Ultimately a LOW turnout vote by Dems; Harris 16 million less votes than Biden

You can take all the polls you want but if people dont vote, people who say they back you dont go vote, you are going to lose. The polls are useless and I generally ignore them.

My thoughts are a lot of people who voted for Biden and more that said they were going to vote Dem this time sat it out because 1) she is a woman, 2) she is black and 3) they think that the inevitable jump in inflation caused by pouring $4 trillion in covid money into people's pockets alond with supply chain issues driving up prices were Joe Biden and the Dems' fault.

Inflation was inevitable after covid because of huge increas in demand and lower supplies and no one as president in 2021 could have stopped it short of quick high interest rates which would have caused a RECESSION. Trump if elected in 2020 would have had the same big inflation pressures.

But getting back to the low turnout, hispanic men broke more for Trump but that didnt cause his win. Trump also had about 5 million fewer votes.

We have a stupid, lazy electorate who wont vote when it is so easy to vote. They will mail you a ballot that you can fill out in your kitchen and mail back. So easy.

Well, the Founding Fathers (yeah they were not perfect by a long shot- Read "Hamilton's Scheme" if you want to find out how greedy they were) said the citizenry needed to be smart to elect the right people but they didnt mention energetic. It turns out our voting age citizens are LAZY AND FULL OF APATHY.
Post of the year.
Dems do need to get blue collar men back on board, but I'm not sure what they want. Nebraska had a blue collar independent running for Senate and he still lost to the MAGA Republican woman.
maybe they should stop demonizing masculinity then
Again...Dems have to work harder to convince low education people to support them.
Maybe utilize the Trump approach ..say shit that sounds funny and insult others.
in retrospect this election ended up having far less to do with the two candidates compared to the two platforms. i think if you switched harris (with all her personal attributes intact) as the R candidate and ran Trump (with all his attributes as is) as the D candidate — harris would be our President. imo. rapist or felon did not matter nor did black or woman— they simply did not figure at all into the equations this time.

I am not a conspiracy theorist.
I am also not a mathologist.

Can someone please help me make sense of these literally unbelievable numbers? Because the 2020 election sure doesn’t add up now.

2020 Popular Votes
Biden 81.3 million (51.3%)
Trump 74.2 million (46.9%)

Total: 155.5 million

2024 Popular Votes
Trump 71.1 million (51%)
Harris 66.2 million (47.5%)

Total: 137.3 million

18.2 million people just decided to sit this one out?

2020 US Population: 329.5 million
2024 US Population: 345.4 million

So 18.2 million less votes with 15.9 million more people?

What am I missing?
I think the vast majority of folks don't care what adults do with their bodies.
I also think a majority of people pause at the idea of sterilizing and mutilating children.

I expect decades from now we'll look back on this period the way we remember the 'science' of eugenics and lobotomies.
That's not happening. The GOP loves some good strawman culture war BS to knock down. And enough idiots in this country buy it.

I am not a conspiracy theorist.
I am also not a mathologist.

Can someone please help me make sense of these literally unbelievable numbers? Because the 2020 election sure doesn’t add up now.

2020 Popular Votes
Biden 81.3 million (51.3%)
Trump 74.2 million (46.9%)

Total: 155.5 million

2024 Popular Votes
Trump 71.1 million (51%)
Harris 66.2 million (47.5%)

Total: 137.3 million

18.2 million people just decided to sit this one out?

2020 US Population: 329.5 million
2024 US Population: 345.4 million

So 18.2 million less votes with 15.9 million more people?

What am I missing?
Because ballots were mailed to everyone during Covid, making it much easier to vote and increasing turnout.

That was easy. Got any other brain busters?