It has the Sopranos vibes where you learn to love deplorable people. And, each side had some deplorable people. Phillip and Elizabeth you grow to love as they navigate their relationship. You sit and watch and think they are like you and your spouse. You guys have ups and downs, the kids can be a drag, work can be mundane, your spouse killed someone on accident and you have to go and dismember the corpse and dispose of it, all while keeping the magic alive in the bedroom and remember to be supportive.I’m obviously still pretty early in the series, but that’s one of the things I like about it. A lot of Cold War movies and shows are very black and white, good guys versus bad guys. The characters in this show are nuanced and depicted as real people. When Stan tells Phillip that the objective in racquetball is to wear down your opponent until he makes a mistake, the natural reaction is a sense of dread that, oh shit, he knows Phillip and Elizabeth are KGB spies. And then you remember that Stan is FBI and it should be a good thing that he’s on to them. But you’ve been conditioned to like Phillip and Elizabeth.
It was the same thing with Bridge of Spies. Mark Rylance gave such a fantastic performance as Rudolf Abel that you couldn’t help feeling empathy for the character.