Trump Rally!!!

He is out there in a 110 Las Vegas heat no shade in a jacket making jokes about it. If he rambles on an hour out there we may have an elderly man collapse.


Trump spoke to the Faith and Freedom conference today in Washington DC and this is what he said:

1. He wants to have a “fight league” for UFC fighters to “fight the migrants.”

2. He says he should not be mocked for telling the story about why he likes Hannibal Lecter from “Silence the Lamb.” He tells story again.

3. He says he should not be mocked for telling story why he would rather be electrocuted than eaten by shark. He tells story again.

4. He said he doesn’t need his people to vote for him but says they need to stop the steal.

5. He suggested a fort would be named after Al Sharpton.

6. He said he is treated more unfairly than Andrew Jackson or Abraham Lincoln.

7. He said people “would be impressed” if he took his shirt off and showed his body with “all my wounds.”

8. He said he’s “a genius” for saying Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi.