WBB opens season with first practice

Agree that Bluder needs to have a long talk with Peschel about playing like a Senior captain. She needs to be more aggressive like earlier in the year but seems like she is thinking the game instead of just playing. If she doesn't snap out of it they could always put Ally back at the 4 & try Buttenham at the 3.
Why not simply play Christina at the 4? She is listed as a forward. I would have thought she might get more minutes with Carly out, but Lisa did not mention Christina in her press release.
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Mohns played in 9 games so she should be eligible for a redshirt, right? I looked at the Iowa State situation last year & this year with Jadda Buckley (2014) playing 9 games before shutting it down, same with T.T Starks (2015). Lets hope she gets an additional year, but how will that effect recruiting if she gets it?
As it currently stands, if Carly were to redshirt, it would reduce the scholarships from four to three in 2018 and increase 2019 from four to five. It would also put three forwards (Carly, Hannah, & Tagyn) in the same class.
I believe Carly is the kind of person that is good for the team chemistry and the coaches would want to have for another year. I also think she has a lot of 'upside' (untapped potential) and that another year would be of benefit. If she can return to 100% physically and improve her guard skills enough to play the 3, it would help the team.
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Big Ten WBB opens conference play on New Year's Eve; here's current W-L, RPI, SOS, and Massey and Sagarin rankings.

Man those Husker announcers on BTN+ sure are nasty. Every time Iowa is on offence, to them it's an Iowa offensive foul or travelling. I'm going to turn the audio off.
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I'm turning on the audio to hear what the losers have to say now:) So far they seem to have been quite complimentary actually.
Great road win to start the BIG season off right! Loved the rebounding effort, haven't seen that from Iowa against a Big Ten foe in a long time.
I'm turning on the audio to hear what the losers have to say now:) So far they seem to have been quite complimentary actually.
Haha! Such homers! I had to watch on BTN so basically stuck, and I wanted to shoot myself in the head listening to them. A.W.F.U.L. I know, it's drastic, but seriously? I've listened to other broadcasts and I can't say I remember anything
The announcers are radio guys that can usually make stuff up because nobody can see what is really happening. When you put a visual with it it becomes laughable.Homers is too kind of a word.
The rebounding was great, especially considering that the behemoth , Shepard. They had 4th quarter problems again but pulled it out. Clark for Nebraska got away with a lot, and got Ally perturbed. Chase has a good game and Megan did well also. A road win was a great way to open the conference year.
24 turnovers. For those able to watch was it careless passes? Nebraska pressing? Still learning to play together? Cut those in half and we win by 20.
24 turnovers. For those able to watch was it careless passes? Nebraska pressing? Still learning to play together? Cut those in half and we win by 20.
There were some un-excusable turnovers at the end which prolonged the game. In the second half Nebraska was quick to collapse their defense in the lane causing additional turnovers when Iowa was taking the ball to the basket. Peschel has several that just made me shake my head, not sure what she was doing. At least she rebounded (8) well but hit the bench toward the end when Lisa went smaller. It was nice to see the Freshman Davis & Gustafson more than held their own too. Was a great game to watch outside the announcers, agree they were horrible & the analyst took off his headset several times but you could still hear him screaming at the refs.
Needed to get this thread back on the first page... Great win over C Vivian & Rutgers tonight.
Gutsy win tonight against an athletic and physical Rutgers. The Scarlet Nights play a lot of seniors and they were not going away without a fight. Crowd was in it from start to finish. Great job Hawks
Kastanek -- I knew she had pedigree when coming in, but the past two years she didn't have much opportunity to prove herself. I thought she'd destined to be a role player. And now, she is one-upping Disterhoft as the best player on the team. And they are both only juniors.

Peschel -- I wonder if her past knee injuries are holding her back. It seemed that she wanted to do things but her knees just wouldn't allow it. She looked slow.
Alexa was actually rated higher coming out of HS than Ally was by some. Lex had all kinds of foot and ankle problems her first two years. Finally getting healthy. She played very well over the summer and is carrying it over into the season. The Hawks needed a 3pt shooter to do what Melissa did and Lex is doing a good impression.
Chase had a good game offensively but when Rutgers started taking it inside in the second half, it was Megan to the rescue. Megan battled their bigs tooth and nail (and an elbow to the face).
Whitney also played well. She seemed a lot more confident in her shot. She is so quick that she can get open at will for the short jumper. I wish she would do it more.
Ally was Ally. She is so consistent in her great play.
It was a tough, physical game. I was wondering how this years squad would handle the rugged B1G. And how they would rebound despite being undersized. The rebounding has come around, and they don't back down.
Alexa was actually rated higher coming out of HS than Ally was by some. Lex had all kinds of foot and ankle problems her first two years. Finally getting healthy. She played very well over the summer and is carrying it over into the season. The Hawks needed a 3pt shooter to do what Melissa did and Lex is doing a good impression.
Chase had a good game offensively but when Rutgers started taking it inside in the second half, it was Megan to the rescue. Megan battled their bigs tooth and nail (and an elbow to the face).
Whitney also played well. She seemed a lot more confident in her shot. She is so quick that she can get open at will for the short jumper. I wish she would do it more.
Ally was Ally. She is so consistent in her great play.
It was a tough, physical game. I was wondering how this years squad would handle the rugged B1G. And how they would rebound despite being undersized. The rebounding has come around, and they don't back down.

