Trump Rally!!!

Voting for Trump in 2016 was like shitting your pants.

Voting for Trump in 2020 was like scooping it up and eating it.

And voting for Trump in 2024 is like vomiting all that up, cutting open your face, stuffing it in, and waiting until you die of infection.

Jesus, Republicans, stop this toxic behavior. It's killing you.
Fingers crossed!
Young Fascists of AmeriKKKa rally is at the Tampa Convention Center, 333 S Franklin Street. Orange Jesus is speaking at 6:20 tonight. Maybe, I'll go down there with a sign to agitate the cultists.
You’d have to go out in public. That may be a problem for you, Bless your heart. If you want to be helpful just stick to the Twitter updates in the Ukraine thread.
You are the Ciggy of this board’s twit-ter news.

No mention of the size of the Arizona crowd. Only tight shots and a group bunched up behind him.
More and more folks are stepping up to tell Trump to go home and stay there. It’s happening.
With gun violence, we’ve been told over and over to look towards mental illness as the key to ending it. I’d start with everyone at these rallies. Sadly, they’re all probably packing more heat than a supernova on the brink of implosion.
So do we hope a gunfight breaks out and eliminates a good number of these people?
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You’d have to go out in public. That may be a problem for you, Bless your heart. If you want to be helpful just stick to the Twitter updates in the Ukraine thread.
You are the Ciggy of this board’s twit-ter news.

No mention of the size of the Arizona crowd. Only tight shots and a group bunched up behind him.
More and more folks are stepping up to tell Trump to go home and stay there. It’s happening.
You’re living in fantasyland lady. Wish you were right, but alas, the facts dispute your assertion.

I don’t. Maybe you do since you brought it up.

I wish they’d wake the phuck up. Little hope of that sadly so the deranged will be walking among us, mental illness and all and likely armed to the teeth.
Many are missing teeth per the crazy far lefties on here so maybe not so heavily armed? 😉
These sociopathic and hateful and racist gatherings of cult members are no different than Hitler’s Nuremberg rallies in the lead up to the second world war.

The exact same playbook is being used. We already have brown shirts in the streets and infiltrating our law-enforcement, and apparently the Secret Service.

Even after dozens and dozens of former Trump administration staff members, from junior to senior, up to cabinet members, have been coming out publicly, and lately, under oath, to talk about the grave danger that Trump and his ideology and his cult members pose to the entire nation,I cannot believe that rallies like this are still happening in my country.

And I cannot believe that a single person on these boards would justify this in anyway, would back it in anyway, or would come after the OP for sharing this absolutely crucial and terrifying information with everyone.

if so many millions of Americans continue to drink the Kool-Aid, and poison everyone else with it, we truly are doomed.

The violence and the insanity only grows. The hatred and racism only grow. How people can support a Trump or a Ron DeFascist etc After all this makes me very nearly lose faith in humanity.

Say less
I really do not understand how some people are so enamored with Trump.
He is a weak, emotionally unstable man who acts like a petulant child when challenged.
Politically he is all over the place and changes his stance with whatever suits him at that moment.
Watch the video, when they boo the candidate he is supporting, he asks if people like him still.

I get that the us vs them is stronger than ever and people want to choose sides which is fine, but why throw your support to such a person who cares about nothing than himself ?
I really do not understand how some people are so enamored with Trump.
He is a weak, emotionally unstable man who acts like a petulant child when challenged.
Politically he is all over the place and changes his stance with whatever suits him at that moment.
Watch the video, when they boo the candidate he is supporting, he asks if people like him still.

I get that the us vs them is stronger than ever and people want to choose sides which is fine, but why throw your support to such a person who cares about nothing than himself ?
There is a large percentage of the population—primarily boomers—that are extremely unhappy at their lot in life. It’s very hard to blame yourself for being a twice-divorced wage worker, with very little money and an unhappy/unhealthy life. It is much easier to blame the invisible hand (i.e. liberal elites, the government, the woke). And Trump has not problem tapping into the populism. If you notice, the GOP message has moved away from “pick yourself up from your bootstraps” to “it’s their fault your life sucks.” Populism is a dangerous disease.
I really do not understand how some people are so enamored with Trump.
He is a weak, emotionally unstable man who acts like a petulant child when challenged.
Politically he is all over the place and changes his stance with whatever suits him at that moment.
Watch the video, when they boo the candidate he is supporting, he asks if people like him still.

I get that the us vs them is stronger than ever and people want to choose sides which is fine, but why throw your support to such a person who cares about nothing than himself ?
He’s the blowhard bully his suppprters wish they had the “guts” to be
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There is a large percentage of the population—primarily boomers—that are extremely unhappy at their lot in life. It’s very hard to blame yourself for being a twice-divorced wage worker, with very little money and an unhappy/unhealthy life. It is much easier to blame the invisible hand (i.e. liberal elites, the government, the woke). And Trump has not problem tapping into the populism. If you notice, the GOP message has moved away from “pick yourself up from your bootstraps” to “it’s their fault your life sucks.” Populism is a dangerous disease.

He has tapped into a base with a thinly veiled resentment and grievances against everyone and everything they feel they’ve been controlled by all their lives. And they don’t want to let go.
It’s taken on a life of its own with some of these people.
Fascism 101. Find a small, marginalized group in society and demonize them in front of a rally. The only thing missing from last night were the tiki torches.

I get it. You felt like you had to say something- even if it was dumb the second you posted it. 😏