Tulsi Gabbard Leaves Democratic Party

Everyone understands that sanctions would sunder EU and Russian economies, but will it compel Russia to exit Ukraine?

If the goal of sanctions is economic loss, then they always succeed on that measure, but that in and of itself wasn't the goal, was it?
The economic loss hurts the people. They have hurt US citizens. Biden even alluded to the sacrifice we would have to make. They didn't keep Putin from invading, they haven't kept Putin from selling his oil and gas, and haven't made him leave.
Well to start with, her top donor is a Putin apologist. So there's direct proof that she's being paid by Russia.

She's constantly spreading the same message as the Kremlin. That the war is all because Ukraine wanted to join NATO, That there are evil bio-labs that Ukraine was using and the cause of Covid. She keeps claiming Democrats want to undermine freedom, The Russians love her and Tucker, who they love to re-show on their networks. Almost every stance she takes is that of Pro-Russia and she's in lock step with people like Tucker Carlson. She isn't and hasn't been a Democrat for a long/long time. It's no surprise to anyone that she's moved on and isn't welcome. When you attack every position the Democrats hold you can't call yourself a Democrat any longer.

I'm still registered as a Republican simply because of where I live, but I left the Republican party about 7 years ago after voting in lock step any longer. I can't call myself a Republican any more when I think everything they stand for now is disgusting. If we had the Republicans of the early 2000's back then maybe so. While Bush didn't do well, his attempt for compassionate conservatism worked for me, his brother Jeb is brilliant (Something that cost him dearly when running for President). The Republicans have changed and so I'm no longer a Republican.
You might want to go back and read that Forbes article my friend. It's not quite as ominous as the headline. If we use that standard for Tulsi, then we will need to do some whataboutism for the Bidens and China.
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I'm simply asking questions and haven't made up my mind yet.
Where have I heard this line before?

(looks at Trump and the Republican party over the last six years...and thinks the left may be too far gone...)
What’s happening in Florida is the direction of the Republican Party now, and I like what I see. I’m not voting for another hippie determined to destroy our economy.
Republican sanctions kill children; Dem sanctions cripple our enemies. And, don't you forget it.
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Good riddance. I fart on that fake Hindu.

Tulsi, fyi, means holy basil.
Tulsi said bio-lab. Her words were turned into biological weapons lab.

Is the Wuhan Lab in China a biolab or bioweapons lab? Is the CDC in Atlanta a biolab, or bioweapons lab?

People read one thing and translate it in their heads to something entirely different. That happens to a lot of my posts on here, and it's usually by people who have an agenda and want to either argue or crush me. Sometimes I'm even on their side, but in their eagerness to disagree, they jump to wrong conclusions.

I don't know if Tulsi meant bioweapons lab. I do know that's not what she said initially.
LOL...she made a completely unsupported claim that the US was funding 25-30 biolabs in Ukraine. The same week, Russia claimed there are bioweapons being developed in Ukraine. I'm guessing you would need bioLABS to work on bioWEAPONS. No?
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She would have my vote regardless of party. Although I'm not sure how she fits in with the Republicans, especially the neocons. She has been anti-war and for universal healthcare.
LOL...she made a completely unsupported claim that the US was funding 25-30 biolabs in Ukraine. The same week, Russia claimed there are bioweapons being developed in Ukraine. I'm guessing you would need bioLABS to work on bioWEAPONS. No?
Isn't that what Victoria Nuland testified to in Congress?
Around the time the war started, Bernie Sanders wrote an op-ed in which he said that Russia has “legitimate concerns” about Ukraine joining NATO and added that it’s hypocritical of the United States to reject the notion of “spheres of influence”.

That sounds a lot like some of the same things Tulsi has said. Is Bernie also a Russian stooge?
a recap of this thread part 2

Finance: Nah I don't believe any of that.

Everybody:OK here is so more

Finance: Let me ignore some that. couch it though with a lame "Im just asking questions." But, also let me defend all things russia.

Good times Good times
She would have my vote regardless of party. Although I'm not sure how she fits in with the Republicans, especially the neocons. She has been anti-war and for universal healthcare.
Who hates gay people, women's rights and apparently America.

But other than that. Great candidate
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Tulsi said bio-lab. Her words were turned into biological weapons lab.

