Trump Rally!!!

Distinction: gender weirdos are a relatively small segment of the population and have zero practical effect on me (and 99% of America); MAGA zealots number in the tens of millions and are led by a maniac who is still supported by a major political party who can (and already has) greatly damaged the foundations of American democracy.

I believe most voters are capable of understanding the comparitive danger and the disparate threat presented by the two groups.

I would also argue that MAGA types are actually destroying the GOP and to a far greater extent than transgenders are "destroying" the Democratic party.
This is 100% true and drives me nuts most don't see it. Are the people who say men can get pregnant crazy? Yes. But the number of them is extremely small and in all honesty what about their beliefs is causing any real problem? On the other hand, MAGAts are destroying our democracy at an alarming rate and people are still sitting here arguing by saying "yeah but the left has crazies who believe men can get pregnant and don't know what a woman is" Does it honestly effect your life in any real way if a few crazy people believe a man can get pregnant? I guarantee your life will be effected in a negative way if MAGA gets their way and we have dictator Trump become president again.
I get it. You felt like you had to say something- even if it was dumb the second you posted it. 😏
Why do you think people like the guy you voted for twice keep bringing up TG? What did you think of his comments last night? Are you in danger of being overrun by TG people in Florida and need protecting from them?
It's an issue that is driven by misinformation and raw emotion. That's why a lifelong con man like Trump goes for it. He activates people. He doesn't really give AF, he just says whatever it is that gets people riled up.
Go find some transcripts of speeches by autocrats throughout history. The language is the same. Find a small, weak group and whip up fear and anger against them. Marginalize them. Blame them for society's problems.
This is 100% true and drives me nuts most don't see it. Are the people who say men can get pregnant crazy? Yes. But the number of them is extremely small and in all honesty what about their beliefs is causing any real problem? On the other hand, MAGAts are destroying our democracy at an alarming rate and people are still sitting here arguing by saying "yeah but the left has crazies who believe men can get pregnant and don't know what a woman is" Does it honestly effect your life in any real way if a few crazy people believe a man can get pregnant? I guarantee your life will be effected in a negative way if MAGA gets their way and we have dictator Trump become president again.
Which is why morally bankrupt politicians flock to these issues. They activate people, and while everyone is distracted the dirty work is done.
Trump was in Arizona to campaign for his choice for governor, Kari Lake. Interestingly, Lake graduated from North Scott High School in Eldridge and went to the U of Iowa - ouch! Lake is a far-out Trumper and is as nutty as they come. Unfortunately, she's got a ten point lead over her closest challenger, Karrin Robson. Robson is an establishment Republican being backed by Mike Pence.
Why do you think people like the guy you voted for twice keep bringing up TG? What did you think of his comments last night? Are you in danger of being overrun by TG people in Florida and need protecting from them?
It's an issue that is driven by misinformation and raw emotion. That's why a lifelong con man like Trump goes for it. He activates people. He doesn't really give AF, he just says whatever it is that gets people riled up.
Go find some transcripts of speeches by autocrats throughout history. The language is the same. Find a small, weak group and whip up fear and anger against them. Marginalize them. Blame them for society's problems.
I have ZERO issues with trans persons. They’re human beings. I have not heard any speech made by the former POTUS and have no intention of listening either. It’s not my job to explain much less defend him.
Hint: stop adding to his audience and repeating what he says.
I have ZERO issues with trans persons. They’re human beings. I have not heard any speech made by the former POTUS and have no intention of listening either. It’s not my job to explain much less defend him.
Hint: stop adding to his audience and repeating what he says.
But you vote for people who have problems with trans people. That shows your true colors. And putting you fingers in your ears isn't stopping Trump from being the leader of your party.
Keep reposting this and spreading it to larger audiences. You are part of the problem.
It is absolutely necessary to keep a watchful eye on Trump. It is imperative, there is no choice in the matter. And make no mistake, it is equally important to publicize and illuminate his every political act and public utterance. Doing so is not part of the problem, it is part of the solution to the problem.

Con artists thrive on ignorance, You cannot ignore him. The more Trump is exposed the better. That includes his propaganda rallies - expose it.

Whether you like it or not, Trump is the undisputed leader of the Republican party. He is the presumptive GOP nominee for president in 2024 -no one else is remotely close to defeating him if he seeks the party nomination. It is now almost certain he will be on he ballot in 2024. I'm sorry but Trump is not old news. He is very much a present threat and we should treat him as such.
Voting for Trump in 2016 was like shitting your pants.

Voting for Trump in 2020 was like scooping it up and eating it.

And voting for Trump in 2024 is like vomiting all that up, cutting open your face, stuffing it in, and waiting until you die of infection.

Jesus, Republicans, stop this toxic behavior. It's killing you.
This would make a good commercial. Lol.
It is absolutely necessary to keep a watchful eye on Trump. It is imperative, there is no choice in the matter. And make no mistake, it is equally important to publicize and illuminate his every political act and public utterance. Doing so is not part of the problem, it is part of the solution to the problem.

Con artists thrive on ignorance, You cannot ignore him. The more Trump is exposed the better. That includes his propaganda rallies - expose it.

Whether you like it or not, Trump is the undisputed leader of the Republican party. He is the presumptive GOP nominee for president in 2024 -no one else is remotely close to defeating him if he seeks the party nomination. It is now almost certain he will be on he ballot in 2024. I'm sorry but Trump is not old news. He is very much a present threat and we should treat him as such.
You NEED him to be front and center.
Here's DJTJ. i had to turn off the volume after about three minutes of his "speech." It was first a diatribe about pronouns, then all the venom he could muster for transgenders.

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How has this inarticulate thief won three statewide elections in this country's third largest state?

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