Update: Noah Shannon CLEARED TO PRACTICE. 26 UI student-athletes investigated for online gambling, incl in FB, Men’s BB, Baseball, T&F & Wrestling

The UI gambling violations were reported on or after May 2 so what follows is good news. With the previous rules, in most cases, student-athletes who wagered on sports at any level would lose one full season of collegiate eligibility.

The announcement from today:

NCAA DI Council approves changes to reinstatement guidelines for sports wagering violations​

June 28, 2023
2:30 pm

The Division I Legislative Committee on Tuesday ratified a Division I Committee on Student Athlete Reinstatement decision to amend guidelines for reinstating the eligibility of student-athletes who commit violations relating to sports wagering. The Division I Council was briefed on those new guidelines during its meeting this week in Indianapolis.

For all wagering-related violations reported on or after May 2, the following guidelines will apply:

  • Student-athletes who engage in activities to influence the outcomes of their own games or knowingly provide information to individuals involved in sports betting activities will potentially face permanent loss of collegiate eligibility in all sports. This would also apply to student-athletes who wager on their own games or on other sports at their own schools.
  • If a student-athlete wagers on their own sport at another school, education on sports wagering rules and prevention will be required as a condition of reinstatement, and the loss of 50% of one season of eligibility will be considered.
  • For all other wagering-related violations (e.g., wagering on professional sports), cumulative dollar value of the wagers will be taken into consideration with the following terms for reinstatement:
    • $200 or less: sports wagering rules and prevention education.
    • $201-$500: loss of 10% of a season of eligibility, plus rules and prevention education.
    • $501-$800: loss of 20% of a season of eligibility, plus rules and prevention education.
    • Greater than $800: loss of 30% of a season of eligibility, plus rules and prevention education.
For cumulative wagering activities that greatly exceed $800, NCAA reinstatement staff are directed to consider whether additional loss of eligibility, including permanent ineligibility, are appropriate.

"These new guidelines modernize penalties for college athletes at a time when sports wagering has been legalized in dozens of states and is easily accessible nationwide with online betting platforms," said Alex Ricker-Gilbert, athletics director at Jacksonville and chair of the DI Legislative Committee. "While sports wagering by college athletes is still a concern — particularly as we remain committed to preserving the integrity of competition in college sports — consideration of mitigating factors is appropriate as staff prescribe penalties for young people who have made mistakes in this space."

Previous reinstatement guidelines, which were implemented prior to the broader legalization of sports wagering, stipulated that in most cases, student-athletes who wagered on sports at any level would lose one full season of collegiate eligibility.

The council directed the national office to continue to explore issues around rules education and integrity monitoring and requested additional updates on these topics.

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The problem with these reinstatement changes? The gambling allegedly occurred before May 2. And with the previous rules, in most cases, student-athletes who wagered on sports at any level would lose one full season of collegiate eligibility.
Hopefully they deemed that those penalties were far too draconian and will be waived. I.e. a one-time second chance will be given and they will simply be 'sentenced' to additional sports wagering rules and prevention education. Perhaps a 1-2 games suspension on top of it.

Of course, if they were caught betting on games in which they were participating and could directly impact the outcome then they should definitely have the book thrown at them.
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I have literally never called for the firing of any of those coaches you've mentioned.

The problem is, you're literally too unhinged to actually read what people are saying and can barely string together a coherent sentence yourself. Then you get pissed off at everyone else as a result of your own delusions.
THIS x 10,000
from what I am seeing... the only reason people hate Karnack is because he actually supports the football team.. and that drives people crazy.. so they look for anything they can to discredit the man.

they can't argue against the points he makes... so they try to find errors in his spelling
you know it's true
Then obviously YOU need to rush in for a vision check, because thats not even 5% of the issue. There are a LOT of posters here who are big supporters of the program, which does not mean that we can't hope some of the issues are improved on, specifically KF's huge blind spot when it comes to BF and or the offense and its production. As for arguing his "points" do you actually read some of the stupid stuff he posts?
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Haven't read any of the recent material. But Vegas has moved the Iowa win total from 7.5 to 8.5.

To move a full game in football is rare and significant. Don't see any way that happens if Vegas feels suspensions are likely and significant for the Hawks.

That's enough for me boys. Hawks should be in the clear
Haven't read any of the recent material. But Vegas has moved the Iowa win total from 7.5 to 8.5.

To move a full game in football is rare and significant. Don't see any way that happens if Vegas feels suspensions are likely and significant for the Hawks.

That's enough for me boys. Hawks should be in the clear
DraftKings still has them at 7.5 if people want that
maybe it's just Arland Bruce ;)
If it is true, doesn't matter if he transferred. IF what is rumored actually happened, he's through. At which point, my guess is that he was encouraged to leave. Coaches may not always see it, but other players "know" when a guy is sandbagging or outright "throwing" it during a game.
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Well, at least it's just one program that's being investigated (and not football)....we hope.

4 Iowa baseball players were not present during the Ohio State series this past weekend:

Keaton Anthony
Jacob Henderson
Ben Tallman
Gehrig Christensen
There is too much scrutiny of college athletes and violation of their privacy. Gambling is legal, and don't need
The question was out of line.
Coaches can't publicly say names until there's an official release from the University.
I don’t know how the question was formed but if reporters are doing their job, they’re finding a way to ask it in a non-threatening way. Coaches don’t have to answer but you aren’t doing the job right if you’re avoiding it all together.
I don’t know how the question was formed but if reporters are doing their job, they’re finding a way to ask it in a non-threatening way. Coaches don’t have to answer but you aren’t doing the job right if you’re avoiding it all together.
I should have clarified...100% chance the reporter knew he wouldn't get names named.

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