
Like to try that analysis again, Skippy?
Tarheel, you haven't pointed out in the article where you said it stated mothers pass along lifelong immunity to their child. And, everyone including you keeps dodging the herd immunity issue. I've asked probably 4 times now and 0 responses. This is a very central issue to this debate, so I urge the pro folks to tackle it if you can.
Tarheel, you haven't pointed out in the article where you said it stated mothers pass along lifelong immunity to their child. And, everyone including you keeps dodging the herd immunity issue. I've asked probably 4 times now and 0 responses. This is a very central issue to this debate, so I urge the pro folks to tackle it if you can.

If it doesn't then it's useless at preventing disease in children who aren't sucking at mommy's tit. I'm not even sure how you can question herd immunity. The measles vaccine was introduced in 1963. That year there were over 385,000 cases of measles with 364 deaths. Ten years later, the number of cases was below 30,000 and deaths had dropped to 23. in the first decade of the 21st century, the average was fewer than 100/year with a documented death toll of THREE...for the entire decade. Now we are seeing measles on the rise...and who gets sick?
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For all you guys on here who think there isn't corruption in science. I'd like you to listen to what this Scientist has to say about one of her experiences. The entire interview is excellent and central to this discussion but I understand folks are short on time so to cut to the chase focus on 2:40 to about 4:30. Listen to that and come back here and tell us all how there is no corruption in science. This kind of stuff happens all the time guys, whether you want to admit to it or not.

Then she talks about how Al adjuvant has not been safety tested.

Then ff to 13:15 to hear what was found in a couple autism studies that she was personally a part of.

For all you guys on here who think there isn't corruption in science. I'd like you to listen to what this Scientist has to say about one of her experiences. The entire interview is excellent and central to this discussion but I understand folks are short on time so to cut to the chase focus on 2:40 to about 4:30. Listen to that and come back here and tell us all how there is no corruption in science. This kind of stuff happens all the time guys, whether you want to admit to it or not.

Then she talks about how Al adjuvant has not been safety tested.

Then ff to 13:15 to hear what was found in a couple autism studies that she was personally a part of.

Joe Mercola would post an article about HIV not causing AIDS if he thought it would make him money

For all you guys on here who think there isn't corruption in science. I'd like you to listen to what this Scientist has to say about one of her experiences. The entire interview is excellent and central to this discussion but I understand folks are short on time so to cut to the chase focus on 2:40 to about 4:30. Listen to that and come back here and tell us all how there is no corruption in science. This kind of stuff happens all the time guys, whether you want to admit to it or not.

Of course there's corruption in science. Anything involving human beings is going to have corruption. WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU THAT THIS ENTIRE THREAD!!

Andrew Wakefield is a prime example of that corruption.

Once more - with feeling - why did he refuse the opportunity to reproduce his results with a larger cohort? Not ONE SINGLE RESEARCHER using Wakefield's own methodology has been able to reproduce his results. Are THEY all corrupt with Wakefield being the lone shining beacon of virtue? Answer those question.
Nothing wrong with dissent. It just better be backed up by real science and not bullshit. This film uses bullshit and fear mongering. I know this because all of the research that has been done on this flies in the face of what that documentary is trying to say.
Dissent can simply be "I don't want to"
Dissent can simply be "I don't want to"

Like "I don't want to stop for any red lights" :confused:

When it's putting other people at risk who do not have the choice, it's not appropriate.

I've stated it here many times - if people want to 'dissent', they can accept the consequences of their actions. They can accept the financial liability of ANYONE they infect (e.g. came in contact with) when they get measles or whatever. They can accept zero health coverage for any costs associated with their care for vaccinable diseases they contract. They would not be eligible to file for any form of bankruptcy or protect any asset they have to cover those costs.

Thus, if they feel that strongly about no vaccines, then accept the liabilities that come with it.
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Further research WAS conducted, you sanctimonious dolt. Studies were set up to reproduce the results Wakefield claimed. They couldn't. You do understand this is where it all began. No one - NO ONE - has been able to replicate Wakefield's results.

...and anyone with a basic statistics background is well aware than when you conduct the same tests to an alpha = 0.05 confidence level, you WILL have exactly 1 out of 20 of your 'studies' show a positive result or 'effect' - it's precisely how the math works.