If they can cut down the turnovers, Iowa will be a threat in all games this year. Ali still the "go-to" player but others are making shots too. Turnovers in first half and missed FTs at the end were main negatives. Still cant believe Rutgers didn't foul with 10 seconds left.
Rutgers has a chance to foul with 11 seconds to go but didn't . After the time out with 7 seconds to go, Iowa got it in to Whitney and they couldn't catch her. Whit passed toTania and they couldn't catch her either. Rutgers then just gave up on it.
I agree on the two negatives. Iowa had 16 first half turnovers but on;y 5 in the second. I think fatigue had something to do with the FT misses at the end.
Rutgers has a chance to foul with 11 seconds to go but didn't . After the time out with 7 seconds to go, Iowa got it in to Whitney and they couldn't catch her. Whit passed toTania and they couldn't catch her either. Rutgers then just gave up on it.
I agree on the two negatives. Iowa had 16 first half turnovers but on;y 5 in the second. I think fatigue had something to do with the FT misses at the end.

And 1 of those was when Whit didn't get it across in time because she wasn't aware of the ball getting knocked out of bounds a couple of times in the back court. Speaking of Lex, she laid a nice pick on the Rutgers player late in the game after she threw the ball into Whit. That was only a little of the pay back for the rough play by the Rutgers players.
Yeah, with the new rule you don't get the full 10 again. so she had 7 seconds to get it over half court. I think if she had been aware she could have made it.
And 1 of those was when Whit didn't get it across in time because she wasn't aware of the ball getting knocked out of bounds a couple of times in the back court. Speaking of Lex, she laid a nice pick on the Rutgers player late in the game after she threw the ball into Whit. That was only a little of the pay back for the rough play by the Rutgers players.

This was a nice win for the women. As expected with Vivian, Rutgers had girls with game and a toughness too. Played with that Norm Van Lier "Attitude". Thanks goodness for ball handlers like Whit and Tania. Tania had a nice Andre Woolridge (think Kentucky NCAA tourny) break the trap type dribble through full court Rutger's pressure and did get fouled on the play. She did a nice job knocking down FTs down the stretch in this game.

But to me, in addition, the key was Megan Gustafson's toughness on the boards inside. Wow...for a true frosh, she's a warrior inside and gets after those boards. We needed her size and toughness and she would not let Rutgers steal the ball once she secured the rebound. Just really impressed with her play as a true frosh. She is going to be a great one.
Rutgers' perimeter defense is very good, however the defense around the basket has some holes. Disterhoft drove right by the baseline past a defender and made a wide open reverse layup. I think there were other occasions when an Iowa player squeezed past defender(s) under the basket and got wide open. Maybe it's just nimble footwork by Iowa.
Rutgers' perimeter defense is very good, however the defense around the basket has some holes. Disterhoft drove right by the baseline past a defender and made a wide open reverse layup. I think there were other occasions when an Iowa player squeezed past defender(s) under the basket and got wide open. Maybe it's just nimble footwork by Iowa.

Ally had one of the best moves ever, like a double move in the lane and turned her defender every way but loose. And I agree with Ed above, Gustafson is tough as nails with her rebounds. With her size it's pretty tough for anyone to get the ball away from her. Just hope she doesn't get a T by getting someone with an elbow, although sometimes those serve a purpose down the road.
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I didn't get to watch or listen to the Michigan game, nor did I the Iowa State game. From what's described they seemed to unravel in similar fashion -- sizable lead starting the 4th quarter, the other team fought back, got on a run, and Iowa panicked and could not score in anyway. I thought the coaches and players should have learned the lesson from the ISU defeat. Is lack of leadership part of the undoing? Lack of experience at guard position? Any thoughts from you folks?
I have signed up for Big 10 Plus so I can watch the women play. Last night I couldn't get the game. Anyone else have the same problem ?
As for the game , why do we keep collapsing in the 4th quarter. Our leadership could be weak. We are getting nothing from Peschel this year. Our center tandem and Disterhoff are the only positions we can count on game to game. We need last years freshmen to step up. I'd like to see what Stewart can do.
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I have signed up for Big 10 Plus so I can watch the women play. Last night I couldn't get the game. Anyone else have the same problem ?
Doug, I wasn't able to see the live feed from BTN+, just a graphic that showed current time which did not seem to be able to get past 6:58 ET. I then had to leave home so don't know if it would have eventually worked.
I have signed up for Big 10 Plus so I can watch the women play. Last night I couldn't get the game. Anyone else have the same problem ?
As for the game , why do we keep collapsing in the 4th quarter. Our leadership could be weak. We are getting nothing from Peschel this year. Our center tandem and Disterhoff are the only positions we can count on game to game. We need last years freshmen to step up. I'd like to see what Stewart can do.
We couldn't get the game to show up on Big 10 Plus either.

