Virginia Governor cool with letting babies die

I seriously doubt the situation he described would ever happen. If it did, that would be murder not abortion.

I get it the law shouldn't allow for that to even be a possibility, but I guess I am an optimist in believing even people I disagree with would not execute this scenario much less a mother and a doctor both agreeing to this scenario.

Most people that are pro-choicers do not want it taken this far.

These extremely rare circumstances shouldn't be the basis of arguing your position as a whole.
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I seriously doubt the situation he described would ever happen. If it did, that would be murder not abortion.

I get it the law shouldn't allow for that to even be a possibility, but I guess I am an optimist in believing even people I disagree with would not execute this scenario much less a mother and a doctor both agreeing to this scenario.

Most people that are pro-choicers do not want it taken this far.

These extremely rare circumstances shouldn't be the basis of arguing your position as a whole.

I am pro choice, but I could murder anyone myself that chose to do this after going the distance.
What was wrong with the way it was currently written? Why is there a need to add this longevity and "up to the point of dilation?"

What needed to be amended/changed?
I have seen it yes. She answered the question as it pertained to the law as written. It doesn't disprove my belief.

Go find a pro choice mother that far along and pro choice OB Gyn and ask them in this scenario would you do it? IMO all would say NO.
Do you know why the current law even needs this amended language?
I didn't say it should. Did you not read my entire response?

I even said I get it the law shouldn't allow for that to even be a possibility

You were talking about the Governor and the scenario involving after birth.

I’m talking about Tran. Dialation and the mental health reason.
Do you know why the current law even needs this amended language?
I do not know the background on if there was an actual scenario that played out in real life that is causing lawmakers to want to amend the language. The existing language as I understand it required more than 1 doctor to agree. I don't think there was an issue with that language. I am willing to listen to the real reason why they think it needed to be amended and if there is a real life story from that state where someone was negatively impacted by the more than 1 doctor requirement.
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You were talking about the Governor and the scenario involving after birth.

I’m talking about Tran. Dialation and the mental health reason.
Yes. I listened to a specific scenario and a response. And was merely responding in that context. It seems to me you are focusing not on that specific scenario but being able to do it based on perceive mental or health issue. If that is what your argument is, then state that, not the very specific scenario that she was asked which that is only a part of. My personal opinion on the matter in that scenario is pretty much never should you be killing a baby at that point. Nor do I think a law should allow that.

Somehow I don't think the argument was that just reword the law to specifically remove that scenario. That is really my point.
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No sane doctor is going to allow a newborn baby to die purposely.

And my cousin is an OB-GYN and she has confirmed for people time and time again, namely when this type of shit comes up on Facebook, that termination of pregnancy at nine months is called birth. This fear mongering about babies being aborted like that is false. The practice does not exist.

Abortion is wrong and women should be given resources and adequate support to make a choice besides abortion, but this type of nonsense and hysteria solves nothing and only deepens the divide on this issue.
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So, this is an exaggeration wrapped up in a falsehood?
I'd love it if there were fewer abortions in the US. However, they remain necessary in some instances to save a woman's life, and in general I don't want random people deciding what women can do with their bodies.
And, as mentioned, if you are against abortions, and all for babies, fund for sex ed, fund for birth control, and don't cry and moan about stuff like WIC, or paying for healthcare for poors with babies out of wedlock.
So, this is an exaggeration wrapped up in a falsehood?
I'd love it if there were fewer abortions in the US. However, they remain necessary in some instances to save a woman's life, and in general I don't want random people deciding what women can do with their bodies.
And, as mentioned, if you are against abortions, and all for babies, fund for sex ed, fund for birth control, and don't cry and moan about stuff like WIC, or paying for healthcare for poors with babies out of wedlock.

Good post. And I for the most part agree with you. I will say, though, abortion is one of the reasons I'm not a Democrat. I was okay with Bill Clinton saying they should be safe, legal, and rare, but today it seems like libs look at abortion as casually as chewing gum.

In terms of the third trimester abortions, yes, that has never been practiced. If they change the law, then that could change. But as of now, it doesn't exist.
Good post. And I for the most part agree with you. I will say, though, abortion is one of the reasons I'm not a Democrat. I was okay with Bill Clinton saying they should be safe, legal, and rare, but today it seems like libs look at abortion as casually as chewing gum.

In terms of the third trimester abortions, yes, that has never been practiced. If they change the law, then that could change. But as of now, it doesn't exist.
Bill Clinton's stance is where the vast majority of pro-choicers, including myself are. The second part of your statement is patently false.
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Bill Clinton's stance is where the vast majority of pro-choicers, including myself are. The second part of your statement is patently false.

It should have been worded better, you're right.

But it does seem like more liberals today have a casual attitude towards abortion than in the past. Perhaps my view has been slanted because of social media and all the things I read on the Internet.
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I seriously doubt the situation he described would ever happen. If it did, that would be murder not abortion.

I get it the law shouldn't allow for that to even be a possibility, but I guess I am an optimist in believing even people I disagree with would not execute this scenario much less a mother and a doctor both agreeing to this scenario.

Most people that are pro-choicers do not want it taken this far.

These extremely rare circumstances shouldn't be the basis of arguing your position as a whole.
That is not pro choice. Once that baby is delivered, how can it be aborted? That is murder.
Pretty simple folks. The law shouldn't allow for that. That's murder. If the current law allows for that as some suggest, then that's why it needs to be amended, to restrict it more.
Nothing to see here. This is the centrist party just remember that. That is what @BelemNole told us.

Good, science knows definitively that babies evil lying manipulative junkies that steal and inflict self-harm in pursuit of euphoric highs. Plus one in seven is a literal murderer of their sibling.

They deserve it.
No sane doctor is going to allow a newborn baby to die purposely.
Of course they will. Children born with severe abnormalities that will invariably prove fatal are often purposely allowed to die rather than being kept alive artificially. Not abortion...not murder.
I saw a video of the governor on the radio. Not sure what he was trying to say. It almost sounds like the baby is born and goes on to say they make it comfortable. The lady and the doctor talk it over and the baby could be revived.

Like I said I had a hard time figuring out what he was trying to say
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