his briefings. It did not help that he kind of struggled with the press during this particular briefing. ... but Trump noticed the suit.

It was relayed to him that he would look better on television in dark suits. He quickly got the message.
I used to grit my teeth whenever President Obama (or candidate Romney) showed up on TV with a nice pair of trousers or a suit without the jacket ... and their sleeves rolled up.

That is a horrible look and the opposite of "sharp."

So far it would appear the the Trump team has guided everyone away from this "look."

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