I think lack of leadership is probably a factor in our three late-game collapses. Turnovers late have been a problem. It's tough though with our points being undersized underclassmen.
Kastanek has been playing very well this year and her stats from last night looks fine. However being a two-year bench player she likely does not have enough experience and poise in pressure situations. Jennings did bail Iowa out with huge plays last year and this year as well, but I guess compared to last year's Logic or Dixon she is still relatively green. Lack of senior leadership does appear to be a problem. Can't afford a class with no major contributors. Peschel played fine against weaker competitions, but she just seems slow, probably due to past injuries. Her minutes are dropping. Coach Bluder likes her rebounding, but I agree, I don't see why not give Stewart a try. I don't know if Mohns would have helped last night if she hadn't been injured. Certainly didn't against Iowa State. Buttenham still makes mistakes, and her scoring is down from last year -- perhaps this year she has to create her own shots? Last year she's the instant offense off the bench.
Coach Bluder, despite all the success she has had, has never started off the Big Ten with three straight wins. This year is no different.
Coach Bluder, despite all the success she has had, has never started off the Big Ten with three straight wins. This year is no different.
I'll be happy if they get to 3-1! Have you got your free tickets for the Maryland game from Hy-Vee yet?
As I recall, they've almost blown some leads at CHA earlier, but pulled them out, including Nebraska (on the road) coming back on them somewhat. We're playing freshman and sophomore guards compared to last year with 2 seniors, and that's the biggest difference in my opinion. The game on BTN2go never did come on.
As I recall, they've almost blown some leads at CHA earlier, but pulled them out, including Nebraska (on the road) coming back on them somewhat. We're playing freshman and sophomore guards compared to last year with 2 seniors, and that's the biggest difference in my opinion. The game on BTN2go never did come on.
BTN2Go rep said that the streaming equipment at Michigan needed to be replaced and there was none on site. Of course, no partial refunds.
I've tried to get rebates in the past luck.
At least overall it B1G2go streaming has been more reliable over the years, with more game coverage as well.
Kastanek has been playing very well this year and her stats from last night looks fine. However being a two-year bench player she likely does not have enough experience and poise in pressure situations. Jennings did bail Iowa out with huge plays last year and this year as well, but I guess compared to last year's Logic or Dixon she is still relatively green. Lack of senior leadership does appear to be a problem. Can't afford a class with no major contributors. Peschel played fine against weaker competitions, but she just seems slow, probably due to past injuries. Her minutes are dropping. Coach Bluder likes her rebounding, but I agree, I don't see why not give Stewart a try. I don't know if Mohns would have helped last night if she hadn't been injured. Certainly didn't against Iowa State. Buttenham still makes mistakes, and her scoring is down from last year -- perhaps this year she has to create her own shots? Last year she's the instant offense off the bench.
It's not just that Logic was a senior. She was a four-year starter who always had the ability to put the team on her back in crunch time. Peschel is a senior but has regressed and is not the one you need then with the ball in her hands. Jennings and Davis are young but just not the physical-type players you need then. I don't need what the answer is, but I trust this coaching staff to figure it out.
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I didn't get to watch or listen to the Michigan game, nor did I the Iowa State game. From what's described they seemed to unravel in similar fashion -- sizable lead starting the 4th quarter, the other team fought back, got on a run, and Iowa panicked and could not score in anyway. I thought the coaches and players should have learned the lesson from the ISU defeat. Is lack of leadership part of the undoing? Lack of experience at guard position? Any thoughts from you folks?

It is not so much a factor of leadership as it is a factor of senior experience on the court. Iowa went from one of the most experienced senior classes to one of the least experienced. This in no way is an indictment on the seniors. I'm sure they are all highly regarded, respected, and admired by their teammates. They are leaders by example off the court as much as or more than on. They are playing with determination. This is just a case of Iowa being a young team with relatively little college level experience. Erratic play is typical for younger teams until they gain more experience playing together. That is especially true for teams like Iowa that are more team oriented and try to distribute the scoring contributions evenly among all the players. The inexplicable rashes of turnovers, the large point swings and the losses on the road are to be expected in a young and inexperienced team. The positive view is that as long as they stay united and determined, they should improve with each game as they gain that valuable experience.
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I agree with Cyberhawk. Today's game was an example of a young, inexperienced team going up against a team with several years of final four experience. With the senior leadership we had last year playing on the road, the game was much closer - a game the Hawks almost won. Not the same this year, but we did have an opportunity to see the future with Megan and Tania, and I was very happy to see Whitney break out of her slump. If she can have that confidence every game things would be really different. Once again we fell apart in fourth quarter scoring, so the coaching staff needs to figure out. GOOD news is that we never let them get the score above 20 pts. and we OUTREBOUNDED them! That in itself is a victory! These last two games can only help the team grow.
I look forward to watching this team progress. But imagine what this team could be right now with a stud senior floor general on the court like we had last year!
I look forward to watching this team progress. But imagine what this team could be right now with a stud senior floor general on the court like we had last year!
On the bright side, looks like Iowa will have a stud senior floor general on the court for the next three years.

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