Thus, if you run the same study 20 times, you'll get 19 'null' effects and 1 'positive'. That's the same as 'not significant'. The only way to counteract that issue (from repeated/same study designs) is to EXPAND the study group size (increase your study power - or reduce beta error). When Wakefield refuses to do this to verify results, all of his credibility is simply gone. That is precisely what you do to solidify your position. When people take to the blogs instead, it is a giant red warning light....indicating the position is most probably total bullshit.
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If it doesn't then it's useless at preventing disease in children who aren't sucking at mommy's tit. I'm not even sure how you can question herd immunity. The measles vaccine was introduced in 1963. That year there were over 385,000 cases of measles with 364 deaths. Ten years later, the number of cases was below 30,000 and deaths had dropped to 23. in the first decade of the 21st century, the average was fewer than 100/year with a documented death toll of THREE...for the entire decade. Now we are seeing measles on the rise...and who gets sick?

As anychawk would tell you CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION!! That's not how science works!!

Sorry, true herd immunity still doesn't make sense at all based on success rates and longevity rates amongst the population. Explain to me your theory on how we can still have herd immunity given those two items and you might have something.
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Of course there's corruption in science. Anything involving human beings is going to have corruption. WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU THAT THIS ENTIRE THREAD!!

Look at that bolded sentence. The quoted posts below all at least imply against this notion. It's as if you saw the video and all of a sudden decide to throw your mainstream science golden child under the bus because of your Wakefield accusations. Makes a lot of sense.:confused: But you're right though, mainstream science has corruption written all over it. Doesn't help your case in the least.

Nothing wrong with dissent. It just better be backed up by real science and not bullshit. This film uses bullshit and fear mongering. I know this because all of the research that has been done on this flies in the face of what that documentary is trying to say.

Not for the anti-vaxxers. Every major research organization disagrees with you.

Because despite being confronted with facts and evidence, you still accept the 'retarded' viewpoint (e.g. vaccines and autism). It's been debunked ad nauseum, by many independent societies and governments. That's one whale of a collusion going on, if they are all 'bought' by Big Pharma....

Sorry, it's summer. I don't have time to look something up that you will not read anyway or just chalk up to some big conspiracy anyway. I will just refer you to the opinions of the WHO, AMA, CDC, NIAID, FDA, and pretty much any other organization that has taken a look at this issue. They all say that not only are vaccines safe, it is far more dangerous to not vaccinate your kids. I realize this isn't what you are looking for but you need to realize that these organizations know a f***ton more about this issue than you do, the people who made that sham of film do, or the people that made whatever blog post you link to. These organizations have read and peer reviewed thousands of studies on this topic, far more than you have or the makers of your film have. So, I'm going to go with the experts.

However, I will provide a link to 75 107 studies that show vaccines are safe, not that you will really read any of them as you will just chalk them up to some illuminati/stonemason/big pharma conspiracy not worthy of your time.

You're right. 107 studies is not all encompassing? You know where you find that? The CDC, AMA, NIAID, WHO, and any other reputable e research organization. All of these organizations say you are wrong and your uninformed, amateur opinion is dangerous. But please, keep posting this worthless drival. I'm sure you will find some evil Bond villain organization to blame for whatever illnesses your children get because of your stupid decisions.

You're an internet activist. You have no authority to say the things you do so I don't give a shit what you say about those studies because you have as much credibility as my 5 year old daughter does on the subject. The CDC, WHO, AMA, and the dozens of other organizations do have the authority to make the claims they do. If you want to start convincing people of this massive conspiracy on the level of the Manhattan project, then you need to start convincing these reputable organizations of your claims. Good luck with that.

And for the record, if these organizations do start to say vaccines cause [whatever] then I will believe it. It's called "following the science".

Wow, simply amazing how many incorrect statements and half-truths are in this paragraph. Too many to count. And if you have a child or relative with autism, I'm sorry for you and him/her. I have two close relatives on the spectrum.

But one thing I don't do is suggest that there is a massive conspiracy involving every major health organization. If you are to be believed, these organizations are staffed with thousands of parents who are complicit in covering up adverse information about vaccines and autism that will adversely impact the lives of their children and grandchildren. For a conspiracy to be plausible it has to be small, otherwise, a conspirator will eventually talk and/or Occam's razor controls.

Is it plausible the someone assisted Lee Harvey Oswald and thus there was a conspiracy? Sure. Is it plausible that tens of thousands of parents who work for every major world health organization are covering up vaccination dangers and have remained silent on the "truth" of vaccine-caused autism, but go along with it because they are either financially beholden to big Pharma or just truly evil people -- and all without even one corporate whistleblower spilling the beans regarding the "truth" of what you desperately want to believe? Not a chance in hell.

