US Open Brackets?

Spooner: These are fans tweeting at athletes.

Remember back in the day when you might pass a high school aged kid in the hall after a win and congratulate him? Maybe even pat him on the back? Well, tweeting is kinda how that's done now, grandpa.:D

All well and good I suppose but most of what I see on the twitter is far more than just "good job...high five."
C'mon on Dice...DT got lucky. If McRib were at full health, he would rearrange DT's haircut ;) Downey has talent but with a full grown DT at 86, it is tough to see who can take him out besides Cox...Even then, if Cox isn't focused, I don't see him beating Taylor. Maybe it's my bias but I would like DT to do something on the world level before he goes into coaching.
I think Taylor went to a whole new level winning world cup in Iran. Believe it ir not, I think he had a confidence issue up until then. Now he believes plus he isn't the same kid anymore. He's grown into a full blown beast man.
I think Taylor went to a whole new level winning world cup in Iran. Believe it ir not, I think he had a confidence issue up until then. Now he believes plus he isn't the same kid anymore. He's grown into a full blown beast man.

No Dake and no Burroughs=not much competition at 86kg for DT to go through. I guess we'll wait and see if he can beat J'Den best 2 of 3 if he makes it that far.
It will be interesting to see who can still make 65kg on 2 hr weigh ins. I think Zain might but not sure about JO or Molinaro.
Big win for Oliver over Molinaro. The Zain win was questionable, but he earned that one.

Wasn't questionable considering the stupid wannabe judo rule..."Correct Throw?" Still, Zain let it happen in the last few seconds.
Dake looked good. He was the only one who came close to getting the TD (twice). Thought he earned the victory. Burroughs beat the crap out of Dake's face. Kind of a punk move in my opinion.
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Rooting for JB but I think Dake got screwed. JB got away with a lot of hands to the face, especially how they've been calling it this weekend.
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Ok that is what I don't understand how or why did Burroughs get that last point?
I am the last guy rooting for Dake, he did whine a lot but damn JB did take it to his face.
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Shot clock as Dake was hit for a garbage passivity call.
wtf Dake was doing most of the shooting and Burroughs was just slapping him in the face.
Thanks John Basedow think I'm going to give up on this free style ...No wonder when it is international there are so many questionable calls when we have them here..I thought folk style reffs where bad but hate to say it these guys look worse.
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