Trump Rally!!!

14 consecutive posts about a former president at 4:30 am. Totally normal behavior.
“They just won’t leave Trump alone! Let it go!”

<Trump has regular cult rallies all over the country>

It’s like we are supposed to ignore him until he’s president again….these are not the normal actions of a retired ex president….I barely think about Dubya anymore, but he’s passing time painting on his ranch…
“They just won’t leave Trump alone! Let it go!”

<Trump has regular cult rallies all over the country>

It’s like we are supposed to ignore him until he’s president again….these are not the normal actions of a retired ex president….I barely think about Dubya anymore, but he’s passing time painting on his ranch…

Dubya couldn't run/win again. Trump can. That's why he's doing what he's doing. The disgusting thing is the support he has. I know they beef it up to look packed, but the fact ANYONE is there is mind bottling. It really is a cult
Imitation rally in Tampa last night. Fortunately, it poured rain here last night which no doubt made their stay less enjoyable.

"Bend the knee"

What a f@cking insufferable dork. If you're going to try to tear down our institutions and sew chaos for personal power and gain, at least have a little goddamm gravitas when you do it. This guy sounds like an outtake from season 8 of Game of Thrones.
The extreme MAGA types as seen in these videos are destroying the Republican party. The extreme WEIRDO types that think men can get pregnant are destroying the Democrat party.
Distinction: gender weirdos are a relatively small segment of the population and have zero practical effect on me (and 99% of America); MAGA zealots number in the tens of millions and are led by a maniac who is still supported by a major political party who can (and already has) greatly damaged the foundations of American democracy.

I believe most voters are capable of understanding the comparitive danger and the disparate threat presented by the two groups.

I would also argue that MAGA types are actually destroying the GOP and to a far greater extent than transgenders are "destroying" the Democratic party.
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These sociopathic and hateful and racist gatherings of cult members are no different than Hitler’s Nuremberg rallies in the lead up to the second world war.

The exact same playbook is being used. We already have brown shirts in the streets and infiltrating our law-enforcement, and apparently the Secret Service.

Even after dozens and dozens of former Trump administration staff members, from junior to senior, up to cabinet members, have been coming out publicly, and lately, under oath, to talk about the grave danger that Trump and his ideology and his cult members pose to the entire nation,I cannot believe that rallies like this are still happening in my country.

And I cannot believe that a single person on these boards would justify this in anyway, would back it in anyway, or would come after the OP for sharing this absolutely crucial and terrifying information with everyone.

if so many millions of Americans continue to drink the Kool-Aid, and poison everyone else with it, we truly are doomed.

The violence and the insanity only grows. The hatred and racism only grow. How people can support a Trump or a Ron DeFascist etc After all this makes me very nearly lose faith in humanity.
Young Fascists of AmeriKKKa rally is at the Tampa Convention Center, 333 S Franklin Street. Orange Jesus is speaking at 6:20 tonight. Maybe, I'll go down there with a sign to agitate the cultists.
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