So. What? There was tons of independent research indicating the dangers of tobacco, you moronic twit. There is zero credible evidence indicating this for vaccines. The tobacco companies couldn't suppress the evidence then and "BIG PHARMA" couldn't do it now...if it existed. Your argument is stupid and vacuous but since you decided to get personal, so are you. Not that that's a surprise to anyone.

Gotta love how the conspiracy theorists tell us BIG PHARMA is hiding the cure for cancer because treating the disease is more profitable but they are hiding the fact that inexpensive vaccines are ineffective and cause serious side effects because the vaccines are more profitable than treating all the diseases they prevent.
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2 pages later, naturalborn and his ilk still getting their assess handed to them and correctively going

That's funny, I was actually thinking just the opposite. BTW, you still haven't explained the herd immunity question, after you specifically being asked at least twice. At least answer the question before you go making posts like this. It's kind of a big deal.
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It's been answered many many times; someone (BioHawk) posted the data on pre/post vaccine disease rates. If you cannot process basic factual information, it's a colossal waste of everyone's time dealing with you.
The only link I can find that Bio shared was the 107. Could you link it or at least tell me what page it's on? I don't have a lot of time today - or the next 2 weeks for that matter.

I am talking about the herd immunity question, not the double bline placebo controlled question that Bio FAILED miserably to answer by the way.
COME ON people! Answer the question! lol

I'm at a loss here. What about herd immunity doesn't make sense to you? People who are vaccinated don't get sick when exposed to the pathogen in question. This is true for 95+% of the population. If they don't get sick, it's nearly impossible for them to transmit the pathogen to others. So you're saying that vaccines don't have the success rate advertised or you're saying that those who are vaccinated can still somehow transmit the pathogen. Neither of those two is supported by research or reality. Pick one or both or give an alternative explanation.
Look at that bolded sentence. The quoted posts below all at least imply against this notion. It's as if you saw the video and all of a sudden decide to throw your mainstream science golden child under the bus because of your Wakefield accusations. Makes a lot of sense.:confused: But you're right though, mainstream science has corruption written all over it. Doesn't help your case in the least.

WTF? Those comments say nothing of the kind. Those posts are trying to explain to you that there is robust and extensive independent research showing NO connection between vaccines and autism. NO CONNECTION. Studies that included well over one million children. You're backing the idea that Wakefield's 12 child study...children HE selected in contravention of basic research protocols - trumps all that other science.

For the last time (probably not) - why has Wakefield REFUSED to follow up his research with a larger cohort to support his claims?
Why do you speak of this like you aren't completely biased? It takes away any credit you may have.
Also, VAERS is the vaccine adverse effects reporting system. Which was created by the government and the CDC.
They wouldn't have created this, which was created due to Congressional findings, backed by 'science', if there wasn't a threat with vaccines.
Also Big Pharma's costs are mostly covered by insurance. Insurance is not super high because of it, it's high because of the actual healthcare costs, which isn't included with pharmaceuticals.

My bias is irrelevant since I am using the opinions of major research organizations. If I have a bias, it is to respect the professionals and their opinions on this. As for VAERS, that is primarily there to monitor people that have allergic reactions to the vaccines. To try and ban a substance just because some people have allergies is stupid.

Also, the fact that you don't think drug prices affect healthcare costs is laughable. I'll just refer you to the uberdouche who bought the drug used in treating AIDS and then increased the price by like 100 times as example number one of this.
Dissent can simply be "I don't want to"

No, that's negligence or refusal. Dissent is disagreeing with an opinion. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with a scientific opinion as long as you have reliable scientific evidence to support why you disagree with an opinion. "I don't want to" is just refusing to do it....because. Well, there could be a legitimate reason to refuse something but again, that's based on a scientific reason and it is a consequence of dissenting with a scientific opinion.
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Nope, it wasn't. It was bhawk that used that term: your replies were fairly respectful, just a bit on the condescending side. ;)

This is no different than a Trump v. Clinton debate. Both sides feel strongly about their views, and for some reason feel offended when they are unable to convince others to think accordingly.

I happen to feel the same way about vaccines as I do about politicians: everybody should be free to vote for whoever they want to vote for or get as many shots as they want..............just don't try and make me do the same. I happen to think that they're both bad for the country, but live and let live, right?

