Wait - THESE - are the “Tasty Tacos” you DSM folk rave about!!??

You seem tense, Torbs. About a picture of tacos. Rough day?
Not tense, shook!

Been hearing about the greatness of “Tasty Tacos” for years and then see a pic of them and they look like what a depressed Minnesotan single mom with an opioid disorder would feed to her crotch droppings on the week the food stamp money ran out.
they cannot touch the true taco kings


I like the puffy shells at Tasty Taco. I don’t find the other ingredients and better or worse than the competition.
For reference THESE are tacos:

These have become a super bowl game day family tradition in our house. Daughter and I started making them a few years ago and are close to having it perfected. Doing it right is an 8 hour process but so worth it.
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Yellow shredded cheese and what looks like bottled Ortega “taco” sauce?

WTF IS wrong with you people!? 😳
First, I am not a huge Tasty Tacos proponent. They are good, but not amazing. With that said, they make their own sauce this most definitely not Ortega taco sauce. The highlight is the puffy fried shell. It is like a taco salad shell, but it is in taco form.
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Just got to Ankeny. Never had a Tasty Taco so I'll be heading there in 10 min to see what's up.
Get a flour taco. That's the deep fried puffy shell. They have a bunch of other stuff on the menu, including corn tacos, but that's the moneymaker.
This is like when your mom tried to convince you unseasoned ground beef on Wonderbread with a squirt of Hunt’s Catsup was “just as good” as McDonald’s.
Your trolling in this thread is magnificently uninformed. At least try one before making claims that have no basis in reality. With regard to quad cities style pizza, I've walked the walk brother.
You lash out because of jealousy. DSM clearly has better culinary options than QC. But you enjoy your slim strip of rabbit turd pizza.
I’m going to open a specialty burger place in Des Moines.

Will serve this:


And make millions selling it to you tasteless rubes.