Tucker isn’t even hiding it

Brittany Griner in Russia good... Tucker Carlson in Russia bad
youtube name GIF
Was she supporting his policies? You are being disingenuous.
Of cracking down on protestors? Yes, she let him say that he, a dictator, wasn’t in charge of the government.

You’re the one being disingenuous. Read her quotes. She carried water for a monster.
Libs all triggered again. Kind of cute how they get all worked up
Yeah, libs get triggered by Traitors colluding with our enemies.

Cons get triggered by

Alex Dolphin
Former Election Officer (2008–2016)Author has 4.3K answers and 2.9M answer viewsUpdated 5y
What are trigger words for conservatives?
In the United States…
Colin Kaepernick
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Social Justice Warriors
Black Lives Matter
This is at least for the Republicans that seem to get very excited over very little particularly these issues/people, not necessarily conservatives, just the modern Republicans.
Some extras: Fetus, Abortion, Happy Holidays