Fair enough.

The problem with the live and let live approach with vaccines is somebody else's decision to not vaccinate their kids could put me or my children at risk. Remember what happened at Disney Land last year with the measles outbreak? That is exactly why it is important everyone gets vaccinated. Plus, it also protects people who can't take the vaccine (like someone with a severe allergy) because there won't be very many people that can carry the disease to be transmitted. This is why most of these diseases had been eliminated.
So you just posted a link that shows vaccines can in fact cause autism, though it's very rare, to prove me wrong?
You just don't understand. It's perfectly logical and humane to inject a child full of neurotoxins. What harm could that possibly have on infants ? I got an idea. Let's come up with a cool way for kids to suck on lead paint chips too. Maybe lace it with Red 40 for flavor and some aspartame.
You just don't understand. It's perfectly logical and humane to inject a child full of neurotoxins. What harm could that possibly have on infants ? I got an idea. Let's come up with a cool way for kids to suck on lead paint chips too. Maybe lace it with Red 40 for flavor and some aspartame.

It is perfectly logical and humane based upon the protection it affords. If eating dog shit made my kid immune to cancer, I'd have them choking it down.
You just don't understand. It's perfectly logical and humane to inject a child full of neurotoxins. What harm could that possibly have on infants ? I got an idea. Let's come up with a cool way for kids to suck on lead paint chips too. Maybe lace it with Red 40 for flavor and some aspartame.

It's pretty obvious that you have no clue what a 'neurotoxin' even is....
We are over-vaccinated as a nation and the cumulative effect from an aggressive immunization schedule 'should' be a concern.
What does that even mean? We're "over-vaccinated"? According to who? You? And what cumulative effects has your research noted?
Children are vaccinated way more than 30 years ago.

So? They get more antibiotics than they did 100 years ago.
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We are over-vaccinated as a nation and the cumulative effect from an aggressive immunization schedule 'should' be a concern. Children are vaccinated way more than 30 years ago.

It's not a concern for the American Association of Pediatricians or AMA. Those are the folks I get my medical info from.

The argument that 'it's too big a burden for naive immune systems' has been debunked ad naseum; babies get millions of times the exposure to germs/bacteria/etc. on their way out of the birth canal and in their first hours outside the mother. It's nonsense, based on fearmongering and ignorance.
It's not a concern for the American Association of Pediatricians or AMA. Those are the folks I get my medical info from.

The argument that 'it's too big a burden for naive immune systems' has been debunked ad naseum; babies get millions of times the exposure to germs/bacteria/etc. on their way out of the birth canal and in their first hours outside the mother. It's nonsense, based on fearmongering and ignorance.
The AMA, like any other organization run by humans, has its whores. They are given cabin cruisers, junkets and incentives to peddle prescriptions. They pay out millions a year JUST in speaking fees.
This ho parlayed her public career at the CDC into a richly rewarding stint at Merck. Recently she sold $$$Millions in shares at Merck. I wonder what she did as a favor to Merck?

Julie L. Gerberding, M.D., M.P.H.
Executive Vice President & Chief Patient Officer, Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy and Population Health

  • Executive Vice President & Chief Patient Officer, Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy and Population Health, Merck & Co., Inc., 2016
  • Executive vice president, Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy and Population Health, Merck & Co., Inc., 2014
  • President, Merck Vaccines, 2010-2014
  • Co-Chair, Board of Directors, Sanofi Pasteur MSD Joint Venture, 2010-present
  • Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2002-2009
  • Director, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, CDC, 1998-2002
  • Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine in Infectious Disease, University of California, San Francisco, 2002-present
The AMA, like any other organization run by humans, has its whores. They are given cabin cruisers, junkets and incentives to peddle prescriptions. They pay out millions a year JUST in speaking fees.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! And there it is!! When all other arguments fail, say the organizations that do the research are corrupt and bought off. Because...well, there are thousands of people involved in these groups and,

If you had any idea how science actually works, you would realize how stupid statements like this are. Even if you do find some "whores", there are ten more people who aren't and would debunk any bullshit said "whore" tried to produce. Not to mention, these conclusions are far bigger than the AMA. Every other research and medical organization agrees with them. The number of people that would have to be involved in this conspiracy and the amount of money it would cost to run it would make the entire effort pointless because whatever money they planned on earning would be used up in maintaining the conspiracy.
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