Is the Wuhan Lab in China a biolab or bioweapons lab? Is the CDC in Atlanta a biolab, or bioweapons lab?

People read one thing and translate it in their heads to something entirely different. That happens to a lot of my posts on here, and it's usually by people who have an agenda and want to either argue or crush me. Sometimes I'm even on their side, but in their eagerness to disagree, they jump to wrong conclusions.

I don't know if Tulsi meant bioweapons lab. I do know that's not what she said initially.

She said biolabs and repeatedly clarified the semantics.
Around the time the war started, Bernie Sanders wrote an op-ed in which he said that Russia has “legitimate concerns” about Ukraine joining NATO and added that it’s hypocritical of the United States to reject the notion of “spheres of influence”.

That sounds a lot like some of the same things Tulsi has said. Is Bernie also a Russian stooge?
It's a hell of a lot more likely that's for sure.
Everyone understands that sanctions would sunder EU and Russian economies, but will it compel Russia to exit Ukraine?

If the goal of sanctions is economic loss, then they always succeed on that measure, but that in and of itself wasn't the goal, was it?

I believe that was one of the goals.
What’s happening in Florida is the direction of the Republican Party now, and I like what I see. I’m not voting for another hippie determined to destroy our economy.
LOL. As if you have ever voted for anything but the most fascist pieces of shit you can find. Whoever dumb f**ker tucker tells you to vote for.
‘Decades old’? No need to go back that far, the neocons have been busy in the last decade too.
We’re still arming Saudi Arabia’s despotism while they invade and starve their neighbor in yet another failed regime change war the U.S. decided to involve itself, including a sham single candidate election where the candidate was selected by foreign, invading powers.

If Russia helped Saudi Arabia do to Yemen what the U.S. has helped Saudi Arabia do to Yemen would you view the consequences any differently?
Who initiated regime change in Yemen? You sure it was the USA?
You got some evidence to back up that ridiculous claim?
She has mostly denounced her past positions, but she does have an anti LGBTQ history.

Gabbard has a problematic history on LGBTQ+ people. On her way out of Congress in 2020, she sponsored an anti-trans bill. She was a state legislator in 2004 when she denounced “homosexual extremists,” who, she said, were falsely claiming there was a difference between civil unions and same-sex marriage. Hawaii was considering civil union legislation at the time. She also used the phrase to describe opponents of her father, Mike Gabbard, who ran an organization that worked against marriage equality and other LGBTQ+ causes and reportedly endorsed conversion therapy.

Currently she holds that Florida's Parental Rights bill doesn't go far enough.

Former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard posted a video message to social media saying the Florida “don’t say gay” bill signed into law by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis last month doesn’t go far enough in censoring the discussion of sexuality and gender identity in public schools.

“But as I read the legislation, I gotta tell you, I was shocked to learn that it only protects kids from kindergarten till third grade,” Gabbard said in her video message. “Third grade? What about 12th grade or not at all?”

The former U.S. Representative from Hawaii and candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination expressed strong support for the new law, while also disparaging what she called “indoctrinating woke sexual values in our schools” and characterized students as “a captive audience” required to attend by law.

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LOL. As if you have ever voted for anything but the most fascist pieces of shit you can find. Whoever dumb f**ker tucker tells you to vote for.
Take it easy Winston. I didn’t vote for trump. That may have been a mistake considering what is happening with the woke, diverse, and incompetent administration.
and all you Republicans lecturing Democrats on not accepting Tulsi come back to us when you accept Liz Cheney as a legitimate voice. Talk about censoring a voice you don't like. She didn't even attack Republican policies like Gabbard constantly does against ALL Democratic policies, she just said the President was a problem but she's still a fairly conservative conservative. But you guys turned on her like she was the devil.
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Who initiated regime change in Yemen? You sure it was the USA?
Obama's admin provided arms, training, aerial refueling and targeting information to the Saudis when they launched their invasion of Yemen to install a vassal.

Hillary and Obama later had the gall to submit to the world congratulations to the winner of a single candidate election (we laugh at the Russian referendums, and yet the neocons put our imprimatur on sham elections without shame), and the candidate was selected by the invading gulf monarchies.

Isn't it kind of sick that we'd help monarchies invade a country and pretend it's to setup a democracy?