Trump Rally!!!

Libertarian boofest thread - click the letter where the bird used to be

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There was a showdown between MAGA ringers who tried to pack the room and libertarian conference attendees. Before this Cheeto speech the libertarians were meeting in other rooms, probably breakout rooms like at a corporate conference. Ultimately the MAGA ringers got the boot and the boofest commenced. I will find a video.
There was a showdown between MAGA ringers who tried to pack the room and libertarian conference attendees. Before this Cheeto speech the libertarians were meeting in other rooms, probably breakout rooms like at a corporate conference. Ultimately the MAGA ringers got the boot and the boofest commenced. I will find a video.

This is what has me only mildly nervous that pending any huge Biden new gaffs, Trump just doesn't gain ground. Biden needs to press on the states/areas he was close in 2020, but trump and the R's haven't done anything to show they can govern and bring people to them. It's all drama and cycles of excitement to keep folks attentive until Nov.

People not in the cult just hate trump.
There was a showdown between MAGA ringers who tried to pack the room and libertarian conference attendees. Before this Cheeto speech the libertarians were meeting in other rooms, probably breakout rooms like at a corporate conference. Ultimately the MAGA ringers got the boot and the boofest commenced. I will find a video.

Go to 00:48 in this video for a single clip of libertarians and MAGA booing each other. I’m guessing this wasn’t captured on any of the broadcasts of Cheeto’s speech. Any video will come from people in the crowd.

It Wasn’t JUST Boos. The Crowd Also DID THIS to Trump Tonight

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Who, in Trump's campaign, actually thought this would be a good idea? Seriously?

The same type of people who gave Meatball Ron the white boots and did other things to make him look bad during his failed presidential campaign. People who deep down hate him while taking a paycheck from him and secretly want him to fall. Similar people put TRUMP at the small table in the Oval Office towards the end of his term.

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They had the olds waiting in 110° temperatures for his Arizona rally.

No one tries to kill Trump supporters like The Donald.